]> git.argeo.org Git - gpl/argeo-suite.git/blob - org.argeo.suite.workbench.rap/src/org/argeo/suite/workbench/commands/OpenEntityEditor.java
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[gpl/argeo-suite.git] / org.argeo.suite.workbench.rap / src / org / argeo / suite / workbench / commands / OpenEntityEditor.java
1 package org.argeo.suite.workbench.commands;
4 public class OpenEntityEditor{}
6 //import javax.jcr.Node;
7 //import javax.jcr.Repository;
8 //import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
9 //import javax.jcr.Session;
10 //
11 //import org.argeo.connect.ui.workbench.AppWorkbenchService;
12 //import org.argeo.connect.ui.workbench.NodeEditorInput;
13 //import org.argeo.jcr.JcrUtils;
14 //import org.argeo.suite.SuiteException;
15 //import org.argeo.suite.workbench.AsUiPlugin;
16 //import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
17 //import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
18 //import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
19 //import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
20 //import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
21 //import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
22 //import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
23 //
24 ///** Workaround to enable opening of a default editor */
25 //public class OpenEntityEditor extends AbstractHandler {
26 // public final static String ID = AsUiPlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".openEntityEditor";
27 //
28 // public final static String PARAM_JCR_ID = "param.jcrId";
29 // // public final static String PARAM_OPEN_FOR_EDIT = "param.openForEdit";
30 // // public final static String PARAM_CTAB_ID = "param.cTabId";
31 //
32 // private Repository repository;
33 // private AppWorkbenchService appWorkbenchService;
34 //
35 // public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
36 // NodeEditorInput eei = null;
37 // Node entity = null;
38 // Session session = null;
39 // String jcrId = event.getParameter(PARAM_JCR_ID);
40 // try {
41 // session = repository.login();
42 // if (jcrId != null) {
43 // entity = session.getNodeByIdentifier(jcrId);
44 // eei = new NodeEditorInput(jcrId);
45 // } else
46 // return null;
47 //
48 // String editorId = appWorkbenchService.getEntityEditorId(entity);
49 // if (editorId != null) {
50 // IWorkbenchWindow iww = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event);
51 // IWorkbenchPage iwp = iww.getActivePage();
52 // iwp.openEditor(eei, editorId);
53 // }
54 // } catch (PartInitException pie) {
55 // throw new SuiteException("Unexpected PartInitException while opening entity editor", pie);
56 // } catch (RepositoryException e) {
57 // throw new SuiteException("unexpected JCR error while opening editor", e);
58 // } finally {
59 // JcrUtils.logoutQuietly(session);
60 // }
61 // return null;
62 // }
63 //
64 // public void setRepository(Repository repository) {
65 // this.repository = repository;
66 // }
67 //
68 // public void setAppWorkbenchService(AppWorkbenchService appWorkbenchService) {
69 // this.appWorkbenchService = appWorkbenchService;
70 // }
71 //}