package org.argeo.api.uuid; import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.DEBUG; import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.WARNING; import java.lang.System.Logger; import; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.UUID; /** * A configurable implementation of an {@link AsyncUuidFactory}, which can be * used as a base class for more optimised implementations. * * @see */ public class ConcurrentUuidFactory extends AbstractAsyncUuidFactory { private final static Logger logger = System.getLogger(ConcurrentUuidFactory.class.getName()); public ConcurrentUuidFactory(byte[] nodeId) { this(nodeId, 0); } public ConcurrentUuidFactory(byte[] nodeId, int offset) { Objects.requireNonNull(nodeId); if (offset + 6 > nodeId.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset too big: " + offset); byte[] defaultNodeId = toNodeIdBytes(nodeId, offset); long nodeIdBase = NodeIdSupplier.toNodeIdBase(defaultNodeId); setNodeIdSupplier(() -> nodeIdBase); } /** * Empty constructor for use with component life cycle. A {@link NodeIdSupplier} * must be set externally, otherwise time based UUID won't work. */ public ConcurrentUuidFactory() { super(); } // public ConcurrentUuidFactory() { // byte[] defaultNodeId = getIpBytes(); // nodeIdBase = NodeIdSupplier.toNodeIdBase(defaultNodeId); // setNodeIdSupplier(() -> nodeIdBase); // assert newTimeUUID().node() == BitSet.valueOf(defaultNodeId).toLongArray()[0]; // } /* * DEFAULT */ /** * The default {@link UUID} to provide. This implementations returns * {@link #timeUUID()} because it is fast and uses few resources. */ @Override public UUID get() { return timeUUID(); } @Override protected SecureRandom newSecureRandom() { SecureRandom secureRandom; try { secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance("DRBG", DrbgParameters.instantiation(256, DrbgParameters.Capability.PR_AND_RESEED, "UUID".getBytes())); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { try { logger.log(DEBUG, "DRBG secure random not found, using strong"); secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) { logger.log(WARNING, "No strong secure random was found, using default"); secureRandom = new SecureRandom(); } } return secureRandom; } }