dashboard=dashboard #people=contacts documents=documents locations=locations recentItems=recent items appTitle=Argeo Suite # # PEOPLE # org.argeo.people.ui.PeopleMsg # person=Person organisation=Organisation # NewPersonWizard firstName=First Name lastName=Last Name salutation=Salutation email=Email personWizardWindowTitle=New person personWizardPageTitle=Create a contact # NewOrgWizard legalName=Legal name legalForm=Legal form vatId=VAT ID orgWizardWindowTitle=New organisation orgWizardPageTitle=Create an organisation # ContextAddressComposite chooseAnOrganisation=Choose an organisation street=Street streetComplement=Street complement zipCode=Zip code city=City state=State country=Country geopoint=Geopoint # FilteredOrderableEntityTable filterHelp=Type filter criterion separated by a space # BankAccountComposite accountHolder=Account holder bankName=Bank name currency=Currency accountNumber=Account number bankNumber=Bank number BIC=BIC IBAN=IBAN # EditJobDialog position=Role chosenItem=Chose item department=Department isPrimary=Is primary searchAndChooseEntity=Search and choose a corresponding entity # ContactListCTab (e4) notes=Notes addAContact=Add a contact contactValue=Contact value linkedCompany=Linked company # OrgAdminInfoCTab (e4) paymentAccount=Payment account # OrgEditor (e4) orgDetails=Details orgActivityLog=Activity log team=Team orgAdmin=Admin. # PersonEditor (e4) personDetails=Contact details personActivityLog=Activity log personOrgs=Organisations personSecurity=Security # PersonSecurityCTab (e4) resetPassword=Reset password # Generic label=Label aCustomLabel=A custom label description=Description value=Value name=Name primary=Primary add=Add save=Save pickUp=Pick up # Tags confirmNewTag=Tag #{0} is not yet registered. Are you sure you want to create it? cannotCreateTag=Tag #{0} is not yet registered and you don't have enough rights to create it. # People people=people # Library content=content # Geo map=map # Feedback messages allFieldsMustBeSet=All fields must be set