ARGEO_BUILD_BASE := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) include $(ARGEO_BUILD_BASE) # # Common repackage routines to be included in Makefiles # # The following variables are found in the file which is generated by the configure script: # SDK_SRC_BASE the base of the source code, typically the root of the cloned git repository # SDK_BUILD_BASE the base of the output # JAVA_HOME the base of the JDK used to build A2_OUTPUT = $(SDK_BUILD_BASE)/a2 JVM ?= $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java # The following variables should be declared in the including Makefile: # CATEGORIES the space-separated list of categories to repackage # The following variables have default values which can be overriden # A2_BASE the space-separated directories where already built a2 categories can be found A2_BASE ?=/usr/share/a2 /usr/local/share/a2 $(A2_OUTPUT) # Third-party libraries LOGGER_JAR ?= $(lastword $(foreach base, $(A2_BASE), $(wildcard $(base)/log/syslogger/$(SYSLOGGER_BRANCH).jar))) BNDLIB_JAR ?= $(lastword $(foreach base, $(A2_BASE), $(wildcard $(base)/$(BNDLIB_BRANCH).jar))) # Internal variables ARGEO_REPACKAGE = $(JVM) -cp $(LOGGER_JAR):$(BNDLIB_JAR) $(ARGEO_BUILD_BASE)src/org/argeo/build/ TODOS_REPACKAGE = $(foreach category, $(CATEGORIES),$(BUILD_BASE)/$(category)/to-repackage) BUILD_BASE = $(SDK_BUILD_BASE)/$(shell basename $(SDK_SRC_BASE)) REPACKAGED_CATEGORIES = $(foreach category, $(CATEGORIES),$(A2_OUTPUT)/$(category)) all: $(BUILD_BASE)/repackaged install: $(foreach category, $(CATEGORIES), mkdir -p $(A2_INSTALL_TARGET)/$(category); cp $(A2_OUTPUT)/$(category)/*.jar $(A2_INSTALL_TARGET)/$(category);) uninstall: $(foreach category, $(CATEGORIES), rm -rf $(A2_INSTALL_TARGET)/$(category);) .SECONDEXPANSION: # We use .SECONDEXPANSION and CATEGORIES_TO_REPACKAGE instead of directly CATEGORIES # so that we don't repackage a category if it hasn't changed $(BUILD_BASE)/repackaged : CATEGORIES_TO_REPACKAGE = $(subst $(abspath $(BUILD_BASE))/,, $(subst to-repackage,, $?)) $(BUILD_BASE)/repackaged : $(TODOS_REPACKAGE) $(ARGEO_REPACKAGE) $(A2_OUTPUT) $(CATEGORIES_TO_REPACKAGE) touch $(BUILD_BASE)/repackaged $(BUILD_BASE)/%/to-repackage : $$(shell find % -type f ) @rm -rf $(dir $@) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @touch $@ clean: $(foreach category, $(CATEGORIES), rm -rf $(BUILD_BASE)/$(category)) rm -f $(BUILD_BASE)/repackaged