package; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.StringJoiner; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.OsUserDirectory; import; import; import; import org.argeo.util.naming.LdapAttrs; import org.argeo.util.naming.LdapObjs; import org.argeo.util.transaction.WorkControl; import org.argeo.util.transaction.WorkingCopyXaResource; import org.argeo.util.transaction.XAResourceProvider; public abstract class AbstractLdapDirectory implements Directory, XAResourceProvider { protected static final String SHARED_STATE_USERNAME = ""; protected static final String SHARED_STATE_PASSWORD = ""; protected final LdapName baseDn; protected final Hashtable configProperties; private final Rdn userBaseRdn, groupBaseRdn, systemRoleBaseRdn; private final String userObjectClass, groupObjectClass; private String memberAttributeId = "member"; private final boolean readOnly; private final boolean disabled; private final String uri; private String forcedPassword; private final boolean scoped; private List credentialAttributeIds = Arrays .asList(new String[] {, }); private WorkControl transactionControl; private WorkingCopyXaResource xaResource; private LdapDirectoryDao directoryDao; public AbstractLdapDirectory(URI uriArg, Dictionary props, boolean scoped) { this.configProperties = new Hashtable(); for (Enumeration keys = props.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { String key = keys.nextElement(); configProperties.put(key, props.get(key)); } baseDn = toLdapName(DirectoryConf.baseDn.getValue(configProperties)); this.scoped = scoped; if (uriArg != null) { uri = uriArg.toString(); // uri from properties is ignored } else { String uriStr = DirectoryConf.uri.getValue(configProperties); if (uriStr == null) uri = null; else uri = uriStr; } forcedPassword = DirectoryConf.forcedPassword.getValue(configProperties); userObjectClass = DirectoryConf.userObjectClass.getValue(configProperties); groupObjectClass = DirectoryConf.groupObjectClass.getValue(configProperties); String userBase = DirectoryConf.userBase.getValue(configProperties); String groupBase = DirectoryConf.groupBase.getValue(configProperties); String systemRoleBase = DirectoryConf.systemRoleBase.getValue(configProperties); try { // baseDn = new LdapName(UserAdminConf.baseDn.getValue(properties)); userBaseRdn = new Rdn(userBase); // userBaseDn = new LdapName(userBase + "," + baseDn); groupBaseRdn = new Rdn(groupBase); // groupBaseDn = new LdapName(groupBase + "," + baseDn); systemRoleBaseRdn = new Rdn(systemRoleBase); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Badly formated base DN " + DirectoryConf.baseDn.getValue(configProperties), e); } // read only String readOnlyStr = DirectoryConf.readOnly.getValue(configProperties); if (readOnlyStr == null) { readOnly = readOnlyDefault(uri); configProperties.put(, Boolean.toString(readOnly)); } else readOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(readOnlyStr); // disabled String disabledStr = DirectoryConf.disabled.getValue(configProperties); if (disabledStr != null) disabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(disabledStr); else disabled = false; if (!getRealm().isEmpty()) { // IPA multiple LDAP causes URI parsing to fail // TODO manage generic redundant LDAP case directoryDao = new LdapDao(this); } else { URI u = URI.create(uri); if (DirectoryConf.SCHEME_LDAP.equals(u.getScheme()) || DirectoryConf.SCHEME_LDAPS.equals(u.getScheme())) { directoryDao = new LdapDao(this); } else if (DirectoryConf.SCHEME_FILE.equals(u.getScheme())) { directoryDao = new LdifDao(this); } else if (DirectoryConf.SCHEME_OS.equals(u.getScheme())) { directoryDao = new OsUserDirectory(this); // singleUser = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scheme " + u.getScheme()); } } xaResource = new WorkingCopyXaResource<>(directoryDao); } /* * ABSTRACT METHODS */ // public abstract HierarchyUnit doGetHierarchyUnit(LdapName dn); // // public abstract Iterable doGetDirectHierarchyUnits(LdapName searchBase, boolean functionalOnly); // // protected abstract Boolean daoHasEntry(LdapName dn); // // protected abstract LdapEntry daoGetEntry(LdapName key) throws NameNotFoundException; // // protected abstract List doGetEntries(LdapName searchBase, Filter f, boolean deep); // // /** Returns the groups this user is a direct member of. */ // protected abstract List getDirectGroups(LdapName dn); /* * INITIALIZATION */ public void init() { getDirectoryDao().init(); } public void destroy() { getDirectoryDao().destroy(); } /* * CREATION */ protected abstract LdapEntry newUser(LdapName name, Attributes attrs); protected abstract LdapEntry newGroup(LdapName name, Attributes attrs); /* * EDITION */ public boolean isEditing() { return xaResource.wc() != null; } public LdapEntryWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy() { LdapEntryWorkingCopy wc = xaResource.wc(); if (wc == null) return null; return wc; } public void checkEdit() { if (xaResource.wc() == null) { try { transactionControl.getWorkContext().registerXAResource(xaResource, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot enlist " + xaResource, e); } } else { } } public void setTransactionControl(WorkControl transactionControl) { this.transactionControl = transactionControl; } public XAResource getXaResource() { return xaResource; } public boolean removeEntry(LdapName dn) { checkEdit(); LdapEntryWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(); boolean actuallyDeleted; if (getDirectoryDao().entryExists(dn) || wc.getNewData().containsKey(dn)) { LdapEntry user = doGetRole(dn); wc.getDeletedData().put(dn, user); actuallyDeleted = true; } else {// just removing from groups (e.g. system roles) actuallyDeleted = false; } for (LdapName groupDn : getDirectoryDao().getDirectGroups(dn)) { LdapEntry group = doGetRole(groupDn); group.getAttributes().get(getMemberAttributeId()).remove(dn.toString()); } return actuallyDeleted; } /* * RETRIEVAL */ protected LdapEntry doGetRole(LdapName dn) { LdapEntryWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(); LdapEntry user; try { user = getDirectoryDao().doGetEntry(dn); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { user = null; } if (wc != null) { if (user == null && wc.getNewData().containsKey(dn)) user = wc.getNewData().get(dn); else if (wc.getDeletedData().containsKey(dn)) user = null; } return user; } protected void collectGroups(LdapEntry user, List allRoles) { Attributes attrs = user.getAttributes(); // TODO centralize attribute name Attribute memberOf = attrs.get(; // if user belongs to this directory, we only check memberOf if (memberOf != null && user.getDn().startsWith(getBaseDn())) { try { NamingEnumeration values = memberOf.getAll(); while (values.hasMore()) { Object value =; LdapName groupDn = new LdapName(value.toString()); LdapEntry group = doGetRole(groupDn); if (group != null) allRoles.add(group); } } catch (NamingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get memberOf groups for " + user, e); } } else { for (LdapName groupDn : getDirectoryDao().getDirectGroups(user.getDn())) { // TODO check for loops LdapEntry group = doGetRole(groupDn); if (group != null) { allRoles.add(group); collectGroups(group, allRoles); } } } } /* * HIERARCHY */ @Override public HierarchyUnit getHierarchyUnit(String path) { LdapName dn = pathToName(path); return directoryDao.doGetHierarchyUnit(dn); } @Override public Iterable getDirectHierarchyUnits(boolean functionalOnly) { return directoryDao.doGetDirectHierarchyUnits(baseDn, functionalOnly); } @Override public String getHierarchyUnitName() { return getName(); } @Override public HierarchyUnit getParent() { return null; } @Override public boolean isFunctional() { return true; } @Override public Directory getDirectory() { return this; } /* * PATHS */ @Override public String getContext() { return getBaseDn().toString(); } @Override public String getName() { return nameToSimple(getBaseDn(), "."); } protected String nameToRelativePath(LdapName dn) { LdapName name = LdapNameUtils.relativeName(getBaseDn(), dn); return nameToSimple(name, "/"); } protected String nameToSimple(LdapName name, String separator) { StringJoiner path = new StringJoiner(separator); for (int i = 0; i < name.size(); i++) { path.add(name.getRdn(i).getValue().toString()); } return path.toString(); } protected LdapName pathToName(String path) { try { LdapName name = (LdapName) getBaseDn().clone(); String[] segments = path.split("/"); Rdn parentRdn = null; // segments[0] is the directory itself for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { String segment = segments[i]; // TODO make attr names configurable ? String attr = path.startsWith("accounts/")/* IPA */ ? :; if (parentRdn != null) { if (getUserBaseRdn().equals(parentRdn)) attr =; else if (getGroupBaseRdn().equals(parentRdn)) attr =; else if (getSystemRoleBaseRdn().equals(parentRdn)) attr =; } Rdn rdn = new Rdn(attr, segment); name.add(rdn); parentRdn = rdn; } return name; } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get role " + path, e); } } /* * UTILITIES */ protected static boolean hasObjectClass(Attributes attrs, LdapObjs objectClass) { return hasObjectClass(attrs,; } protected static boolean hasObjectClass(Attributes attrs, String objectClass) { try { Attribute attr = attrs.get(; NamingEnumeration en = attr.getAll(); while (en.hasMore()) { String v =; if (v.equalsIgnoreCase(objectClass)) return true; } return false; } catch (NamingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot search for objectClass " + objectClass, e); } } private static boolean readOnlyDefault(String uriStr) { if (uriStr == null) return true; /// TODO make it more generic URI uri; try { uri = new URI(uriStr.split(" ")[0]); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } if (uri.getScheme() == null) return false;// assume relative file to be writable if (uri.getScheme().equals(DirectoryConf.SCHEME_FILE)) { File file = new File(uri); if (file.exists()) return !file.canWrite(); else return !file.getParentFile().canWrite(); } else if (uri.getScheme().equals(DirectoryConf.SCHEME_LDAP)) { if (uri.getAuthority() != null)// assume writable if authenticated return false; } else if (uri.getScheme().equals(DirectoryConf.SCHEME_OS)) { return true; } return true;// read only by default } /* * AS AN ENTRY */ public LdapEntry asLdapEntry() { try { return directoryDao.doGetEntry(baseDn); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get " + baseDn + " entry", e); } } public Dictionary getProperties() { return asLdapEntry().getProperties(); } /* * ACCESSORS */ @Override public Optional getRealm() { Object realm = configProperties.get(; if (realm == null) return Optional.empty(); return Optional.of(realm.toString()); } public LdapName getBaseDn() { return (LdapName) baseDn.clone(); } public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public boolean isDisabled() { return disabled; } public Rdn getUserBaseRdn() { return userBaseRdn; } public Rdn getGroupBaseRdn() { return groupBaseRdn; } public Rdn getSystemRoleBaseRdn() { return systemRoleBaseRdn; } // public Dictionary getConfigProperties() { // return configProperties; // } public Dictionary cloneConfigProperties() { return new Hashtable<>(configProperties); } public String getForcedPassword() { return forcedPassword; } public boolean isScoped() { return scoped; } public List getCredentialAttributeIds() { return credentialAttributeIds; } public String getUri() { return uri; } public LdapDirectoryDao getDirectoryDao() { return directoryDao; } /** dn can be null, in that case a default should be returned. */ public String getUserObjectClass() { return userObjectClass; } public String getGroupObjectClass() { return groupObjectClass; } public String getMemberAttributeId() { return memberAttributeId; } /* * OBJECT METHODS */ @Override public int hashCode() { return baseDn.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Directory " + baseDn.toString(); } }