// COMMON [slc:nameVersion] > nt:base mixin - slc:name (STRING) m - slc:version (STRING) m [slc:categorizedNameVersion] > slc:nameVersion mixin // define as mandatory? - slc:category (STRING) // AGENT [slc:agentFactory] > nt:unstructured, mix:title + * (slc:agent) [slc:agent] > nt:unstructured, mix:title + * (slc:module) [slc:module] > slc:nameVersion, mix:title mixin [slc:activableModule] > slc:module mixin [slc:executionModule] > slc:activableModule mixin [slc:executionSpec] > nt:unstructured, mix:referenceable, mix:title - slc:name (STRING) m + * (slc:executionSpecAttribute) * [slc:executionSpecAttribute] > nt:base mixin abstract - slc:isImmutable (BOOLEAN) - slc:isConstant (BOOLEAN) - slc:isHidden (BOOLEAN) [slc:primitiveSpecAttribute] > slc:executionSpecAttribute mixin - slc:type (STRING) - slc:value (UNDEFINED) [slc:refSpecAttribute] > slc:executionSpecAttribute orderable mixin // typically a class name - slc:type (STRING) - slc:value (UNDEFINED) + * (mix:title) [slc:executionFlow] > nt:unstructured, mix:title - slc:name (STRING) ! m // if the execution spec is a referenceable node - slc:spec (REFERENCE) // if the execution spec is internal (without name) + * (slc:executionSpecAttribute) * // PROCESS [slc:process] > nt:unstructured, mix:created, mix:lastModified orderable - slc:uuid (STRING) ! m - slc:status (STRING) m + slc:flow (slc:realizedFlow) + slc:log // The first part of the relative path is the thread name, rest is location [slc:logEntry] > nt:unstructured abstract - slc:message (STRING) ! - slc:timestamp (STRING) // Log levels are set via types. // Querying one level also queries the higher levels thanks to the inheritance // e.g. 'select * from [slc:logWarn]' also returns errors [slc:logTrace] > slc:logEntry [slc:logDebug] > slc:logTrace [slc:logInfo] > slc:logDebug [slc:logWarning] > slc:logInfo [slc:logError] > slc:logWarning [slc:realizedFlow] > nt:base orderable mixin // the name of the flow // - slc:flow (STRING) // the name of the execution spec // - slc:spec (STRING) - slc:started (DATE) - slc:completed (DATE) //- slc:status (STRING) + slc:address (nt:address) + slc:flow (slc:realizedFlow) * // the realized execution spec attributes + * (slc:executionSpecAttribute) * // RESULT [slc:testResult] > nt:unstructured, mix:created, mix:lastModified - slc:uuid (STRING) ! m - slc:testCase (STRING) - slc:completed (DATE) // Helper to keep a centralize place to have testResultStatus // when adding more than one result part to a given testResult + slc:aggregatedStatus (slc:check) // DEPRECATED - FOR COMPATIBILITY - DO NOT USE + slc:testStatus (slc:check) [slc:diffResult] > slc:testResult + slc:summary + slc:issues [slc:resultFolder] > nt:unstructured + slc:folderStatus (slc:check) + * (slc:resultFolder) * + * (slc:testResult) * // base node for user defined and managed result tree // simplify UI management [slc:myResultRootFolder] > nt:unstructured + * (slc:resultFolder) * + * (slc:testResult) * [slc:check] > nt:unstructured // true for PASSED, false for FAILED or ERROR - slc:success (BOOLEAN) ! m - slc:message (STRING) // ERROR if set, the check could not be performed because of an unexpected exception - slc:errorMessage (STRING) // to ease transition with legacy approach + * (slc:property) * [slc:property] > nt:unstructured - slc:name (STRING) ! m - slc:value (STRING) m // // DISTRIBUTION // // AETHER [slc:artifact] > mix:referenceable, mix:created, mix:lastModified mixin - slc:artifactId (STRING) m - slc:groupId (STRING) m - slc:artifactVersion (STRING) m - slc:artifactExtension (STRING) m - slc:artifactClassifier (STRING) ='' m a [slc:artifactVersion] > mix:referenceable, mix:created, mix:lastModified, mix:title mixin - slc:artifactId (STRING) m - slc:groupId (STRING) m - slc:artifactVersion (STRING) m [slc:artifactBase] > mix:referenceable, mix:created, mix:lastModified mixin - slc:artifactId (STRING) m - slc:groupId (STRING) m [slc:groupBase] > mix:referenceable, mix:created, mix:lastModified mixin // it is possible to have groupBase being artifact base (e.g. org.argeo.commons.basic) // so using groupId would conflict - slc:groupBaseId (STRING) m [slc:modularDistributionBase] mixin [slc:modularDistribution] mixin + slc:modules (nt:unstructured) m [slc:moduleCoordinates] > nt:unstructured - slc:category (STRING) - slc:name (STRING) - slc:version (STRING) // ORIGINS [slc:knownOrigin] > nt:base mixin + slc:origin (nt:address) [slc:proxied] > nt:address - slc:proxy (REFERENCE) // JAVA [slc:jarFile] > mix:referenceable mixin - 'slc:manifest' (BINARY) m - 'slc:Manifest-Version' (STRING) - 'slc:Signature-Version' (STRING) - 'slc:Class-Path' (STRING) - 'slc:Main-Class' (STRING) - 'slc:Extension-Name' (STRING) - 'slc:Implementation-Version' (STRING) - 'slc:Implementation-Vendor' (STRING) - 'slc:Implementation-Vendor-Id' (STRING) - 'slc:Implementation-URL' (STRING) - 'slc:Specification-Title' (STRING) - 'slc:Specification-Version' (STRING) - 'slc:Specification-Vendor' (STRING) - 'slc:Sealed' (STRING) // OSGi // see http://www.osgi.org/Specifications/Reference [slc:javaPackage] > mix:referenceable - slc:name (STRING) primary m [slc:osgiBaseVersion] > mix:referenceable - slc:asString (STRING) primary m - slc:major (LONG) m - slc:minor (LONG) m - slc:micro (LONG) m [slc:osgiVersion] > slc:osgiBaseVersion - slc:qualifier (STRING) [slc:exportedPackage] > slc:javaPackage + slc:uses (slc:javaPackage) multiple + slc:version (slc:osgiVersion) [slc:importedPackage] > slc:javaPackage - slc:version (STRING) ='0.0.0' m a - slc:optional (BOOLEAN) ='false' m a [slc:dynamicImportedPackage] > slc:javaPackage - slc:version (STRING) ='0.0.0' m a - slc:optional (BOOLEAN) ='false' m a [slc:requiredBundle] > mix:referenceable - 'slc:symbolic-name' (STRING) primary m - 'slc:bundle-version' (STRING) ='0.0.0' m a - slc:optional (BOOLEAN) ='false' m a [slc:fragmentHost] > mix:referenceable - 'slc:symbolic-name' (STRING) m - 'slc:bundle-version' (STRING) ='0.0.0' m a [slc:bundleNativeCode] > mix:referenceable - slc:path (STRING) primary m - slc:osname (STRING) - slc:processor (STRING) // see http://www.osgi.org/Specifications/ReferenceHeaders [slc:bundle] > mix:referenceable mixin - 'slc:symbolic-name' (STRING) primary m - 'slc:bundle-version' (STRING) m - 'slc:Bundle-SymbolicName' (STRING) m - 'slc:Bundle-Name' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-Description' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-ManifestVersion' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-Category' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-ActivationPolicy' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-Copyright' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-Vendor' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-License' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-DocURL' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-ContactAddress' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-Activator' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-UpdateLocation' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-Localization' (STRING) - 'slc:Bundle-ClassPath' (STRING) * // see http://wiki.eclipse.org/EE < 'OSGi/Minimum-1.0','OSGi/Minimum-1.1','CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0','CDC-1.1/Foundation-1.1','JRE-1.1','J2SE-1.2','J2SE-1.3','J2SE-1.4','J2SE-1.5','JavaSE-1.6','JavaSE-1.7' - 'slc:Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment' (STRING) * + 'slc:Bundle-Version' (slc:osgiVersion) m + 'slc:Fragment-Host' (slc:fragmentHost) + 'slc:Import-Package' (slc:importedPackage) multiple + 'slc:Export-Package' (slc:exportedPackage) multiple + 'slc:Require-Bundle' (slc:requiredBundle) multiple + 'slc:Bundle-NativeCode' (slc:bundleNativeCode) multiple + 'slc:DynamicImport-Package' (slc:dynamicImportedPackage) multiple [slc:bundleArtifact] > slc:artifact,slc:jarFile,slc:bundle mixin // RPM [slc:rpm] > mix:referenceable, mix:created, mix:lastModified, mix:title mixin - slc:name (STRING) - slc:version (STRING) - slc:rpmVersion (STRING) - slc:rpmRelease (STRING) - slc:rpmArch (STRING) - slc:rpmArchiveSize (STRING) // TYPO - TO BE REMOVED - slc:rpmArchivaeSize (STRING)