package; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn; import; import; import org.argeo.ArgeoException; import org.argeo.cms.CmsView; import org.argeo.cms.auth.AuthConstants; import org.argeo.cms.auth.CurrentUser; import org.argeo.cms.util.CmsUtils; import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.EclipseUiUtils; import org.argeo.jcr.JcrUtils; import org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.LdifName; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Group; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Role; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.User; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdmin; /** Centralise common patterns to manage roles with a user admin */ public class UserAdminUtils { /** Retrieves a {@link Role} given a LDAP name */ public final static Role getRole(UserAdmin userAdmin, LdapName dn) { Role role = userAdmin.getRole(dn.toString()); return role; } /** Retrieves the unique local username given a {@link User}. */ public final static String getUsername(User user) { String username = null; if (user instanceof Group) username = getProperty(user,; else username = getProperty(user,; return username; } /** * Easily retrieves one of the {@link Role}'s property or an empty String if * the requested property is not defined */ public final static String getProperty(Role role, String key) { Object obj = role.getProperties().get(key); if (obj != null) return (String) obj; else return ""; } // CENTRALIZE SOME METHODS UNTIL API IS STABLE /** Simply checks if current user is registered */ public static boolean isRegistered() { return !CurrentUser.isAnonymous(); } /** Simply checks if current user as a home */ public static boolean hasHome() { return isRegistered(); } // SELF HELPERS /** Simply retrieves the current logged-in user display name. */ public static User getCurrentUser(UserAdmin userAdmin) { return (User) getRole(userAdmin, getCurrentUserLdapName()); } /** Simply retrieves the current logged-in user display name. */ public static String getCurrentUserDisplayName(UserAdmin userAdmin) { String username = getCurrentUsername(); return getUserDisplayName(userAdmin, username); } /** Simply retrieves the current logged-in user display name. */ public static String getCurrentUserMail(UserAdmin userAdmin) { String username = getCurrentUsername(); return getUserMail(userAdmin, username); } /** Returns the local name of the current connected user */ public final static String getUsername(UserAdmin userAdmin) { LdapName dn = getCurrentUserLdapName(); return getUsername((User) getRole(userAdmin, dn)); } /** Returns true if the current user is in the specified role */ public static boolean isUserInRole(String role) { Set roles = CurrentUser.roles(); return roles.contains(role); } /** Simply checks if current user is the same as the passed one */ public static boolean isCurrentUser(User user) { String userName = getProperty(user,; try { LdapName selfUserName = getCurrentUserLdapName(); LdapName userLdapName = new LdapName(userName); if (userLdapName.equals(selfUserName)) return true; else return false; } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new ArgeoException("User " + user + " has an unvalid dn: " + userName, e); } } public final static LdapName getCurrentUserLdapName() { String name = getCurrentUsername(); return getLdapName(name); } /** Simply retrieves username for current user, generally a LDAP dn */ public static String getCurrentUsername() { Subject subject = currentSubject(); String name = subject.getPrincipals(X500Principal.class).iterator() .next().toString(); return name; } /** * Fork of the {@link CurrentUser#currentSubject} method that is private. * TODO Enhance and factorize */ private static Subject currentSubject() { CmsView cmsView = CmsUtils.getCmsView(); if (cmsView != null) return cmsView.getSubject(); Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()); if (subject != null) return subject; throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find related subject"); } // HOME MANAGEMENT /** * Simply retrieves the *relative* path to the current user home node from * the base home node */ public static String getCurrentUserHomeRelPath() { return getHomeRelPath(getCurrentUsername()); } /** * Simply retrieves the *relative* path to the home node of a user given its * userName */ public static String getHomeRelPath(String userName) { String id = getUserUid(userName); String currHomePath = JcrUtils.firstCharsToPath(id, 2) + "/" + id; return currHomePath; } // HELPERS TO RETRIEVE REMARKABLE PROPERTIES /** Simply retrieves the user uid from his dn with no useradmin */ public static String getUserUid(String dn) { LdapName ldapName = getLdapName(dn); Rdn last = ldapName.getRdn(ldapName.size() - 1); if (last.getType().toLowerCase().equals( || last.getType().toLowerCase().equals( return (String) last.getValue(); else throw new ArgeoException("Cannot retrieve user uid, " + "non valid dn: " + dn); } /** * Returns the local username if no user with this dn is found or if the * found user has no defined display name */ public static String getUserDisplayName(UserAdmin userAdmin, String dn) { Role user = getRole(userAdmin, getLdapName(dn)); if (user == null) return getUserUid(dn); String displayName = getProperty(user,; if (EclipseUiUtils.isEmpty(displayName)) displayName = getProperty(user,; if (EclipseUiUtils.isEmpty(displayName)) return getUserUid(dn); else return displayName; } /** * Returns null if no user with this dn is found or if the found user has no * defined mail */ public static String getUserMail(UserAdmin userAdmin, String dn) { Role user = getRole(userAdmin, getLdapName(dn)); if (user == null) return null; else return getProperty(user,; } // VARIOUS UI HELPERS public final static String buildDefaultCn(String firstName, String lastName) { return (firstName.trim() + " " + lastName.trim() + " ").trim(); } /** Simply retrieves a display name of the relevant domain */ public final static String getDomainName(User user) { String dn = user.getName(); if (dn.endsWith(AuthConstants.ROLES_BASEDN)) return "System roles"; try { LdapName name = new LdapName(dn); List rdns = name.getRdns(); String dname = null; int i = 0; loop: while (i < rdns.size()) { Rdn currrRdn = rdns.get(i); if (! break loop; else { String currVal = (String) currrRdn.getValue(); dname = dname == null ? currVal : currVal + "." + dname; } i++; } return dname; } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new ArgeoException("Unable to get domain name for " + dn, e); } } // Local Helpers /** Simply retrieves a LDAP name from a dn with no exception */ public static LdapName getLdapName(String dn) { try { return new LdapName(dn); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new ArgeoException("Cannot parse LDAP name " + dn, e); } } }