package org.argeo.osgi.useradmin; import static org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.LdifName.inetOrgPerson; import static org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.LdifName.objectClass; import static org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.LdifName.organizationalPerson; import static org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.LdifName.person; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import; import; import; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.Transaction; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.osgi.framework.Filter; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Authorization; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Role; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.User; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdmin; /** Base class for a {@link UserDirectory}. */ abstract class AbstractUserDirectory implements UserAdmin, UserDirectory { private final static Log log = LogFactory .getLog(AbstractUserDirectory.class); private final Hashtable properties; private final String baseDn; private final String userObjectClass; private final String groupObjectClass; private final boolean readOnly; private final URI uri; private UserAdmin externalRoles; private List indexedUserProperties = Arrays.asList(new String[] {,, }); private String memberAttributeId = "member"; private List credentialAttributeIds = Arrays .asList(new String[] { }); private TransactionManager transactionManager; private ThreadLocal workingCopy = new ThreadLocal(); private Xid editingTransactionXid = null; AbstractUserDirectory(Dictionary props) { properties = new Hashtable(); for (Enumeration keys = props.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { String key = keys.nextElement(); properties.put(key, props.get(key)); } String uriStr = UserAdminConf.uri.getValue(properties); if (uriStr == null) uri = null; else try { uri = new URI(uriStr); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new UserDirectoryException("Badly formatted URI " + uriStr, e); } baseDn = UserAdminConf.baseDn.getValue(properties).toString(); String readOnlyStr = UserAdminConf.readOnly.getValue(properties); if (readOnlyStr == null) { readOnly = readOnlyDefault(uri); properties.put(, Boolean.toString(readOnly)); } else readOnly = new Boolean(readOnlyStr); userObjectClass = UserAdminConf.userObjectClass.getValue(properties); groupObjectClass = UserAdminConf.groupObjectClass.getValue(properties); } /** Returns the groups this user is a direct member of. */ protected abstract List getDirectGroups(LdapName dn); protected abstract Boolean daoHasRole(LdapName dn); protected abstract DirectoryUser daoGetRole(LdapName key); protected abstract List doGetRoles(Filter f); public void init() { } public void destroy() { } boolean isEditing() { if (editingTransactionXid == null) return false; return workingCopy.get() != null; } protected UserDirectoryWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy() { UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc = workingCopy.get(); if (wc == null) return null; if (wc.getXid() == null) { workingCopy.set(null); return null; } return wc; } void checkEdit() { Transaction transaction; try { transaction = transactionManager.getTransaction(); } catch (SystemException e) { throw new UserDirectoryException("Cannot get transaction", e); } if (transaction == null) throw new UserDirectoryException( "A transaction needs to be active in order to edit"); if (editingTransactionXid == null) { UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc = new UserDirectoryWorkingCopy(this); try { transaction.enlistResource(wc); editingTransactionXid = wc.getXid(); workingCopy.set(wc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UserDirectoryException("Cannot enlist " + wc, e); } } else { if (workingCopy.get() == null) throw new UserDirectoryException("Transaction " + editingTransactionXid + " already editing"); else if (!editingTransactionXid.equals(workingCopy.get().getXid())) throw new UserDirectoryException("Working copy Xid " + workingCopy.get().getXid() + " inconsistent with" + editingTransactionXid); } } List getAllRoles(DirectoryUser user) { List allRoles = new ArrayList(); if (user != null) { collectRoles(user, allRoles); allRoles.add(user); } else collectAnonymousRoles(allRoles); return allRoles; } private void collectRoles(DirectoryUser user, List allRoles) { for (LdapName groupDn : getDirectGroups(user.getDn())) { // TODO check for loops DirectoryUser group = doGetRole(groupDn); allRoles.add(group); collectRoles(group, allRoles); } } private void collectAnonymousRoles(List allRoles) { // TODO gather anonymous roles } // USER ADMIN @Override public Role getRole(String name) { return doGetRole(toDn(name)); } protected DirectoryUser doGetRole(LdapName dn) { UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(); DirectoryUser user = daoGetRole(dn); if (wc != null) { if (user == null && wc.getNewUsers().containsKey(dn)) user = wc.getNewUsers().get(dn); else if (wc.getDeletedUsers().containsKey(dn)) user = null; } return user; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Role[] getRoles(String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException { UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(); Filter f = filter != null ? FrameworkUtil.createFilter(filter) : null; List res = doGetRoles(f); if (wc != null) { for (Iterator it = res.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { DirectoryUser user =; LdapName dn = user.getDn(); if (wc.getDeletedUsers().containsKey(dn)) it.remove(); } for (DirectoryUser user : wc.getNewUsers().values()) { if (f == null || f.match(user.getProperties())) res.add(user); } // no need to check modified users, // since doGetRoles was already based on the modified attributes } return res.toArray(new Role[res.size()]); } @Override public User getUser(String key, String value) { // TODO check value null or empty List collectedUsers = new ArrayList( getIndexedUserProperties().size()); if (key != null) { doGetUser(key, value, collectedUsers); } else { // try dn DirectoryUser user = null; try { user = (DirectoryUser) getRole(value); if (user != null) collectedUsers.add(user); } catch (Exception e) { // silent } // try all indexes for (String attr : getIndexedUserProperties()) doGetUser(attr, value, collectedUsers); } if (collectedUsers.size() == 1) return collectedUsers.get(0); else if (collectedUsers.size() > 1) log.warn(collectedUsers.size() + " users for " + (key != null ? key + "=" : "") + value); return null; } protected void doGetUser(String key, String value, List collectedUsers) { try { Filter f = FrameworkUtil.createFilter("(&(" + objectClass + "=" + getUserObjectClass() + ")(" + key + "=" + value + "))"); List users = doGetRoles(f); collectedUsers.addAll(users); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new UserDirectoryException("Cannot get user with " + key + "=" + value, e); } } @Override public Authorization getAuthorization(User user) { return new LdifAuthorization((DirectoryUser) user, getAllRoles((DirectoryUser) user)); } @Override public Role createRole(String name, int type) { checkEdit(); UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(); LdapName dn = toDn(name); if ((daoHasRole(dn) && !wc.getDeletedUsers().containsKey(dn)) || wc.getNewUsers().containsKey(dn)) throw new UserDirectoryException("Already a role " + name); BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); attrs.put("dn", dn.toString()); Rdn nameRdn = dn.getRdn(dn.size() - 1); // TODO deal with multiple attr RDN attrs.put(nameRdn.getType(), nameRdn.getValue()); if (wc.getDeletedUsers().containsKey(dn)) { wc.getDeletedUsers().remove(dn); wc.getModifiedUsers().put(dn, attrs); } else { wc.getModifiedUsers().put(dn, attrs); DirectoryUser newRole = newRole(dn, type, attrs); wc.getNewUsers().put(dn, newRole); } return getRole(name); } protected DirectoryUser newRole(LdapName dn, int type, Attributes attrs) { LdifUser newRole; BasicAttribute objClass = new BasicAttribute(; if (type == Role.USER) { String userObjClass = getUserObjectClass(); objClass.add(userObjClass); if ( { objClass.add(; objClass.add(; } else if ( { objClass.add(; } objClass.add(top); attrs.put(objClass); newRole = new LdifUser(this, dn, attrs); } else if (type == Role.GROUP) { objClass.add(getGroupObjectClass()); objClass.add(top); attrs.put(objClass); newRole = new LdifGroup(this, dn, attrs); } else throw new UserDirectoryException("Unsupported type " + type); return newRole; } @Override public boolean removeRole(String name) { checkEdit(); UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(); LdapName dn = toDn(name); boolean actuallyDeleted; if (daoHasRole(dn) || wc.getNewUsers().containsKey(dn)) { DirectoryUser user = (DirectoryUser) getRole(name); wc.getDeletedUsers().put(dn, user); actuallyDeleted = true; } else {// just removing from groups (e.g. system roles) actuallyDeleted = false; } for (LdapName groupDn : getDirectGroups(dn)) { DirectoryUser group = doGetRole(groupDn); group.getAttributes().get(getMemberAttributeId()) .remove(dn.toString()); } return actuallyDeleted; } // TRANSACTION protected void prepare(UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc) { } protected void commit(UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc) { } protected void rollback(UserDirectoryWorkingCopy wc) { } void clearEditingTransactionXid() { editingTransactionXid = null; } // UTILITIES protected LdapName toDn(String name) { try { return new LdapName(name); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new UserDirectoryException("Badly formatted name", e); } } // GETTERS String getMemberAttributeId() { return memberAttributeId; } List getCredentialAttributeIds() { return credentialAttributeIds; } protected URI getUri() { return uri; } protected List getIndexedUserProperties() { return indexedUserProperties; } protected void setIndexedUserProperties(List indexedUserProperties) { this.indexedUserProperties = indexedUserProperties; } private static boolean readOnlyDefault(URI uri) { if (uri == null) return true; if (uri.getScheme().equals("file")) { File file = new File(uri); if (file.exists()) return !file.canWrite(); else return !file.getParentFile().canWrite(); } return true; } public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } UserAdmin getExternalRoles() { return externalRoles; } public String getBaseDn() { return baseDn; } protected String getUserObjectClass() { return userObjectClass; } protected String getGroupObjectClass() { return groupObjectClass; } public Dictionary getProperties() { return properties; } public void setExternalRoles(UserAdmin externalRoles) { this.externalRoles = externalRoles; } public void setTransactionManager(TransactionManager transactionManager) { this.transactionManager = transactionManager; } }