package org.argeo.cms.internal.text; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.SingletonUtil; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; /** Copy of RAP v2.3 since it is in an internal package. */ class MarkupValidatorCopy { // Used by Eclipse Scout project public static final String MARKUP_VALIDATION_DISABLED = "org.eclipse.rap.rwt.markupValidationDisabled"; private static final String DTD = createDTD(); private static final Map SUPPORTED_ELEMENTS = createSupportedElementsMap(); private final SAXParser saxParser; public static MarkupValidatorCopy getInstance() { return SingletonUtil.getSessionInstance( MarkupValidatorCopy.class ); } public MarkupValidatorCopy() { saxParser = createSAXParser(); } public void validate( String text ) { StringBuilder markup = new StringBuilder(); markup.append( DTD ); markup.append( "" ); markup.append( text ); markup.append( "" ); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource( new StringReader( markup.toString() ) ); try { saxParser.parse( inputSource, new MarkupHandler() ); } catch( RuntimeException exception ) { throw exception; } catch( Exception exception ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Failed to parse markup text", exception ); } } public static boolean isValidationDisabledFor( Widget widget ) { return Boolean.TRUE.equals( widget.getData( MARKUP_VALIDATION_DISABLED ) ); } private static SAXParser createSAXParser() { SAXParser result = null; SAXParserFactory parserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); try { result = parserFactory.newSAXParser(); } catch( Exception exception ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to create SAX parser", exception ); } return result; } private static String createDTD() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "" ); result.append( "]>" ); return result.toString(); } private static Map createSupportedElementsMap() { Map result = new HashMap(); result.put( "html", new String[ 0 ] ); result.put( "br", new String[ 0 ] ); result.put( "b", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "strong", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "i", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "em", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "sub", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "sup", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "big", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "small", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "del", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "ins", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "code", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "samp", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "kbd", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "var", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "cite", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "dfn", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "q", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "abbr", new String[] { "style", "title" } ); result.put( "span", new String[] { "style" } ); result.put( "img", new String[] { "style", "src", "width", "height", "title", "alt" } ); result.put( "a", new String[] { "style", "href", "target", "title" } ); return result; } private static class MarkupHandler extends DefaultHandler { @Override public void startElement( String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes attributes ) { checkSupportedElements( name, attributes ); checkSupportedAttributes( name, attributes ); checkMandatoryAttributes( name, attributes ); } private static void checkSupportedElements( String elementName, Attributes attributes ) { if( !SUPPORTED_ELEMENTS.containsKey( elementName ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported element in markup text: " + elementName ); } } private static void checkSupportedAttributes( String elementName, Attributes attributes ) { if( attributes.getLength() > 0 ) { List supportedAttributes = Arrays.asList( SUPPORTED_ELEMENTS.get( elementName ) ); int index = 0; String attributeName = attributes.getQName( index ); while( attributeName != null ) { if( !supportedAttributes.contains( attributeName ) ) { String message = "Unsupported attribute \"{0}\" for element \"{1}\" in markup text"; message = MessageFormat.format( message, new Object[] { attributeName, elementName } ); throw new IllegalArgumentException( message ); } index++; attributeName = attributes.getQName( index ); } } } private static void checkMandatoryAttributes( String elementName, Attributes attributes ) { checkIntAttribute( elementName, attributes, "img", "width" ); checkIntAttribute( elementName, attributes, "img", "height" ); } private static void checkIntAttribute( String elementName, Attributes attributes, String checkedElementName, String checkedAttributeName ) { if( checkedElementName.equals( elementName ) ) { String attribute = attributes.getValue( checkedAttributeName ); try { Integer.parseInt( attribute ); } catch( NumberFormatException exception ) { String message = "Mandatory attribute \"{0}\" for element \"{1}\" is missing or not a valid integer"; Object[] arguments = new Object[] { checkedAttributeName, checkedElementName }; message = MessageFormat.format( message, arguments ); throw new IllegalArgumentException( message ); } } } } }