package org.argeo.cms.internal.runtime; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsConstants; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsLog; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsState; import org.argeo.api.uuid.UuidFactory; import org.argeo.cms.CmsDeployProperty; import org.argeo.cms.auth.ident.IdentClient; /** * Implementation of a {@link CmsState}, initialising the required services. */ public class CmsStateImpl implements CmsState { private final static CmsLog log = CmsLog.getLog(CmsStateImpl.class); // REFERENCES private Long availableSince; private UUID uuid; // private final boolean cleanState; private String hostname; private UuidFactory uuidFactory; private final Map deployPropertyDefaults; public CmsStateImpl() { Map deployPropertyDefaults = new HashMap<>(); deployPropertyDefaults.put(CmsDeployProperty.NODE_INIT, "../../init"); deployPropertyDefaults.put(CmsDeployProperty.LOCALE, Locale.getDefault().toString()); deployPropertyDefaults.put(CmsDeployProperty.SSL_KEYSTORETYPE, PkiUtils.PKCS12); deployPropertyDefaults.put(CmsDeployProperty.SSL_PASSWORD, "changeit"); Path keyStorePath = getDataPath(PkiUtils.DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PATH); deployPropertyDefaults.put(CmsDeployProperty.SSL_KEYSTORE, keyStorePath.toAbsolutePath().toString()); this.deployPropertyDefaults = Collections.unmodifiableMap(deployPropertyDefaults); } public void start() { // Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new CmsShutdown()); try { initSecurity(); // initArgeoLogger(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("CMS State started"); // String stateUuidStr = KernelUtils.getFrameworkProp(Constants.FRAMEWORK_UUID); // this.uuid = UUID.fromString(stateUuidStr); this.uuid = uuidFactory.timeUUID(); // this.cleanState = stateUuid.equals(frameworkUuid); try { this.hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error("Cannot set hostname: " + e); } availableSince = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // log.debug("## CMS starting... stateUuid=" + this.stateUuid + (cleanState ? " // (clean state) " : " ")); StringJoiner sb = new StringJoiner("\n"); CmsDeployProperty[] deployProperties = CmsDeployProperty.values(); Arrays.sort(deployProperties, (o1, o2) ->; for (CmsDeployProperty deployProperty : deployProperties) { List values = getDeployProperties(deployProperty); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { String value = values.get(i); if (value != null) { boolean isDefault = deployPropertyDefaults.containsKey(deployProperty) && value.equals(deployPropertyDefaults.get(deployProperty)); String line = deployProperty.getProperty() + (i == 0 ? "" : "." + i) + "=" + value + (isDefault ? " (default)" : ""); sb.add(line); } } } log.debug("## CMS starting... (" + uuid + ")\n" + sb + "\n"); } // initI18n(); // initServices(); if (!Files.exists(getDataPath(CmsConstants.NODE))) {// first init firstInit(); } } catch (RuntimeException | IOException e) { log.error("## FATAL: CMS activator failed", e); } } private void initSecurity() { if (getDeployProperty(CmsDeployProperty.JAVA_LOGIN_CONFIG) == null) { String jaasConfig = KernelConstants.JAAS_CONFIG; URL url = getClass().getResource(jaasConfig); // System.setProperty(KernelConstants.JAAS_CONFIG_PROP, // url.toExternalForm()); KernelUtils.setJaasConfiguration(url); } // explicitly load JAAS configuration Configuration.getConfiguration(); boolean initSsl = getDeployProperty(CmsDeployProperty.HTTPS_PORT) != null; if (initSsl) { initCertificates(); } } private void initCertificates() { // server certificate Path keyStorePath = Paths.get(getDeployProperty(CmsDeployProperty.SSL_KEYSTORE)); Path pemKeyPath = getDataPath(PkiUtils.DEFAULT_PEM_KEY_PATH); Path pemCertPath = getDataPath(PkiUtils.DEFAULT_PEM_CERT_PATH); char[] keyStorePassword = getDeployProperty(CmsDeployProperty.SSL_PASSWORD).toCharArray(); // if PEM files both exists, update the PKCS12 file if (Files.exists(pemCertPath) && Files.exists(pemKeyPath)) { // TODO check certificate update time? monitor changes? KeyStore keyStore = PkiUtils.getKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword, PkiUtils.PKCS12); try (Reader key = Files.newBufferedReader(pemKeyPath, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); Reader cert = Files.newBufferedReader(pemCertPath, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);) { PkiUtils.loadPem(keyStore, key, keyStorePassword, cert); PkiUtils.saveKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword, keyStore); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("PEM certificate stored in " + keyStorePath); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Cannot read PEM files " + pemKeyPath + " and " + pemCertPath, e); } } if (!Files.exists(keyStorePath)) PkiUtils.createSelfSignedKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword, PkiUtils.PKCS12); // props.put(JettyHttpConstants.SSL_KEYSTORETYPE, PkiUtils.PKCS12); // props.put(JettyHttpConstants.SSL_KEYSTORE, keyStorePath.toString()); // props.put(JettyHttpConstants.SSL_PASSWORD, new String(keyStorePassword)); // props.put(InternalHttpConstants.SSL_KEYSTORETYPE, "PKCS11"); // props.put(InternalHttpConstants.SSL_KEYSTORE, "../../nssdb"); // props.put(InternalHttpConstants.SSL_PASSWORD, keyStorePassword); } public void stop() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("CMS stopping... (" + this.uuid + ")"); long duration = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - availableSince) / 1000) / 60;"## ARGEO CMS STOPPED after " + (duration / 60) + "h " + (duration % 60) + "min uptime ##"); } private void firstInit() throws IOException {"## FIRST INIT ##"); List nodeInits = getDeployProperties(CmsDeployProperty.NODE_INIT); // if (nodeInits == null) // nodeInits = "../../init"; CmsStateImpl.prepareFirstInitInstanceArea(nodeInits); } @Override public String getDeployProperty(String property) { CmsDeployProperty deployProperty = CmsDeployProperty.find(property); if (deployProperty == null) { // legacy if (property.startsWith("argeo.node.")) { return doGetDeployProperty(property); } if (property.equals("argeo.i18n.locales")) { String value = doGetDeployProperty(property); if (value != null) { log.warn("Property " + property + " was ignored (value=" + value + ")"); } return null; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported deploy property " + property); } int index = CmsDeployProperty.getPropertyIndex(property); return getDeployProperty(deployProperty, index); } @Override public List getDeployProperties(String property) { CmsDeployProperty deployProperty = CmsDeployProperty.find(property); if (deployProperty == null) return new ArrayList<>(); return getDeployProperties(deployProperty); } public static List getDeployProperties(CmsState cmsState, CmsDeployProperty deployProperty) { return ((CmsStateImpl) cmsState).getDeployProperties(deployProperty); } public List getDeployProperties(CmsDeployProperty deployProperty) { List res = new ArrayList<>(deployProperty.getMaxCount()); for (int i = 0; i < deployProperty.getMaxCount(); i++) { // String propertyName = i == 0 ? deployProperty.getProperty() : // deployProperty.getProperty() + "." + i; String value = getDeployProperty(deployProperty, i); res.add(i, value); } return res; } public static String getDeployProperty(CmsState cmsState, CmsDeployProperty deployProperty) { return ((CmsStateImpl) cmsState).getDeployProperty(deployProperty); } public String getDeployProperty(CmsDeployProperty deployProperty) { String value = getDeployProperty(deployProperty, 0); return value; } public String getDeployProperty(CmsDeployProperty deployProperty, int index) { String propertyName = deployProperty.getProperty() + (index == 0 ? "" : "." + index); String value = doGetDeployProperty(propertyName); if (value == null && index == 0) { // try defaults if (deployPropertyDefaults.containsKey(deployProperty)) { value = deployPropertyDefaults.get(deployProperty); } // try legacy properties String legacyProperty = switch (deployProperty) { case DIRECTORY -> "argeo.node.useradmin.uris"; case DB_URL -> "argeo.node.dburl"; case DB_USER -> "argeo.node.dbuser"; case DB_PASSWORD -> "argeo.node.dbpassword"; case HTTP_PORT -> "org.osgi.service.http.port"; case HTTPS_PORT -> ""; case HOST -> ""; case LOCALE -> "argeo.i18n.defaultLocale"; default -> null; }; if (legacyProperty != null) { value = doGetDeployProperty(legacyProperty); if (value != null) { log.warn("Retrieved deploy property " + deployProperty.getProperty() + " through deprecated property " + legacyProperty); } } } if (index == 0 && deployProperty.isSystemPropertyOnly()) { String systemPropertyValue = System.getProperty(deployProperty.getProperty()); if (!Objects.equals(value, systemPropertyValue)) throw new IllegalStateException( "Property " + deployProperty + " must be a ssystem property, but its value is " + value + ", while the system property value is " + systemPropertyValue); } return value != null ? value.toString() : null; } protected String getLegacyProperty(String legacyProperty, CmsDeployProperty deployProperty) { String value = doGetDeployProperty(legacyProperty); if (value != null) { log.warn("Retrieved deploy property " + deployProperty.getProperty() + " through deprecated property " + legacyProperty + "."); } return value; } protected String doGetDeployProperty(String property) { return KernelUtils.getFrameworkProp(property); } @Override public Path getDataPath(String relativePath) { return KernelUtils.getOsgiInstancePath(relativePath); } @Override public Long getAvailableSince() { return availableSince; } /* * ACCESSORS */ public String getHostname() { return hostname; } @Override public UUID getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuidFactory(UuidFactory uuidFactory) { this.uuidFactory = uuidFactory; } /** * Called before node initialisation, in order populate OSGi instance are with * some files (typically LDIF, etc). */ public static void prepareFirstInitInstanceArea(List nodeInits) { for (String nodeInit : nodeInits) { if (nodeInit.startsWith("http")) { // TODO reconnect it // registerRemoteInit(nodeInit); } else { // TODO use java.nio.file File initDir; if (nodeInit.startsWith(".")) initDir = KernelUtils.getExecutionDir(nodeInit); else initDir = new File(nodeInit); // TODO also uncompress archives if (initDir.exists()) try { // TODO use NIO utilities FileUtils.copyDirectory(initDir, KernelUtils.getOsgiInstancePath("").toFile(), new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.getName().equals(".svn") || pathname.getName().equals(".git")) return false; return true; } });"CMS initialized from " + initDir.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot initialize from " + initDir, e); } } } } /* * STATIC */ public static IdentClient getIdentClient(String remoteAddr) { if (!IdentClient.isDefaultAuthdPassphraseFileAvailable()) return null; // TODO make passphrase more configurable return new IdentClient(remoteAddr); } }