package org.argeo.cms.internal.kernel; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent; import java.nio.file.WatchKey; import java.nio.file.WatchService; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.argeo.api.ArgeoLogListener; import org.argeo.api.ArgeoLogger; import org.argeo.api.NodeConstants; import org.argeo.cms.CmsException; import org.argeo.cms.auth.CurrentUser; import org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.UserAdminConf; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import; import org.osgi.service.log.LogEntry; import org.osgi.service.log.LogLevel; import org.osgi.service.log.LogListener; import org.osgi.service.log.LogReaderService; /** Not meant to be used directly in standard log4j config */ class NodeLogger implements ArgeoLogger, LogListener { /** Internal debug for development purposes. */ private static Boolean debug = false; private Boolean disabled = false; private String level = null; // private Level log4jLevel = null; private Properties configuration; private AppenderImpl appender; private final List everythingListeners = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); private final List allUsersListeners = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); private final Map> userListeners = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap>()); private BlockingQueue events; private LogDispatcherThread logDispatcherThread = new LogDispatcherThread(); private Integer maxLastEventsCount = 10 * 1000; /** Marker to prevent stack overflow */ private ThreadLocal dispatching = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected Boolean initialValue() { return false; } }; public NodeLogger(LogReaderService lrs) { if (lrs != null) { Enumeration logEntries = lrs.getLog(); while (logEntries.hasMoreElements()) logged(logEntries.nextElement()); lrs.addLogListener(this); // configure log4j watcher String log4jConfiguration = KernelUtils.getFrameworkProp("log4j.configuration"); if (log4jConfiguration != null && log4jConfiguration.startsWith("file:")) { if (log4jConfiguration.contains("..")) { if (log4jConfiguration.startsWith("file://")) log4jConfiguration = log4jConfiguration.substring("file://".length()); else if (log4jConfiguration.startsWith("file:")) log4jConfiguration = log4jConfiguration.substring("file:".length()); } try { Path log4jconfigPath; if (log4jConfiguration.startsWith("file:")) log4jconfigPath = Paths.get(new URI(log4jConfiguration)); else log4jconfigPath = Paths.get(log4jConfiguration); Thread log4jConfWatcher = new Log4jConfWatcherThread(log4jconfigPath); log4jConfWatcher.start(); } catch (Exception e) { stdErr("Badly formatted log4j configuration URI " + log4jConfiguration + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } } public void init() { try { events = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); // if (layout != null) // setLayout(layout); // else // setLayout(new PatternLayout(pattern)); appender = new AppenderImpl(); reloadConfiguration(); // Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(appender); logDispatcherThread = new LogDispatcherThread(); logDispatcherThread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CmsException("Cannot initialize log4j"); } } public void destroy() throws Exception { // Logger.getRootLogger().removeAppender(appender); allUsersListeners.clear(); for (List lst : userListeners.values()) lst.clear(); userListeners.clear(); events.clear(); events = null; logDispatcherThread.interrupt(); } // public void setLayout(Layout layout) { // this.layout = layout; // } public String toString() { return "Node Logger"; } // // OSGi LOGGER // @Override public void logged(LogEntry status) { Log pluginLog = LogFactory.getLog(status.getBundle().getSymbolicName()); LogLevel severity = status.getLogLevel(); if (severity.equals(LogLevel.ERROR) && pluginLog.isErrorEnabled()) { // FIXME Fix Argeo TP if (status.getException() instanceof SignatureException) return; pluginLog.error(msg(status), status.getException()); } else if (severity.equals(LogLevel.WARN) && pluginLog.isWarnEnabled()) { if (pluginLog.isTraceEnabled()) pluginLog.warn(msg(status), status.getException()); else pluginLog.warn(msg(status)); } else if (severity.equals(LogLevel.INFO) && pluginLog.isDebugEnabled()) pluginLog.debug(msg(status), status.getException()); else if (severity.equals(LogLevel.DEBUG) && pluginLog.isTraceEnabled()) pluginLog.trace(msg(status), status.getException()); else if (severity.equals(LogLevel.TRACE) && pluginLog.isTraceEnabled()) pluginLog.trace(msg(status), status.getException()); } private String msg(LogEntry status) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(status.getMessage()); Bundle bundle = status.getBundle(); if (bundle != null) { sb.append(" '" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "'"); } ServiceReference sr = status.getServiceReference(); if (sr != null) { sb.append(' '); String[] objectClasses = (String[]) sr.getProperty(Constants.OBJECTCLASS); if (isSpringApplicationContext(objectClasses)) { sb.append("{org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext}"); Object symbolicName = sr.getProperty(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME); if (symbolicName != null) sb.append(" " + Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME + ": " + symbolicName); } else { sb.append(arrayToString(objectClasses)); } Object cn = sr.getProperty(NodeConstants.CN); if (cn != null) sb.append(" " + NodeConstants.CN + ": " + cn); Object factoryPid = sr.getProperty(ConfigurationAdmin.SERVICE_FACTORYPID); if (factoryPid != null) sb.append(" " + ConfigurationAdmin.SERVICE_FACTORYPID + ": " + factoryPid); // else { // Object servicePid = sr.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_PID); // if (servicePid != null) // sb.append(" " + Constants.SERVICE_PID + ": " + servicePid); // } // servlets Object whiteBoardPattern = sr.getProperty(KernelConstants.WHITEBOARD_PATTERN_PROP); if (whiteBoardPattern != null) { if (whiteBoardPattern instanceof String) { sb.append(" " + KernelConstants.WHITEBOARD_PATTERN_PROP + ": " + whiteBoardPattern); } else { sb.append(" " + KernelConstants.WHITEBOARD_PATTERN_PROP + ": " + arrayToString((String[]) whiteBoardPattern)); } } // RWT Object contextName = sr.getProperty(KernelConstants.CONTEXT_NAME_PROP); if (contextName != null) sb.append(" " + KernelConstants.CONTEXT_NAME_PROP + ": " + contextName); // user directories Object baseDn = sr.getProperty(; if (baseDn != null) sb.append(" " + + ": " + baseDn); } return sb.toString(); } private String arrayToString(Object[] arr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('['); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (i != 0) sb.append(','); sb.append(arr[i]); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } private boolean isSpringApplicationContext(String[] objectClasses) { for (String clss : objectClasses) { if (clss.equals("org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.context.DelegatedExecutionOsgiBundleApplicationContext")) { return true; } } return false; } // // ARGEO LOGGER // public synchronized void register(ArgeoLogListener listener, Integer numberOfPreviousEvents) { String username = CurrentUser.getUsername(); if (username == null) throw new CmsException("Only authenticated users can register a log listener"); if (!userListeners.containsKey(username)) { List lst = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); userListeners.put(username, lst); } userListeners.get(username).add(listener); List lastEvents = logDispatcherThread.getLastEvents(username, numberOfPreviousEvents); for (LogEvent evt : lastEvents) dispatchEvent(listener, evt); } public synchronized void registerForAll(ArgeoLogListener listener, Integer numberOfPreviousEvents, boolean everything) { if (everything) everythingListeners.add(listener); else allUsersListeners.add(listener); List lastEvents = logDispatcherThread.getLastEvents(null, numberOfPreviousEvents); for (LogEvent evt : lastEvents) if (everything || evt.getUsername() != null) dispatchEvent(listener, evt); } public synchronized void unregister(ArgeoLogListener listener) { String username = CurrentUser.getUsername(); if (username == null)// FIXME return; if (!userListeners.containsKey(username)) throw new CmsException("No user listeners " + listener + " registered for user " + username); if (!userListeners.get(username).contains(listener)) throw new CmsException("No user listeners " + listener + " registered for user " + username); userListeners.get(username).remove(listener); if (userListeners.get(username).isEmpty()) userListeners.remove(username); } public synchronized void unregisterForAll(ArgeoLogListener listener) { everythingListeners.remove(listener); allUsersListeners.remove(listener); } /** For development purpose, since using regular logging is not easy here */ private static void stdOut(Object obj) { System.out.println(obj); } private static void stdErr(Object obj) { System.err.println(obj); } private static void debug(Object obj) { if (debug) System.out.println(obj); } private static boolean isInternalDebugEnabled() { return debug; } // public void setPattern(String pattern) { // this.pattern = pattern; // } public void setDisabled(Boolean disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; } public void setLevel(String level) { this.level = level; } public void setConfiguration(Properties configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public void updateConfiguration(Properties configuration) { setConfiguration(configuration); reloadConfiguration(); } public Properties getConfiguration() { return configuration; } /** * Reloads configuration (if the configuration {@link Properties} is set) */ protected void reloadConfiguration() { if (configuration != null) { // LogManager.resetConfiguration(); // PropertyConfigurator.configure(configuration); } } protected synchronized void processLoggingEvent(LogEvent event) { if (disabled) return; if (dispatching.get()) return; if (level != null && !level.trim().equals("")) { // if (log4jLevel == null || !log4jLevel.toString().equals(level)) // try { // log4jLevel = Level.toLevel(level); // } catch (Exception e) { // System.err.println("Log4j level could not be set for level '" + level + "', resetting it to null."); // e.printStackTrace(); // level = null; // } // // if (log4jLevel != null && !event.getLoggingEvent().getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(log4jLevel)) { // return; // } } try { // admin listeners Iterator everythingIt = everythingListeners.iterator(); while (everythingIt.hasNext()) dispatchEvent(, event); if (event.getUsername() != null) { Iterator allUsersIt = allUsersListeners.iterator(); while (allUsersIt.hasNext()) dispatchEvent(, event); if (userListeners.containsKey(event.getUsername())) { Iterator userIt = userListeners.get(event.getUsername()).iterator(); while (userIt.hasNext()) dispatchEvent(, event); } } } catch (Exception e) { stdOut("Cannot process logging event"); e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void dispatchEvent(ArgeoLogListener logListener, LogEvent evt) { // LoggingEvent event = evt.getLoggingEvent(); // logListener.appendLog(evt.getUsername(), event.getTimeStamp(), event.getLevel().toString(), // event.getLoggerName(), event.getThreadName(), event.getMessage(), event.getThrowableStrRep()); } private class AppenderImpl { //extends AppenderSkeleton { public boolean requiresLayout() { return false; } public void close() { } // @Override // protected void append(LoggingEvent event) { // if (events != null) { // try { // String username = CurrentUser.getUsername(); // events.put(new LogEvent(username, event)); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // silent // } // } // } } private class LogDispatcherThread extends Thread { /** encapsulated in order to simplify concurrency management */ private LinkedList lastEvents = new LinkedList(); public LogDispatcherThread() { super("Argeo Logging Dispatcher Thread"); } public void run() { while (events != null) { try { LogEvent loggingEvent = events.take(); processLoggingEvent(loggingEvent); addLastEvent(loggingEvent); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (events == null) return; } } } protected synchronized void addLastEvent(LogEvent loggingEvent) { if (lastEvents.size() >= maxLastEventsCount) lastEvents.poll(); lastEvents.add(loggingEvent); } public synchronized List getLastEvents(String username, Integer maxCount) { LinkedList evts = new LinkedList(); ListIterator it = lastEvents.listIterator(lastEvents.size()); int count = 0; while (it.hasPrevious() && (count < maxCount)) { LogEvent evt = it.previous(); if (username == null || username.equals(evt.getUsername())) { evts.push(evt); count++; } } return evts; } } private class LogEvent { private final String username; // private final LoggingEvent loggingEvent; public LogEvent(String username) { super(); this.username = username; // this.loggingEvent = loggingEvent; } // @Override // public int hashCode() { // return loggingEvent.hashCode(); // } // // @Override // public boolean equals(Object obj) { // return loggingEvent.equals(obj); // } // // @Override // public String toString() { // return username + "@ " + loggingEvent.toString(); // } public String getUsername() { return username; } // public LoggingEvent getLoggingEvent() { // return loggingEvent; // } } private class Log4jConfWatcherThread extends Thread { private Path log4jConfigurationPath; public Log4jConfWatcherThread(Path log4jConfigurationPath) { super("Log4j Configuration Watcher"); try { this.log4jConfigurationPath = log4jConfigurationPath.toRealPath(); } catch (IOException e) { this.log4jConfigurationPath = log4jConfigurationPath.toAbsolutePath(); stdOut("Cannot determine real path for " + log4jConfigurationPath + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public void run() { Path parentDir = log4jConfigurationPath.getParent(); try (final WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()) { parentDir.register(watchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY); WatchKey wk; watching: while ((wk = watchService.take()) != null) { for (WatchEvent event : wk.pollEvents()) { final Path changed = (Path) event.context(); if (log4jConfigurationPath.equals(parentDir.resolve(changed))) { if (isInternalDebugEnabled()) debug(log4jConfigurationPath + " has changed, reloading."); // PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jConfigurationPath.toUri().toURL()); } } // reset the key boolean valid = wk.reset(); if (!valid) { break watching; } } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { stdErr("Log4j configuration watcher failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } } }