package org.argeo.cms.internal.kernel; import; import; import; import java.util.Dictionary; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsState; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsLog; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsConstants; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsDeployment; import org.argeo.osgi.transaction.WorkTransaction; import org.argeo.osgi.useradmin.UserAdminConf; import org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.JettyConfigurator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import; import; import org.osgi.service.http.HttpService; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Group; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Role; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.UserAdmin; import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker; /** Implementation of a CMS deployment. */ public class CmsDeploymentImpl implements CmsDeployment { private final CmsLog log = CmsLog.getLog(getClass()); private final BundleContext bc = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext(); private DeployConfig deployConfig; private Long availableSince; // Readiness private boolean nodeAvailable = false; private boolean userAdminAvailable = false; private boolean httpExpected = false; private boolean httpAvailable = false; public CmsDeploymentImpl() { // ServiceReference nodeStateSr = bc.getServiceReference(NodeState.class); // if (nodeStateSr == null) // throw new CmsException("No node state available"); // NodeState nodeState = bc.getService(nodeStateSr); // cleanState = nodeState.isClean(); // nodeHttp = new NodeHttp(); initTrackers(); } private void initTrackers() { ServiceTracker httpSt = new ServiceTracker(bc, HttpService.class, null) { @Override public HttpService addingService(ServiceReference sr) { httpAvailable = true; Object httpPort = sr.getProperty("http.port"); Object httpsPort = sr.getProperty("https.port");, httpsPort)); checkReadiness(); return super.addingService(sr); } }; //; KernelUtils.asyncOpen(httpSt); ServiceTracker userAdminSt = new ServiceTracker(bc, UserAdmin.class, null) { @Override public UserAdmin addingService(ServiceReference reference) { UserAdmin userAdmin = super.addingService(reference); addStandardSystemRoles(userAdmin); userAdminAvailable = true; checkReadiness(); return userAdmin; } }; //; KernelUtils.asyncOpen(userAdminSt); ServiceTracker confAdminSt = new ServiceTracker(bc, ConfigurationAdmin.class, null) { @Override public ConfigurationAdmin addingService(ServiceReference reference) { ConfigurationAdmin configurationAdmin = bc.getService(reference); boolean isClean; try { Configuration[] confs = configurationAdmin .listConfigurations("(service.factoryPid=" + CmsConstants.NODE_USER_ADMIN_PID + ")"); isClean = confs == null || confs.length == 0; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot analyse clean state", e); } deployConfig = new DeployConfig(configurationAdmin, isClean); Activator.registerService(CmsDeployment.class, CmsDeploymentImpl.this, null); // JcrInitUtils.addToDeployment(CmsDeployment.this); httpExpected = deployConfig.getProps(KernelConstants.JETTY_FACTORY_PID, "default") != null; try { Configuration[] configs = configurationAdmin .listConfigurations("(service.factoryPid=" + CmsConstants.NODE_USER_ADMIN_PID + ")"); boolean hasDomain = false; for (Configuration config : configs) { Object realm = config.getProperties().get(; if (realm != null) { log.debug("Found realm: " + realm); hasDomain = true; } } if (hasDomain) { loadIpaJaasConfiguration(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot initialize config", e); } return super.addingService(reference); } }; //; KernelUtils.asyncOpen(confAdminSt); } public void addFactoryDeployConfig(String factoryPid, Dictionary props) { deployConfig.putFactoryDeployConfig(factoryPid, props);; try { deployConfig.loadConfigs(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } public Dictionary getProps(String factoryPid, String cn) { return deployConfig.getProps(factoryPid, cn); } private String httpPortsMsg(Object httpPort, Object httpsPort) { return (httpPort != null ? "HTTP " + httpPort + " " : " ") + (httpsPort != null ? "HTTPS " + httpsPort : ""); } private void addStandardSystemRoles(UserAdmin userAdmin) { // we assume UserTransaction is already available (TODO make it more robust) WorkTransaction userTransaction = bc.getService(bc.getServiceReference(WorkTransaction.class)); try { userTransaction.begin(); Role adminRole = userAdmin.getRole(CmsConstants.ROLE_ADMIN); if (adminRole == null) { adminRole = userAdmin.createRole(CmsConstants.ROLE_ADMIN, Role.GROUP); } if (userAdmin.getRole(CmsConstants.ROLE_USER_ADMIN) == null) { Group userAdminRole = (Group) userAdmin.createRole(CmsConstants.ROLE_USER_ADMIN, Role.GROUP); userAdminRole.addMember(adminRole); } userTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { userTransaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { // silent } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add standard system roles", e); } } private void loadIpaJaasConfiguration() { if (System.getProperty(KernelConstants.JAAS_CONFIG_PROP) == null) { String jaasConfig = KernelConstants.JAAS_CONFIG_IPA; URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(jaasConfig); KernelUtils.setJaasConfiguration(url); log.debug("Set IPA JAAS configuration."); } } public void shutdown() { // if (nodeHttp != null) // nodeHttp.destroy(); try { JettyConfigurator.stopServer(KernelConstants.DEFAULT_JETTY_SERVER); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot stop default Jetty server.", e); } if (deployConfig != null) { new Thread(() ->, "Save Argeo Deploy Config").start(); } } /** * Checks whether the deployment is available according to expectations, and * mark it as available. */ private synchronized void checkReadiness() { if (isAvailable()) return; if (nodeAvailable && userAdminAvailable && (httpExpected ? httpAvailable : true)) { String data = KernelUtils.getFrameworkProp(KernelUtils.OSGI_INSTANCE_AREA); String state = KernelUtils.getFrameworkProp(KernelUtils.OSGI_CONFIGURATION_AREA); availableSince = System.currentTimeMillis(); long jvmUptime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime(); String jvmUptimeStr = " in " + (jvmUptime / 1000) + "." + (jvmUptime % 1000) + "s";"## ARGEO NODE AVAILABLE" + (log.isDebugEnabled() ? jvmUptimeStr : "") + " ##"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("## state: " + state); if (data != null) log.debug("## data: " + data); } long begin = bc.getService(bc.getServiceReference(CmsState.class)).getAvailableSince(); long initDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Kernel initialization took " + initDuration + "ms"); tributeToFreeSoftware(initDuration); } } final private void tributeToFreeSoftware(long initDuration) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { long ms = initDuration / 100; log.trace("Spend " + ms + "ms" + " reflecting on the progress brought to mankind" + " by Free Software..."); long beginNano = System.nanoTime(); try { Thread.sleep(ms, 0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // silent } long durationNano = System.nanoTime() - beginNano; final double M = 1000d * 1000d; double sleepAccuracy = ((double) durationNano) / (ms * M); log.trace("Sleep accuracy: " + String.format("%.2f", 100 - (sleepAccuracy * 100 - 100)) + " %"); } } @Override public synchronized Long getAvailableSince() { return availableSince; } public synchronized boolean isAvailable() { return availableSince != null; } }