package; import static org.argeo.api.acr.ldap.LdapAttrs.objectClass; import static org.argeo.api.acr.ldap.LdapObjs.inetOrgPerson; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import org.argeo.api.acr.ldap.LdapObjs; import; import org.osgi.framework.Filter; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Role; /** A user admin based on a LDIF files. */ public class LdifDao extends AbstractLdapDirectoryDao { private NavigableMap entries = new TreeMap<>(); private NavigableMap hierarchy = new TreeMap<>(); private NavigableMap values = new TreeMap<>(); public LdifDao(AbstractLdapDirectory directory) { super(directory); } public void init() { String uri = getDirectory().getUri(); if (uri == null) return; try { URI u = new URI(uri); if (u.getScheme().equals("file")) { File file = new File(u); if (!file.exists()) return; } load(u.toURL().openStream()); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot open URL " + getDirectory().getUri(), e); } } public void save() { if (getDirectory().getUri() == null) return; // ignore if (getDirectory().isReadOnly()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot save LDIF user admin: " + getDirectory().getUri() + " is read-only"); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(new URI(getDirectory().getUri())))) { save(out); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save user admin to " + getDirectory().getUri(), e); } } public void save(OutputStream out) throws IOException { try { LdifWriter ldifWriter = new LdifWriter(out); for (LdapName name : hierarchy.keySet()) ldifWriter.writeEntry(name, hierarchy.get(name).getAttributes()); for (LdapName name : entries.keySet()) ldifWriter.writeEntry(name, entries.get(name).getAttributes()); } finally { out.close(); } } public void load(InputStream in) { try { entries.clear(); hierarchy.clear(); LdifParser ldifParser = new LdifParser(); SortedMap allEntries =; for (LdapName key : allEntries.keySet()) { Attributes attributes = allEntries.get(key); // check for inconsistency Set lowerCase = new HashSet(); NamingEnumeration ids = attributes.getIDs(); while (ids.hasMoreElements()) { String id = ids.nextElement().toLowerCase(); if (lowerCase.contains(id)) throw new IllegalStateException(key + " has duplicate id " + id); lowerCase.add(id); } values.put(key, attributes); // analyse object classes NamingEnumeration objectClasses = attributes.get(; // System.out.println(key); objectClasses: while (objectClasses.hasMore()) { String objectClass =; // System.out.println(" " + objectClass); if (objectClass.toLowerCase().equals( { entries.put(key, newUser(key)); break objectClasses; } else if (objectClass.toLowerCase().equals(getDirectory().getGroupObjectClass().toLowerCase())) { entries.put(key, newGroup(key)); break objectClasses; } else if (objectClass.equalsIgnoreCase( { // TODO skip if it does not contain groups or users hierarchy.put(key, new LdapHierarchyUnit(getDirectory(), key)); break objectClasses; } } } } catch (NamingException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load user admin service from LDIF", e); } } public void destroy() { // if (users == null || groups == null) if (entries == null) throw new IllegalStateException("User directory " + getDirectory().getBaseDn() + " is already destroyed"); // users = null; // groups = null; entries = null; } /* * USER ADMIN */ @Override public LdapEntry doGetEntry(LdapName key) throws NameNotFoundException { if (entries.containsKey(key)) return entries.get(key); throw new NameNotFoundException(key + " not persisted"); } @Override public Attributes doGetAttributes(LdapName name) { if (!values.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalStateException(name + " doe not exist in " + getDirectory().getBaseDn()); return values.get(name); } @Override public boolean checkConnection() { return true; } @Override public boolean entryExists(LdapName dn) { return entries.containsKey(dn);// || groups.containsKey(dn); } @Override public List doGetEntries(LdapName searchBase, String f, boolean deep) { Objects.requireNonNull(searchBase); ArrayList res = new ArrayList<>(); if (f == null && deep && getDirectory().getBaseDn().equals(searchBase)) { res.addAll(entries.values()); } else { filterRoles(entries, searchBase, f, deep, res); } return res; } private void filterRoles(SortedMap map, LdapName searchBase, String f, boolean deep, List res) { // FIXME get rid of OSGi references try { // TODO reduce map with search base ? Filter filter = f != null ? FrameworkUtil.createFilter(f) : null; roles: for (LdapEntry user : map.values()) { LdapName dn = user.getDn(); if (dn.startsWith(searchBase)) { if (!deep && dn.size() != (searchBase.size() + 1)) continue roles; if (filter == null) res.add(user); else { if (user instanceof Role) { if (filter.match(((Role) user).getProperties())) res.add(user); } } } } } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create filter " + f, e); } } @Override public List getDirectGroups(LdapName dn) { List directGroups = new ArrayList(); entries: for (LdapName name : entries.keySet()) { LdapEntry group; try { LdapEntry entry = doGetEntry(name); if (AbstractLdapDirectory.hasObjectClass(entry.getAttributes(), getDirectory().getGroupObjectClass())) { group = entry; } else { continue entries; } } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group " + dn + " not found", e); } if (group.getReferences(getDirectory().getMemberAttributeId()).contains(dn)) { directGroups.add(group.getDn()); } } return directGroups; } @Override public void prepare(LdapEntryWorkingCopy wc) { // delete for (LdapName dn : wc.getDeletedData().keySet()) { if (entries.containsKey(dn)) entries.remove(dn); else throw new IllegalStateException("User to delete not found " + dn); } // add for (LdapName dn : wc.getNewData().keySet()) { LdapEntry user = (LdapEntry) wc.getNewData().get(dn); if (entries.containsKey(dn)) throw new IllegalStateException("User to create found " + dn); entries.put(dn, user); } // modify for (LdapName dn : wc.getModifiedData().keySet()) { Attributes modifiedAttrs = wc.getModifiedData().get(dn); LdapEntry user; try { user = doGetEntry(dn); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("User to modify no found " + dn, e); } if (user == null) throw new IllegalStateException("User to modify no found " + dn); user.publishAttributes(modifiedAttrs); } } @Override public void commit(LdapEntryWorkingCopy wc) { save(); } @Override public void rollback(LdapEntryWorkingCopy wc) { init(); } /* * HIERARCHY */ @Override public HierarchyUnit doGetHierarchyUnit(LdapName dn) { if (getDirectory().getBaseDn().equals(dn)) return getDirectory(); return hierarchy.get(dn); } @Override public Iterable doGetDirectHierarchyUnits(LdapName searchBase, boolean functionalOnly) { List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (LdapName n : hierarchy.keySet()) { if (n.size() == searchBase.size() + 1) { if (n.startsWith(searchBase)) { HierarchyUnit hu = hierarchy.get(n); if (functionalOnly) { if (hu.isFunctional()) res.add(hu); } else { res.add(hu); } } } } return res; } public void scope(LdifDao scoped) { scoped.entries = Collections.unmodifiableNavigableMap(entries); } }