package org.argeo.cms.acr; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.Function; import org.argeo.api.acr.Content; import org.argeo.api.acr.CrName; import org.argeo.api.acr.spi.ContentProvider; /** Manages the structural and dynamic mounts within the content repository. */ class MountManager { private final NavigableMap partitions = new TreeMap<>(); private final CmsContentSession systemSession; public MountManager(CmsContentSession systemSession) { this.systemSession = systemSession; } synchronized void addStructuralContentProvider(ContentProvider contentProvider) { String mountPath = contentProvider.getMountPath(); Objects.requireNonNull(mountPath); if (partitions.containsKey(mountPath)) throw new IllegalStateException("A provider is already registered for " + mountPath); partitions.put(mountPath, contentProvider); if ("/".equals(mountPath))// root return; String[] parentPath = ContentUtils.getParentPath(mountPath); Content parent = systemSession.get(parentPath[0]); Content mount = parent.add(parentPath[1]); mount.put(CrName.mount.qName(), "true"); } synchronized ContentProvider getOrAddMountedProvider(String mountPath, Function factory) { Objects.requireNonNull(factory); if (!partitions.containsKey(mountPath)) { ContentProvider contentProvider = factory.apply(mountPath); if (!mountPath.equals(contentProvider.getMountPath())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mount path " + mountPath + " is inconsistent with content provider " + contentProvider.getMountPath()); partitions.put(mountPath, contentProvider); } return partitions.get(mountPath); } synchronized ContentProvider findContentProvider(String path) { // if (ContentUtils.EMPTY.equals(path)) // return partitions.firstEntry().getValue(); Map.Entry entry = partitions.floorEntry(path); if (entry == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No entry provider found for path '" + path + "'"); String mountPath = entry.getKey(); if (!path.startsWith(mountPath)) { // FIXME make it more robust and find when there is no content provider String[] parent = ContentUtils.getParentPath(path); return findContentProvider(parent[0]); // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path " + path + " doesn't have a content // provider"); } ContentProvider contentProvider = entry.getValue(); assert mountPath.equals(contentProvider.getMountPath()); return contentProvider; } }