package org.argeo.cms.acr; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.argeo.api.acr.Content; import org.argeo.api.acr.ContentRepository; import org.argeo.api.acr.ContentSession; import org.argeo.api.acr.DName; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsAuth; import; import; import; import; import org.argeo.cms.util.CurrentSubject; import org.osgi.service.useradmin.Role; /** Utilities and routines around {@link Content}. */ public class ContentUtils { public static void traverse(Content content, BiConsumer doIt) { traverse(content, doIt, (Integer) null); } public static void traverse(Content content, BiConsumer doIt, Integer maxDepth) { doTraverse(content, doIt, 0, maxDepth); } private static void doTraverse(Content content, BiConsumer doIt, int currentDepth, Integer maxDepth) { doIt.accept(content, currentDepth); if (maxDepth != null && currentDepth == maxDepth) return; int nextDepth = currentDepth + 1; for (Content child : content) { doTraverse(child, doIt, nextDepth, maxDepth); } } public static void print(Content content, PrintStream out, int depth, boolean printText) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { sb.append(" "); } String prefix = sb.toString(); out.println(prefix + content.getName()); for (QName key : content.keySet()) { out.println(prefix + " " + key + "=" + content.get(key)); } if (printText) { if (content.hasText()) { out.println(""); } } } // public static boolean isString(T t) { // return t instanceof String; // } public static final char SLASH = '/'; public static final String SLASH_STRING = Character.toString(SLASH); public static final String ROOT_SLASH = "" + SLASH; public static final String EMPTY = ""; /** * Split a path (with '/' separator) in an array of length 2, the first part * being the parent path (which could be either absolute or relative), the * second one being the last segment, (guaranteed to be without a '/'). */ public static String[] getParentPath(String path) { if (path == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path cannot be null"); if (path.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path cannot be empty"); checkDoubleSlash(path); int parentIndex = path.lastIndexOf(SLASH); if (parentIndex == path.length() - 1) {// trailing '/' path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); parentIndex = path.lastIndexOf(SLASH); } if (parentIndex == -1) // no '/' return new String[] { EMPTY, path }; return new String[] { parentIndex != 0 ? path.substring(0, parentIndex) : "" + SLASH, path.substring(parentIndex + 1) }; } public static String toPath(List segments) { // TODO checks StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner("/"); segments.forEach((s) -> sj.add(s)); return sj.toString(); } public static List toPathSegments(String path) { List res = new ArrayList<>(); if (EMPTY.equals(path) || ROOT_SLASH.equals(path)) return res; collectPathSegments(path, res); return res; } private static void collectPathSegments(String path, List segments) { String[] parent = getParentPath(path); if (EMPTY.equals(parent[1])) // root return; segments.add(0, parent[1]); if (EMPTY.equals(parent[0])) // end return; collectPathSegments(parent[0], segments); } public static void checkDoubleSlash(String path) { if (path.contains(SLASH + "" + SLASH)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path " + path + " contains //"); } /* * DIRECTORY */ public static Content roleToContent(CmsUserManager userManager, ContentSession contentSession, Role role) { UserDirectory userDirectory = userManager.getDirectory(role); String path = directoryPath(userDirectory) + userDirectory.getRolePath(role); Content content = contentSession.get(path); return content; } public static Content hierarchyUnitToContent(ContentSession contentSession, HierarchyUnit hierarchyUnit) { CmsDirectory directory = hierarchyUnit.getDirectory(); StringJoiner relativePath = new StringJoiner(SLASH_STRING); buildHierarchyUnitPath(hierarchyUnit, relativePath); String path = directoryPath(directory) + relativePath.toString(); Content content = contentSession.get(path); return content; } /** The path to this {@link CmsDirectory}. Ends with a /. */ private static String directoryPath(CmsDirectory directory) { return CmsContentRepository.DIRECTORY_BASE + SLASH + directory.getName() + SLASH; } /** Recursively build a relative path of a {@link HierarchyUnit}. */ private static void buildHierarchyUnitPath(HierarchyUnit current, StringJoiner relativePath) { if (current.getParent() == null) // directory return; buildHierarchyUnitPath(current.getParent(), relativePath); relativePath.add(current.getHierarchyUnitName()); } /* * CONSUMER UTILS */ public static Content createCollections(ContentSession session, String path) { if (session.exists(path)) { Content content = session.get(path); if (!content.isContentClass(DName.collection.qName())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Content " + path + " already exists, but is not a collection"); } else { return content; } } else { String[] parentPath = getParentPath(path); Content parent = createCollections(session, parentPath[0]); Content content = parent.add(parentPath[1], DName.collection.qName()); return content; } } public static ContentSession openDataAdminSession(ContentRepository repository) { LoginContext loginContext; try { loginContext = CmsAuth.DATA_ADMIN.newLoginContext(); loginContext.login(); } catch (LoginException e1) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not login as data admin", e1); } finally { } ClassLoader currentCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(ContentUtils.class.getClassLoader()); return CurrentSubject.callAs(loginContext.getSubject(), () -> repository.get()); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentCl); } } /** * Constructs a relative path between a base path and a given path. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the base path is not an ancestor of the * path */ public static String relativize(String basePath, String path) throws IllegalArgumentException { Objects.requireNonNull(basePath); Objects.requireNonNull(path); if (!path.startsWith(basePath)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(basePath + " is not an ancestor of " + path); String relativePath = path.substring(basePath.length()); if (relativePath.length() > 0 && relativePath.charAt(0) == '/') relativePath = relativePath.substring(1); return relativePath; } /** Singleton. */ private ContentUtils() { } }