package org.argeo.cms.ui.viewers; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import org.argeo.cms.swt.CmsSwtUtils; import org.argeo.cms.swt.EditablePart; import org.argeo.cms.ui.widgets.JcrComposite; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; /** A structured UI related to a JCR context. */ public class Section extends JcrComposite { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5933796173755739207L; private final Section parentSection; private Composite sectionHeader; private final Integer relativeDepth; public Section(Composite parent, int style, Node node) { this(parent, findSection(parent), style, node); } public Section(Section section, int style, Node node) { this(section, section, style, node); } protected Section(Composite parent, Section parentSection, int style, Node node) { super(parent, style, node); try { this.parentSection = parentSection; if (parentSection != null) { relativeDepth = getNode().getDepth() - parentSection.getNode().getDepth(); } else { relativeDepth = 0; } setLayout(CmsSwtUtils.noSpaceGridLayout()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create section from " + node, e); } } public Map getSubSections() throws RepositoryException { LinkedHashMap result = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Control child : getChildren()) { if (child instanceof Composite) { collectDirectSubSections((Composite) child, result); } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); } private void collectDirectSubSections(Composite composite, LinkedHashMap subSections) throws RepositoryException { if (composite == sectionHeader || composite instanceof EditablePart) return; if (composite instanceof Section) { Section section = (Section) composite; subSections.put(section.getNodeId(), section); return; } for (Control child : composite.getChildren()) if (child instanceof Composite) collectDirectSubSections((Composite) child, subSections); } public Composite createHeader() { return createHeader(this); } public Composite createHeader(Composite parent) { if (sectionHeader != null) sectionHeader.dispose(); sectionHeader = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE); sectionHeader.setLayoutData(CmsSwtUtils.fillWidth()); sectionHeader.setLayout(CmsSwtUtils.noSpaceGridLayout()); // sectionHeader.moveAbove(null); // layout(); return sectionHeader; } public Composite getHeader() { if (sectionHeader != null && sectionHeader.isDisposed()) sectionHeader = null; return sectionHeader; } // SECTION PARTS public SectionPart getSectionPart(String partId) { for (Control child : getChildren()) { if (child instanceof SectionPart) { SectionPart sectionPart = (SectionPart) child; if (sectionPart.getPartId().equals(partId)) return sectionPart; } } return null; } public SectionPart nextSectionPart(SectionPart sectionPart) { Control[] children = getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (sectionPart == children[i]) { for (int j = i + 1; j < children.length; j++) { if (children[i + 1] instanceof SectionPart) { return (SectionPart) children[i + 1]; } } // if (i + 1 < children.length) { // Composite next = (Composite) children[i + 1]; // return (SectionPart) next; // } else { // // next section // } } } return null; } public SectionPart previousSectionPart(SectionPart sectionPart) { Control[] children = getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (sectionPart == children[i]) if (i != 0) { Composite previous = (Composite) children[i - 1]; return (SectionPart) previous; } else { // previous section } } return null; } @Override public String toString() { if (parentSection == null) return "Main section " + getNode(); return "Section " + getNode(); } public Section getParentSection() { return parentSection; } public Integer getRelativeDepth() { return relativeDepth; } /** Recursively finds the related section in the parents (can be itself) */ public static Section findSection(Control control) { if (control == null) return null; if (control instanceof Section) return (Section) control; else return findSection(control.getParent()); } }