package org.argeo.cms.ui.fs; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsLog; import org.argeo.cms.swt.CmsException; import org.argeo.cms.swt.CmsSwtUtils; import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.EclipseUiUtils; import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SingleValue; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; /** Generic popup context menu to manage NIO Path in a Viewer. */ public class FsContextMenu extends Shell { private static final long serialVersionUID = -9120261153509855795L; private final static CmsLog log = CmsLog.getLog(FsContextMenu.class); // Default known actions public final static String ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER = "createFolder"; public final static String ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER = "bookmarkFolder"; public final static String ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER = "shareFolder"; public final static String ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = "downloadFolder"; public final static String ACTION_ID_DELETE = "delete"; public final static String ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE = "uploadFiles"; public final static String ACTION_ID_OPEN = "open"; // Local context private final CmsFsBrowser browser; // private final Viewer viewer; private final static String KEY_ACTION_ID = "actionId"; private final static String[] DEFAULT_ACTIONS = { ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DELETE, ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE, ACTION_ID_OPEN }; private Map actionButtons = new HashMap(); private Path currFolderPath; public FsContextMenu(CmsFsBrowser browser) { // Viewer viewer, Display // display) { super(browser.getDisplay(), SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.BORDER | SWT.ON_TOP); this.browser = browser; setLayout(EclipseUiUtils.noSpaceGridLayout()); Composite boxCmp = new Composite(this, SWT.NO_FOCUS | SWT.BORDER); boxCmp.setLayout(EclipseUiUtils.noSpaceGridLayout());, FsStyles.CONTEXT_MENU_BOX); createContextMenu(boxCmp); addShellListener(new ActionsShellListener()); } protected void createContextMenu(Composite boxCmp) { ActionsSelListener asl = new ActionsSelListener(); for (String actionId : DEFAULT_ACTIONS) { Button btn = new Button(boxCmp, SWT.FLAT | SWT.PUSH | SWT.LEAD); btn.setText(getLabel(actionId)); btn.setLayoutData(EclipseUiUtils.fillWidth()); CmsSwtUtils.markup(btn);, actionId + FsStyles.BUTTON_SUFFIX); btn.setData(KEY_ACTION_ID, actionId); btn.addSelectionListener(asl); actionButtons.put(actionId, btn); } } protected String getLabel(String actionId) { switch (actionId) { case ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER: return "Create Folder"; case ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER: return "Bookmark Folder"; case ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER: return "Share Folder"; case ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER: return "Download as zip archive"; case ACTION_ID_DELETE: return "Delete"; case ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE: return "Upload Files"; case ACTION_ID_OPEN: return "Open"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action ID " + actionId); } } protected void aboutToShow(Control source, Point location) { IStructuredSelection selection = ((IStructuredSelection) browser.getViewer().getSelection()); boolean emptySel = true; boolean multiSel = false; boolean isFolder = true; if (selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()) { emptySel = false; multiSel = selection.size() > 1; if (!multiSel && selection.getFirstElement() instanceof Path) { isFolder = Files.isDirectory((Path) selection.getFirstElement()); } } if (emptySel) { setVisible(true, ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE); setVisible(false, ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DELETE, ACTION_ID_OPEN, // to be implemented ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER); } else if (multiSel) { setVisible(true, ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE, ACTION_ID_DELETE); setVisible(false, ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_OPEN, // to be implemented ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER); } else if (isFolder) { setVisible(true, ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE, ACTION_ID_DELETE); setVisible(false, ACTION_ID_OPEN, // to be implemented ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER); } else { setVisible(true, ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE, ACTION_ID_OPEN, ACTION_ID_DELETE); setVisible(false, ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER, ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, // to be implemented ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_FOLDER); } } private void setVisible(boolean visible, String... buttonIds) { for (String id : buttonIds) { Button button = actionButtons.get(id); button.setVisible(visible); GridData gd = (GridData) button.getLayoutData(); gd.heightHint = visible ? SWT.DEFAULT : 0; } } public void show(Control source, Point location, Path currFolderPath) { if (isVisible()) setVisible(false); // TODO find a better way to retrieve the parent path (cannot be deduced // from table content because it will fail on an empty folder) this.currFolderPath = currFolderPath; aboutToShow(source, location); pack(); layout(); if (source instanceof Control) setLocation(((Control) source).toDisplay(location.x, location.y)); open(); } class StyleButton extends Label { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7731102609123946115L; public StyleButton(Composite parent, int swtStyle) { super(parent, swtStyle); } } // class ActionsMouseListener extends MouseAdapter { // private static final long serialVersionUID = -1041871937815812149L; // // @Override // public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { // Object eventSource = e.getSource(); // if (e.button == 1) { // if (eventSource instanceof Button) { // Button pressedBtn = (Button) eventSource; // String actionId = (String) pressedBtn.getData(KEY_ACTION_ID); // switch (actionId) { // case ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER: // createFolder(); // break; // case ACTION_ID_DELETE: // deleteItems(); // break; // default: // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unimplemented action " + actionId); // // case ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER: // // return "Share Folder"; // // case ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER: // // return "Download as zip archive"; // // case ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE: // // return "Upload Files"; // // case ACTION_ID_OPEN: // // return "Open"; // } // } // } // viewer.getControl().setFocus(); // // setVisible(false); // } // } class ActionsSelListener extends SelectionAdapter { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1041871937815812149L; @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { Object eventSource = e.getSource(); if (eventSource instanceof Button) { Button pressedBtn = (Button) eventSource; String actionId = (String) pressedBtn.getData(KEY_ACTION_ID); switch (actionId) { case ACTION_ID_CREATE_FOLDER: createFolder(); break; case ACTION_ID_DELETE: deleteItems(); break; case ACTION_ID_OPEN: openFile(); break; case ACTION_ID_UPLOAD_FILE: uploadFiles(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unimplemented action " + actionId); // case ACTION_ID_SHARE_FOLDER: // return "Share Folder"; // case ACTION_ID_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER: // return "Download as zip archive"; // case ACTION_ID_OPEN: // return "Open"; } } browser.setFocus(); // viewer.getControl().setFocus(); // setVisible(false); } } class ActionsShellListener extends { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5092341449523150827L; @Override public void shellDeactivated(ShellEvent e) { setVisible(false); } } private void openFile() { log.warn("Implement single sourced, workbench independant \"Open File\" action"); } private void deleteItems() { IStructuredSelection selection = ((IStructuredSelection) browser.getViewer().getSelection()); if (selection.isEmpty()) return; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator iterator = selection.iterator(); List paths = new ArrayList<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Path path = (Path); builder.append(path.getFileName() + ", "); paths.add(path); } String msg = "You are about to delete following elements: " + builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 2) + ". Are you sure?"; if (MessageDialog.openConfirm(this, "Confirm deletion", msg)) { for (Path path : paths) { try { // Might have already been deleted if we are in a tree Files.deleteIfExists(path); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CmsException("Cannot delete path " + path, e); } } browser.refresh(); } } private void createFolder() { String msg = "Please provide a name."; String name = SingleValue.ask("Create folder", msg); // TODO enhance check of name validity if (EclipseUiUtils.notEmpty(name)) { try { Path child = currFolderPath.resolve(name); if (Files.exists(child)) throw new CmsException("An item with name " + name + " already exists at " + currFolderPath.toString() + ", cannot create"); else Files.createDirectories(child); browser.refresh(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CmsException("Cannot create folder " + name + " at " + currFolderPath.toString(), e); } } } private void uploadFiles() { try { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(browser.getShell(), SWT.MULTI); dialog.setText("Choose one or more files to upload"); if (EclipseUiUtils.notEmpty( { String[] names = dialog.getFileNames(); // Workaround small differences between RAP and RCP // 1. returned names are absolute path on RAP and // relative in RCP // 2. in RCP we must use getFilterPath that does not // exists on RAP Method filterMethod = null; Path parPath = null; try { filterMethod = dialog.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getFilterPath"); String filterPath = (String) filterMethod.invoke(dialog); parPath = Paths.get(filterPath); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { // RAP } if (names.length == 0) return; else { loop: for (String name : names) { Path tmpPath = Paths.get(name); if (parPath != null) tmpPath = parPath.resolve(tmpPath); if (Files.exists(tmpPath)) { URI uri = tmpPath.toUri(); String uriStr = uri.toString(); if (Files.isDirectory(tmpPath)) { MessageDialog.openError(browser.getShell(), "Unimplemented directory import", "Upload of directories in the system is not yet implemented"); continue loop; } Path targetPath = currFolderPath.resolve(tmpPath.getFileName().toString()); InputStream in = null; try { in = new ByteArrayInputStream(Files.readAllBytes(tmpPath)); Files.copy(in, targetPath); Files.delete(tmpPath); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("copied uploaded file " + uriStr + " to " + targetPath.toString()); } else { String msg = "Cannot copy tmp file from " + tmpPath.toString(); if (parPath != null) msg += "\nPlease remember that file upload fails when choosing files from the \"Recently Used\" bookmarks on some OS"; MessageDialog.openError(browser.getShell(), "Missing file", msg); continue loop; } } browser.refresh(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), "Upload has failed", "Cannot import files to " + currFolderPath); } } public void setCurrFolderPath(Path currFolderPath) { this.currFolderPath = currFolderPath; } }