Management of writable files within tests This provides an abstraction for files generated by the test. The files are stored in the standard osgi instance area (argument -data to an OSGi launch, default is a ./data directory in the execution directory) under a ${osgi.instance.area}/executionResources directory. A subdirectory is created for each execution, thus avoiding that the files override each other. The format of this directory is yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_ In order to use it: [[1]] First declare a ResourcesManager in your application context. It has to reference the SLC Execution Context (always available): +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ [[1]] Then you can retrieve Spring Resources via a call to this manager. For example (it could also be an inner bean): +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ The "constructor argument" (just a Spring notation in this case) is a relative path that you want to give to this file. Within a given execution, repeated calls on the manager with the same relative path will always point to the same file. [[1]] Then simply use this standard Spring Resource where required: +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ Underlying calls to the getFile() method of this resource won't fail (since they are writable). Factory bean for execution resources Here is an enhancement to declare execution resources: +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ This allows to pass @{} execution parameters. The other form WON'T WORK if you try to passe @{} in the constructor-arg tag (but still works if the relative path does not contain a @{}): +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+