Spring-DM Simple OSGi Web Application


This application demonstrates the use of web applications (WARs) inside OSGi through Spring Dynamic Modules. You can view static resources (like this page), servlets and JSPs. The next section describes the dynamic pages available in this WAR.

Sample content

You can select one of the following links to interact with the servlets and JSPs available in this sample.


The application contains two servlets:

Java Server Pages

The sample application provides two types of Java Server Pages:

While the servlets/pages are simplistic, they show the main functionality working inside an OSGi platform.


To view the Servlet and JSP sources directly from the browser, use one of the links above. The content itself is served through a Servlet (the Content Servlet below) that sends to the browser the content of the files found in its bundle classpath.


This sample requires: Note that all the dependencies are automatically downloaded when running the sample.