/** * Wrapper for ExecutionModule server object */ qx.Class.define("org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Module", { extend : qx.core.Object, properties : { /** * The name of the module */ name : { check : "String", init : "" }, /** * The version of the module */ version : { check : "String", init : "" }, /** * All execution flows registered by their name */ executionFlows : { check : "Map" }, /** * All execution specs registered by their name */ executionSpecs : { check : "Map" }, /** * XML description (castor) */ xmlNode : { apply : "_applyXmlNode" } }, statics : { XPATH_NAME : "slc:execution-module-descriptor/slc:name", XPATH_VERSION : "slc:execution-module-descriptor/slc:version", XPATH_EXECUTION_FLOWS : "slc:execution-module-descriptor/slc:execution-flows/slc:execution-flow-descriptor", XPATH_EXECUTION_SPECS : "slc:execution-module-descriptor/slc:execution-specs/slc:default-execution-spec" }, construct : function(){ this.base(arguments); this.setExecutionFlows({}); this.setExecutionSpecs({}); }, members : { /** * Add an execution flow to this module * @param executionFlow {org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Flow} An instance of execution.Flow */ addExecutionFlow : function(executionFlow){ var spec = this.getExecutionSpecByName(executionFlow.getExecutionSpecName()); if(spec){ executionFlow.setExecutionSpec(spec); }else{ this.error("Warning, reference to an unknown ExecutionSpec : "+executionFlow.getExecutionSpecName()); } this.getExecutionFlows()[executionFlow.getName()] = executionFlow; }, /** * Add an execution Spec to this module * @param executionSpec {org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Spec} An instance of ExecutionSpec */ addExecutionSpec : function(executionSpec){ this.getExecutionSpecs()[executionSpec.getName()] = executionSpec; }, /** * Find an execution spec by its name * @param name {String} Name of the spec * @return {org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Spec} The spec */ getExecutionSpecByName : function(name){ return this.getExecutionSpecs()[name]; }, /** * Find an execution flow by its name * @param name {String} name of the flow * @return {org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Flow} The flow */ getExecutionFlowByName : function(name){ return this.getExecutionFlows()[name]; }, /** * An xml node containing the castor mapped description of this object * @param xmlNode {Node} */ _applyXmlNode : function(xmlNode){ // Parse now this.setName(org.argeo.ria.util.Element.getSingleNodeText(xmlNode, this.self(arguments).XPATH_NAME)); this.setVersion(org.argeo.ria.util.Element.getSingleNodeText(xmlNode, this.self(arguments).XPATH_VERSION)); // Parse Specs first var specs = org.argeo.ria.util.Element.selectNodes(xmlNode, this.self(arguments).XPATH_EXECUTION_SPECS); for(i=0; i< specs.length;i++){ var execSpec = new org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Spec(); execSpec.setXmlNode(specs[i]); this.addExecutionSpec(execSpec); } // Now parse Flows : to do AFTER specs var flows = org.argeo.ria.util.Element.selectNodes(xmlNode, this.self(arguments).XPATH_EXECUTION_FLOWS); for(var i=0;i