qx.Class.define("org.argeo.jcr.ria.model.AbstractItem", { type : "abstract", extend : qx.core.Object, properties : { path : { check : "String" }, name : { check : "String" }, newItem : { check : "Boolean", event : "changeNew" }, modified : { check : "Boolean", event : "changeModified" }, node : { check : "Boolean", init : true }, parent : { check : "org.argeo.jcr.ria.model.AbstractItem", nullable : true, init : null }, root : { check : "org.argeo.jcr.ria.model.AbstractItem" } }, members : { itemIsRoot : function(){ return (this.getRoot() == this); }, fromDomElement : function(domElement){ // TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY SUBCLASSES }, toXmlString : function(){ // TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY SUBCLASSES }, remove : function(){ // TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY SUBCLASSES } } });