package org.argeo.slc.core.execution; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.argeo.slc.SlcException; import org.argeo.slc.execution.ExecutionFlowDescriptor; import org.argeo.slc.execution.ExecutionModule; import org.argeo.slc.execution.ExecutionModuleDescriptor; import org.argeo.slc.execution.ExecutionModulesManager; import org.argeo.slc.process.RealizedFlow; import org.argeo.slc.process.SlcExecution; import org.argeo.slc.process.SlcExecutionNotifier; import org.argeo.slc.process.SlcExecutionStep; public class DefaultModulesManager implements ExecutionModulesManager { private final static Log log = LogFactory .getLog(DefaultModulesManager.class); private List executionModules = new ArrayList(); private List slcExecutionNotifiers = new ArrayList(); private ThreadGroup processesThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup("Processes"); protected ExecutionModule getExecutionModule(String moduleName, String version) { for (ExecutionModule moduleT : executionModules) { if (moduleT.getName().equals(moduleName)) { if (moduleT.getVersion().equals(version)) { return moduleT; } } } return null; } public ExecutionModuleDescriptor getExecutionModuleDescriptor( String moduleName, String version) { ExecutionModule module = getExecutionModule(moduleName, version); if (module == null) throw new SlcException("Module " + moduleName + " (" + version + ") not found"); return module.getDescriptor(); } public List listExecutionModules() { return executionModules; } public void setExecutionModules(List executionModules) { this.executionModules = executionModules; } public void process(SlcExecution slcExecution) { new ProcessThread(processesThreadGroup, slcExecution).start(); } protected void dispatchUpdateStatus(SlcExecution slcExecution, String oldStatus, String newStatus) { for (Iterator it = slcExecutionNotifiers .iterator(); it.hasNext();) {, oldStatus, newStatus); } } protected synchronized void dispatchAddStep(SlcExecution slcExecution, SlcExecutionStep step) { slcExecution.getSteps().add(step); List steps = new ArrayList(); steps.add(step); for (Iterator it = slcExecutionNotifiers .iterator(); it.hasNext();) {, steps); } } public void setSlcExecutionNotifiers( List slcExecutionNotifiers) { this.slcExecutionNotifiers = slcExecutionNotifiers; } /** Thread of the SLC Process, starting the sub executions. */ private class ProcessThread extends Thread { private final SlcExecution slcProcess; private final ThreadGroup processThreadGroup; private final List flowsToProcess = new ArrayList(); public ProcessThread(ThreadGroup processesThreadGroup, SlcExecution slcExecution) { super(processesThreadGroup, "SLC Process #" + slcExecution.getUuid()); this.slcProcess = slcExecution; processThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup("SLC Process #" + slcExecution.getUuid() + " thread group"); } public void run() {"\n##\n## Process SLC Execution " + slcProcess + "\n##\n"); // FIXME: hack to let the SlcExecution be registered on server try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // silent } slcProcess.setStatus(SlcExecution.STATUS_RUNNING); dispatchUpdateStatus(slcProcess, SlcExecution.STATUS_SCHEDULED, SlcExecution.STATUS_RUNNING); flowsToProcess.addAll(slcProcess.getRealizedFlows()); while (flowsToProcess.size() > 0) { RealizedFlow flow = flowsToProcess.remove(0); ExecutionModule module = getExecutionModule(flow .getModuleName(), flow.getModuleVersion()); if (module != null) { ExecutionThread thread = new ExecutionThread(this, flow .getFlowDescriptor(), module); thread.start(); } else { throw new SlcException("ExecutionModule " + flow.getModuleName() + ", version " + flow.getModuleVersion() + " not found."); } synchronized (this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // silent } } } slcProcess.setStatus(SlcExecution.STATUS_FINISHED); dispatchUpdateStatus(slcProcess, SlcExecution.STATUS_RUNNING, SlcExecution.STATUS_FINISHED); } public synchronized void flowCompleted() { notifyAll(); } public SlcExecution getSlcProcess() { return slcProcess; } public ThreadGroup getProcessThreadGroup() { return processThreadGroup; } } /** Thread of a single execution */ private class ExecutionThread extends Thread { private final ExecutionFlowDescriptor executionFlowDescriptor; private final ExecutionModule executionModule; private final ProcessThread processThread; public ExecutionThread(ProcessThread processThread, ExecutionFlowDescriptor executionFlowDescriptor, ExecutionModule executionModule) { super(processThread.getProcessThreadGroup(), "Flow " + executionFlowDescriptor.getName()); this.executionFlowDescriptor = executionFlowDescriptor; this.executionModule = executionModule; this.processThread = processThread; } public void run() { dispatchAddStep(processThread.getSlcProcess(), new SlcExecutionStep(SlcExecutionStep.TYPE_PHASE_START, "Flow " + executionFlowDescriptor.getName())); try { executionModule.execute(executionFlowDescriptor); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: re-throw exception ? String msg = "Execution of flow " + executionFlowDescriptor.getName() + " failed."; log.error(msg, e); dispatchAddStep(processThread.getSlcProcess(), new SlcExecutionStep(msg + " " + e.getMessage())); } finally { processThread.flowCompleted(); dispatchAddStep(processThread.getSlcProcess(), new SlcExecutionStep(SlcExecutionStep.TYPE_PHASE_END, "Flow " + executionFlowDescriptor.getName())); } } } }