/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Mathieu Baudier * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.argeo.slc.jcr.dao; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.query.Query; import javax.jcr.query.QueryManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.argeo.jcr.spring.BeanNodeMapper; import org.argeo.slc.core.attachment.SimpleAttachment; import org.argeo.slc.core.structure.SimpleSElement; import org.argeo.slc.core.structure.tree.TreeSPath; import org.argeo.slc.core.test.tree.PartSubList; import org.argeo.slc.core.test.tree.TreeTestResult; import org.argeo.slc.structure.StructureElement; import org.argeo.slc.test.TestResultPart; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; public class TreeTestResultNodeMapper extends BeanNodeMapper { private final static Log log = LogFactory .getLog(TreeTestResultNodeMapper.class); /** * Transforms a TreeTestResult to the specified jcr Node in order to persist * it. * * @param beanWrapper * @param node * @throws RepositoryException */ protected void beanToNode(BeanWrapper beanWrapper, Node node) throws RepositoryException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.debug("Map TreeTestResult to node " + node.getPath()); // We know we are mapping a TreeTestResult so we cast it TreeTestResult ttr = (TreeTestResult) beanWrapper.getWrappedInstance(); // First we persist the class node.setProperty(getClassProperty(), ttr.getClass().getName()); // Then we persist String uuid, Date closeDate node.setProperty("uuid", ttr.getUuid()); if (ttr.getCloseDate() != null) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(ttr.getCloseDate()); node.setProperty("closeDate", cal); } Node childNode; // Elements & resultParts are merged, we use treeSPath to build the tree // Element label is stored as a property of the vertice // ResultParts are stored as childNode named resultpart[xx]. SortedMap elements = ttr.getElements(); for (TreeSPath key : elements.keySet()) { String relPath = key.getAsUniqueString(); // We remove the first separator relPath = relPath.substring(1); // check if already exists. if (!node.hasNode(relPath)) { // TODO Factorize that Node tmpNode = node; String[] pathes = relPath.split("/"); for (int i = 0; i < pathes.length; i++) { if (tmpNode.hasNode(pathes[i])) tmpNode = tmpNode.getNode(pathes[i]); else tmpNode = tmpNode.addNode(pathes[i]); } childNode = tmpNode; } else childNode = node.getNode(relPath); childNode.setProperty("label", elements.get(key).getLabel()); // We add the tags Map tags = elements.get(key).getTags(); for (String tag : tags.keySet()) { NodeIterator tagIt = childNode.getNodes("tag"); Node tagNode = null; while (tagIt.hasNext()) { Node n = tagIt.nextNode(); if (n.getProperty("name").getString().equals(tag)) { tagNode = n; } } if (tagNode == null) { tagNode = childNode.addNode("tag"); tagNode.setProperty("name", tag); } tagNode.setProperty("value", tags.get(tag)); // remove forbidden characters // String cleanTag = JcrUtils.removeForbiddenCharacters(tag); // if (!cleanTag.equals(tag)) // log.warn("Tag '" + tag + "' persisted as '" + cleanTag // + "'"); // childNode.setProperty(cleanTag, tags.get(tag)); } // We set the class in order to be able to retrieve childNode.setProperty(getClassProperty(), StructureElement.class .getName()); } SortedMap resultParts = ttr.getResultParts(); for (TreeSPath key : resultParts.keySet()) { String relPath = key.getAsUniqueString(); // we get rid of the '/' that begins every TreeSPath Unique string // and add the partsublist level relPath = relPath.substring(1) + "/partsublist"; // check if already exists. if (!node.hasNode(relPath)) { // TODO Factorize that Node tmpNode = node; String[] pathes = relPath.split("/"); for (int i = 0; i < pathes.length; i++) { if (tmpNode.hasNode(pathes[i])) tmpNode = tmpNode.getNode(pathes[i]); else tmpNode = tmpNode.addNode(pathes[i]); } childNode = tmpNode; //log.debug("Node created " + childNode.getPath()); } else { childNode = node.getNode(relPath); //log.debug("Node already existing " + childNode.getPath()); } List list = resultParts.get(key).getParts(); Node listNode; int i; for (i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // TestResultPart trp = list.get(i); // FIXME : ResultParts are systematicaly added. // There no check to see if already exists. listNode = childNode.addNode("resultpart"); update(listNode, list.get(i)); } } // TODO : store files in the graph // As for now, we only store on a vertice called after the name value of // the SimpleAttachment Object // and uuid & contentType as property List attachments = ttr.getAttachments(); if (attachments.size() != 0) { if (node.hasNode("attachments")) childNode = node.getNode("attachments"); else { if (getPrimaryNodeType() != null) childNode = node.addNode("attachments", getPrimaryNodeType()); else childNode = node.addNode("attachments"); } Node attachNode; for (int i = 0; i < attachments.size(); i++) { attachNode = childNode.addNode(attachments.get(i).getName()); attachNode.setProperty("uuid", attachments.get(i).getUuid()); attachNode.setProperty("contentType", attachments.get(i) .getContentType()); } } // attributes are stored as properties of the testResult node for (String key : ttr.getAttributes().keySet()) { String mapValue = ttr.getAttributes().get(key); node.setProperty(key, mapValue); } } /** * Transforms a node into a TreeTestResult Instance */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object nodeToBean(Node node) throws RepositoryException { // method variables String uuid; String clssName = node.getProperty(getClassProperty()).getString(); QueryManager qm = node.getSession().getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.debug("Map node " + node.getPath() + " to bean " + clssName); // It's a very specific implementation, // We don't need to use a bean wrapper. TreeTestResult ttr = new TreeTestResult(); // RESULTPART PARAMETERS uuid = node.getProperty("uuid").getString(); ttr.setUuid(uuid); if (node.hasProperty("closeDate")) { ttr.setCloseDate((node.getProperty("closeDate").getDate()) .getTime()); } // ATTRIBUTES SortedMap attributes = new TreeMap(); PropertyIterator propIt = node.getProperties(); props: while (propIt.hasNext()) { Property prop = propIt.nextProperty(); // TODO Define a rule to generalize it (Namespace ??) // Get rid of specific case. mainly uuid if ("uuid".equals(prop.getName()) || prop.getName().equals(getClassProperty()) || prop.getName().startsWith("jcr")) { continue props; } // else it's an attribute, we retrieve it attributes.put(prop.getName(), prop.getString()); } ttr.setAttributes(attributes); // ATTACHMENTS NodeIterator ni; if (node.hasNode("attachments")) { List attachments = new ArrayList(); ni = node.getNode("attachments").getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { Node curNode = ni.nextNode(); attachments.add(new SimpleAttachment(curNode .getProperty("uuid").getString(), curNode.getName(), curNode.getProperty("contentType").getString())); } ttr.setAttachments(attachments); } // STRUCTURED ELEMENTS String basePath = node.getPath(); SortedMap resultParts = new TreeMap(); SortedMap elements = new TreeMap(); // We have to add the uuid of the current node to be sure that we are in // its sub tree String queryString = "//testresult[@uuid='" + uuid + "']"; // Business part of the current query queryString = queryString + "//*[@" + getClassProperty() + "='" + StructureElement.class.getName() + "']"; query = qm.createQuery(queryString, Query.XPATH); ni = query.execute().getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { Node curNode = ni.nextNode(); String curPath = curNode.getPath().substring(basePath.length()); TreeSPath tsp = new TreeSPath(); // We must add the "/" at the begining of the jcr path to have a // TreeSPath string tsp.setAsUniqueString(tsp.getSeparator() + curPath); SimpleSElement se = new SimpleSElement(); se.setLabel(curNode.getProperty("label").getString()); Map tagMap = new TreeMap(); NodeIterator tagIt = node.getNodes("tag"); while (tagIt.hasNext()) { Node tagNode = tagIt.nextNode(); tagMap.put(tagNode.getProperty("name").getString(), tagNode .getProperty("value").getString()); } // PropertyIterator tagIt = curNode.getProperties(); // tags: while (tagIt.hasNext()) { // Property prop = tagIt.nextProperty(); // //log.debug("Handling property named : " + prop.getName()); // // // TODO Define a rule to generalize it // // Specific case. mainly uuid // if ("uuid".equals(prop.getName()) // || prop.getName().equals(getClassProperty()) // || prop.getName().startsWith("jcr")) { // continue tags; // } // // // else it's an attribute, we retrieve it // tagMap.put(prop.getName(), prop.getString()); // } se.setTags(tagMap); elements.put(tsp, se); } //log.debug("We added " + elements.size() + " elements"); ttr.setElements(elements); // RESULTPARTS // We have to had the uuid of the current node to be sure that we are in // its sub tree queryString = "//testresult[@uuid='" + uuid + "']"; // Business part of the current query queryString = queryString + "//partsublist"; query = qm.createQuery(queryString, Query.XPATH); ni = query.execute().getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { Node curNode = ni.nextNode(); String curPath = curNode.getParent().getPath().substring( basePath.length()); TreeSPath tsp = new TreeSPath(); // We must add the "/" at the begining of the jcr path to have a // TreeSPath string tsp.setAsUniqueString(tsp.getSeparator() + curPath); NodeIterator ni2 = curNode.getNodes("resultpart"); List parts = new Vector(); while (ni2.hasNext()) { parts.add((TestResultPart) load(ni2.nextNode())); } PartSubList psl = new PartSubList(); psl.setParts(parts); resultParts.put(tsp, psl); } ttr.setResultParts(resultParts); return ttr; } }