package org.argeo.slc.jcr; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import org.argeo.jcr.JcrUtils; /** Utilities around the SLC JCR model. Note that it relies on fixed base paths. */ public class SlcJcrUtils { public final static Integer AGENT_FACTORY_DEPTH = 3; public final static Integer EXECUTION_MODULES_DEPTH = AGENT_FACTORY_DEPTH + 2; public final static Integer EXECUTION_FLOWS_DEPTH = EXECUTION_MODULES_DEPTH + 3; /** Extracts the path of a flow relative to its execution module */ public static String flowRelativePath(String fullFlowPath) { String[] tokens = fullFlowPath.split("/"); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(fullFlowPath.length()); for (int i = EXECUTION_FLOWS_DEPTH; i < tokens.length; i++) { buf.append('/').append(tokens[i]); } return buf.toString(); } /** Extracts the execution module name of a flow */ public static String flowExecutionModuleName(String fullFlowPath) { String[] tokens = fullFlowPath.split("/"); return tokens[EXECUTION_MODULES_DEPTH + 1]; } /** Extracts the execution module version of a flow */ public static String flowExecutionModuleVersion(String fullFlowPath) { String[] tokens = fullFlowPath.split("/"); return tokens[EXECUTION_MODULES_DEPTH + 2]; } /** Extracts the agent factory of a flow */ public static String flowAgentFactoryPath(String fullFlowPath) { String[] tokens = fullFlowPath.split("/"); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(fullFlowPath.length()); // first token is always empty for (int i = 1; i < AGENT_FACTORY_DEPTH + 1; i++) { buf.append('/').append(tokens[i]); } return buf.toString(); } /** Create a new execution process path based on the current time */ public static String createExecutionProcessPath(String uuid) { Calendar now = new GregorianCalendar(); return SlcJcrConstants.PROCESSES_BASE_PATH + '/' + JcrUtils.dateAsPath(now, true) + uuid; } /** Prevents instantiation */ private SlcJcrUtils() { } // public static void main(String[] args) { // String path = // "/slc/agents/vm/54654654654/executionModules/org.argeo/1.2.3/myFlow"; // System.out.println(flowRelativePath(path)); // System.out.println(flowExecutionModuleName(path)); // System.out.println(flowAgentFactoryPath(path)); // } }