package org.argeo.slc.server.client.impl; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.argeo.slc.Condition; import org.argeo.slc.SlcException; import org.argeo.slc.execution.ExecutionFlowDescriptor; import org.argeo.slc.execution.ExecutionModuleDescriptor; import org.argeo.slc.msg.ExecutionAnswer; import org.argeo.slc.msg.MsgConstants; import org.argeo.slc.msg.ObjectList; import org.argeo.slc.msg.event.SlcEvent; import org.argeo.slc.process.RealizedFlow; import org.argeo.slc.process.SlcExecution; import org.argeo.slc.runtime.SlcAgentDescriptor; import org.argeo.slc.server.client.SlcServerHttpClient; import; public class SlcServerHttpClientImpl extends AbstractHttpServicesClient implements SlcServerHttpClient { protected final static String PARAM_AGENT_ID = "agentId"; private final static Log log = LogFactory .getLog(SlcServerHttpClientImpl.class); private Long serverReadyTimeout = 120 * 1000l; public void waitForSlcExecutionFinished(SlcExecution slcExecution, Long timeout) { if (slcExecution.getStatus().equals(SlcExecution.STATUS_FINISHED)) return; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin < timeout(timeout)) { SlcEvent event = pollEvent(timeout); String slcExecutionId = event.getHeaders().get( MsgConstants.PROPERTY_SLC_EXECUTION_ID); String status = event.getHeaders().get( MsgConstants.PROPERTY_SLC_EXECUTION_STATUS); if (slcExecutionId.equals(slcExecution.getUuid()) && status.equals(SlcExecution.STATUS_FINISHED)) { return; } } throw new SlcException("SLC Execution not completed after timeout " + timeout(timeout) + " elapsed."); } public SlcEvent pollEvent(Long timeout) { long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin < timeout(timeout)) { Object obj = callService(POLL_EVENT, null); if (obj instanceof ExecutionAnswer) { ExecutionAnswer answer = (ExecutionAnswer) obj; if (answer.isError()) throw new SlcException( "Unexpected exception when pollign event: " + answer.getMessage()); } else { return (SlcEvent) obj; } } throw new SlcException("No event received after timeout " + timeout(timeout) + " elapsed."); } public ExecutionAnswer addEventListener(String eventType, String eventFilter) { Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put(SlcEvent.EVENT_TYPE, eventType); parameters.put(SlcEvent.EVENT_FILTER, eventFilter); return callService(ADD_EVENT_LISTENER, parameters); } public ExecutionAnswer removeEventListener(String eventType, String eventFilter) { Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put(SlcEvent.EVENT_TYPE, eventType); parameters.put(SlcEvent.EVENT_FILTER, eventFilter); return callService(REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER, parameters); } public SlcExecution startFlow(String agentId, RealizedFlow realizedFlow) { SlcExecution slcExecution = new SlcExecution(); slcExecution.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); slcExecution.getRealizedFlows().add(realizedFlow); Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put(MsgConstants.PROPERTY_SLC_AGENT_ID, agentId); ExecutionAnswer answer = callService(NEW_SLC_EXECUTION, parameters, slcExecution); if (!answer.isOk()) throw new SlcException("Could not start flow on agent " + agentId + ": " + answer.getMessage()); return slcExecution; } public SlcExecution startFlowDefault(String moduleName, String flowName, Map args) { SlcAgentDescriptor agentDescriptor = waitForOneAgent(); List lst = listModuleDescriptors(agentDescriptor .getUuid()); ExecutionModuleDescriptor moduleDescMinimal = findModule(lst, moduleName); if (moduleDescMinimal == null) throw new SlcException("Cannot find module " + moduleName); String moduleVersion = moduleDescMinimal.getVersion(); ExecutionModuleDescriptor moduleDesc = getModuleDescriptor( agentDescriptor.getUuid(), moduleName, moduleVersion); RealizedFlow realizedFlow = new RealizedFlow(); realizedFlow.setModuleName(moduleName); realizedFlow.setModuleVersion(moduleDesc.getVersion()); ExecutionFlowDescriptor flowDescriptor = findFlow(moduleDesc, flowName); if (args != null) { for (String key : args.keySet()) { if (flowDescriptor.getValues().containsKey(key)) { flowDescriptor.getValues().put(key, args.get(key)); } } } realizedFlow.setFlowDescriptor(flowDescriptor); return startFlow(agentDescriptor.getUuid(), realizedFlow); // FIXME: polling not working when called from test: no unique // session is created on server side // SlcExecution slcExecutionFinished = null; // try { // addEventListener( // EventPublisherAspect.EVT_UPDATE_SLC_EXECUTION_STATUS, null); // SlcExecution slcExecution = startFlow(agentDescriptor.getUuid(), // realizedFlow); // // waitForSlcExecutionFinished(slcExecution, null); // // ObjectList ol = callService(LIST_SLC_EXECUTIONS, null); // for (Serializable sr : ol.getObjects()) { // SlcExecution se = (SlcExecution) sr; // if (se.getUuid().equals(slcExecution.getUuid())) { // slcExecutionFinished = se; // break; // } // } // // } finally { // removeEventListener( // EventPublisherAspect.EVT_UPDATE_SLC_EXECUTION_STATUS, null); // } // // if (slcExecutionFinished == null) // throw new SlcException("No finished SLC Execution."); // return slcExecutionFinished; } public static ExecutionModuleDescriptor findModule( List lst, String moduleName) { ExecutionModuleDescriptor moduleDesc = null; for (ExecutionModuleDescriptor desc : lst) { if (desc.getName().equals(moduleName)) { if (moduleDesc != null) throw new SlcException( "There is more than one module named " + moduleName + " (versions: " + moduleDesc + " and " + desc.getVersion() + ")"); moduleDesc = desc; } } return moduleDesc; } public static ExecutionFlowDescriptor findFlow( ExecutionModuleDescriptor moduleDesc, String flowName) { ExecutionFlowDescriptor flowDesc = null; for (ExecutionFlowDescriptor desc : moduleDesc.getExecutionFlows()) { if (desc.getName().equals(flowName)) { flowDesc = desc; } } return flowDesc; } public List listModuleDescriptors(String agentId) { Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put(PARAM_AGENT_ID, agentId); List moduleDescriptors = new ArrayList(); ObjectList ol = callService(LIST_MODULE_DESCRIPTORS, parameters); ol.fill(moduleDescriptors); return moduleDescriptors; } public ExecutionModuleDescriptor getModuleDescriptor(String agentId, String moduleName, String version) { Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put(PARAM_AGENT_ID, agentId); parameters.put("moduleName", moduleName); parameters.put("version", version); ExecutionModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor = callService( GET_MODULE_DESCRIPTOR, parameters); return moduleDescriptor; } public SlcAgentDescriptor waitForOneAgent() { ObjectList objectList = callServiceSafe(LIST_AGENTS, null, new Condition() { public Boolean check(ObjectList obj) { int size = obj.getObjects().size(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Object list size: " + size); return size == 1; } }, null); return (SlcAgentDescriptor) objectList.getObjects().get(0); } public void waitForServerToBeReady() { ExecutionAnswer answer = callServiceSafe(IS_SERVER_READY, null, null, serverReadyTimeout); if (!answer.isOk()) throw new SlcException("Server is not ready: " + answer); } /** * Timeout in ms after which the client will stop waiting for the server to * be ready and throw an exception. Default is 120s. */ public void setServerReadyTimeout(Long serverReadyTimeout) { this.serverReadyTimeout = serverReadyTimeout; } }