package org.argeo.slc.client.ui.dist.model; import; import javax.jcr.Credentials; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Repository; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.RepositoryFactory; import javax.jcr.Session; import org.argeo.jcr.ArgeoJcrUtils; import org.argeo.jcr.ArgeoNames; import org.argeo.jcr.JcrUtils; import org.argeo.slc.SlcException; import org.argeo.slc.repo.RepoConstants; import org.argeo.slc.repo.RepoUtils; import; /** * Abstract a repository. It might be persisted by a node in the current user * home Node or just an URI and a label if user is anonymous */ public class RepoElem extends DistParentElem { // private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RepoElem.class); private RepositoryFactory repositoryFactory; private Keyring keyring; private Credentials credentials; private Session defaultSession = null; // Defines current repo private Node repoNode = null; private String label; private String uri; private Repository repository; /** * Creates a RepoElement for anonymous user. The {@code RepositoryFactory} * is used to enable lazy initialisation */ public RepoElem(RepositoryFactory repoFactory, String uri, String label) { super(label); this.repositoryFactory = repoFactory; this.uri = uri; this.label = label; } /** * Creates a RepoElement for an authenticated user. The * {@code RepositoryFactory} and {@code Keyring} are used to enable lazy * initialisation * */ public RepoElem(RepositoryFactory repoFactory, Keyring keyring, Node repoNode, String alias) { super(alias); this.label = alias; // label = repoNode.isNodeType(NodeType.MIX_TITLE) ? repoNode // .getProperty(Property.JCR_TITLE).getString() : repoNode // .getName(); this.repoNode = repoNode; this.repositoryFactory = repoFactory; this.keyring = keyring; try { // Initialize this repo information setInHome(RepoConstants.DEFAULT_JAVA_REPOSITORY_ALIAS .equals(repoNode.getName())); if (inHome()) // Directly log and retrieve children for local repository login(); else setReadOnly(!repoNode.hasNode(ArgeoNames.ARGEO_PASSWORD)); uri = JcrUtils.get(repoNode, ArgeoNames.ARGEO_URI); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new SlcException("Unable to " + "initialize repo element", e); } } /** Effective login. Does nothing if the session is already there. */ public void login() { if (isConnected()) return; if (repository == null) if (repoNode == null) // Anonymous repository = ArgeoJcrUtils.getRepositoryByUri( repositoryFactory, uri); else { repository = RepoUtils.getRepository(repositoryFactory, keyring, repoNode); credentials = RepoUtils.getRepositoryCredentials(keyring, repoNode); } try { defaultSession = repository.login(credentials); refreshChildren(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new SlcException("Cannot login repository " + label + " with credential " + credentials, e); } } protected void refreshChildren() { try { // TODO also remove deleted children (only adds for the time being String[] workspaceNames = defaultSession.getWorkspace() .getAccessibleWorkspaceNames(); buildWksp: for (String workspaceName : workspaceNames) { if (!isWorkspaceVisible(workspaceName)) continue buildWksp; String prefix = getPrefix(workspaceName); if (getChildByName(prefix) == null) { WkspGroupElem wkspGpElem = new WkspGroupElem(RepoElem.this, prefix); addChild(wkspGpElem); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new SlcException("Cannot list workspaces for " + repoNode, e); } } @Override public synchronized void dispose() { JcrUtils.logoutQuietly(defaultSession); super.dispose(); } private String getPrefix(String workspaceName) { // Here is the tricks - we rely on a "hard coded" convention // Workspace name should be like: name-major.minor if (workspaceName.lastIndexOf(VERSION_SEP) > 0) return workspaceName.substring(0, workspaceName.lastIndexOf(VERSION_SEP)); else return workspaceName; } /* Exposes this to the children workspace group */ protected boolean isWorkspaceVisible(String wkspName) { Boolean result = true; if (ARGEO_SYSTEM_WKSP.contains(wkspName)) return false; // Add a supplementary check to hide workspace that are not // public to anonymous user if (repoNode == null) { Session tmpSession = null; try { tmpSession = repository.login(wkspName); try { tmpSession.checkPermission("/", "read"); } catch (AccessControlException e) { result = false; } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new SlcException( "Cannot list workspaces for anonymous user", e); } finally { JcrUtils.logoutQuietly(tmpSession); } } return result; } /** * Actual call to the * {@link Repository#login(javax.jcr.Credentials, String)} method. To be * overridden. * * Creates a new session with correct credentials using the information * contained in the corresponding repo node. It provides all UI children * elements an unique entry point to retrieve a new Session. Caller must * close the session when it is not in use anymore. * */ protected Session repositoryLogin(String workspaceName) { try { return repository.login(credentials, workspaceName); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new SlcException("Cannot login repository " + label + " with credential " + credentials, e); } } public Boolean isConnected() { if (defaultSession != null && defaultSession.isLive()) return true; else return false; } /** Exposes URI to the current repository */ public String getUri() { return uri; } public String getRepoNodePath() { if (repoNode == null) return null; else try { return repoNode.getPath(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new SlcException("Cannot get node path for repository " + label, e); } } /** * Exposes the local repoNode that completely define a connection to a * repository (including a set of credentials). Might return null in case of * an anonymous user */ protected Node getRepoNode() { return repoNode; } protected Repository getRepository() { return repository; } protected Credentials getCredentials() { return credentials; } // META INFO public String getDescription() { String desc = label; if (repoNode != null) desc = label + " (" + uri + ")"; return desc; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public String toString() { return repoNode != null ? repoNode.toString() : label; } }