qx.Class.define("org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi", { extend : qx.core.Object, statics : { DEFAULT_CONTEXT : "/org.argeo.slc.webapp", REMOVE_RESULT_FROM_COLL_SERVICE : "removeResultFromCollection.service", ADD_RESULT_TO_COLL_SERVICE : "addResultToCollection.service", LIST_COLLECTIONS_SERVICE : "listCollectionRefs.service", LIST_RESULTS_SERVICE : "listResultAttributes.service", GET_RESULT_SERVICE : "getResult.service", /** * Standard Request getter * @param serviceName {String} The name of the service to call (without base context) * @param fireReloadEventType {String} Whether query should trigger a ReloadEvent * @param iLoadStatusables {org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusables[]} Gui parts to update * @return {qx.io.remote.Request} */ getServiceRequest:function(serviceName, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables){ var serviceManager = org.argeo.ria.remote.RequestManager.getInstance(); return serviceManager.getRequest( org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.DEFAULT_CONTEXT+"/"+serviceName, "GET", "application/xml", fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables ); }, /** * Remove a result from a collection * @param collectionId {String} Id of the destination collection * @param resultId {String} Id of the test result to remove * @param fireReloadEventType {String} Whether query should trigger a ReloadEvent * @param iLoadStatusables {org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusables[]} Gui parts to update * @return {qx.io.remote.Request} */ getRemoveResultService : function(collectionId, resultId, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables){ var request = org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.getServiceRequest( org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.REMOVE_RESULT_FROM_COLL_SERVICE, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables ); request.setParameter("collectionId", collectionId); request.setParameter("resultUuid", resultId); return request; }, /** * Add a result to a given collection * @param collectionId {String} Id of the destination collection * @param resultId {String} Id of the test result to add * @param fireReloadEventType {String} Whether query should trigger a ReloadEvent * @param iLoadStatusables {org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusables[]} Gui parts to update * @return {qx.io.remote.Request} */ getAddResultService : function(collectionId, resultId, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables){ var request = org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.getServiceRequest( org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.ADD_RESULT_TO_COLL_SERVICE, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables ); request.setParameter("collectionId", collectionId); request.setParameter("resultUuid", resultId); return request; }, /** * List current collections * @param fireReloadEventType {String} Whether query should trigger a ReloadEvent * @param iLoadStatusables {org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusables[]} Gui parts to update * @return {qx.io.remote.Request} */ getListCollectionsService : function(fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables){ return org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.getServiceRequest( org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.LIST_COLLECTIONS_SERVICE, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables ); }, /** * List all results or results of a given collection * @param collectionId {String} Id of the collection to load * @param fireReloadEventType {String} Whether query should trigger a ReloadEvent * @param iLoadStatusables {org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusables[]} Gui parts to update * @return {qx.io.remote.Request} */ getListResultsService : function(collectionId, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables){ var request = org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.getServiceRequest( org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.LIST_RESULTS_SERVICE, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables ); if(collectionId){ request.setParameter("id", collectionId); } return request; }, /** * Load a result test * @param resultId {String} Id of the test result to load * @param fireReloadEventType {String} Whether query should trigger a ReloadEvent * @param iLoadStatusables {org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusables[]} Gui parts to update * @return {qx.io.remote.Request} */ getLoadResultService : function(resultId, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables){ var request = org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.getServiceRequest( org.argeo.slc.web.SlcApi.GET_RESULT_SERVICE, fireReloadEventType, iLoadStatusables ); request.setParameter("uuid", resultId); return request; } } });