/** * The standard command for all actions. It registers keyboard shortcuts, centralizes * command state, callback, etc. It is defined by command definitions that can be found * in the CommandsManager. */ qx.Class.define("org.argeo.ria.event.Command", { extend : qx.event.Command, implement : [org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusable], properties : { /** * Unique id of the command */ id : {init:""}, /** * Label of the command */ label : {init:""}, /** * Icon of the command */ icon : {init:""}, /** * Weather this command is a true/false state */ toggle : {init:false}, /** * Sub menu if needed */ menu : { nullable: true, event : "changeMenu" }, /** * Callback associated to the submenu of the command */ menuCallback : {nullable:true}, /** * Context used when triggering menuCallback */ menuContext : {nullable:true} }, /** * @param id {String} Id of the command * @param label {String} Label of the command * @param icon {String} Icon of the command * @param shortcut {String} Keyboard Shortcut (like alt+o, ctrl+z, etc..) */ construct : function(id, label, icon, shortcut){ this.base(arguments, shortcut); this.setId(id); this.setLabel(label); this.setIcon(icon); this.menuClones = []; this.callbacks = {}; }, members : { /** * Create a Button that suits a qx.ui.menu.MenuBar linked to this command * @return {qx.ui.menu.Button} */ getMenuButton : function(){ if(this.getToggle()){ button = new qx.ui.menu.CheckBox(this.getLabel()); this._registerToggleButtonListeners(button); }else{ var button = new qx.ui.menu.Button( this.getLabel(), this.getIcon(), this, this.getMenuClone() ); if(this.getMenu()){ this.addListener("changeMenu", function(event){ button.setMenu(this.getMenuClone()); }, this); } } this.addTooltip(button); return button; }, /** * Create a Button that suits a qx.ui.toolbar.Toolbar part linked to this command. * @return {qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton} */ getToolbarButton : function(){ var button; if(this.getMenu()){ button = new qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton( this.getLabel(), this.getIcon(), this.getMenuClone() ); this.addListener("changeMenu", function(event){ button.setMenu(this.getMenuClone()); }, this); this.addListener("changeEnabled", function(e){ this.setEnabled(e.getData()); }, button); button.setEnabled(this.getEnabled()); }else if(this.getToggle()){ button = new qx.ui.toolbar.CheckBox(this.getLabel(), this.getIcon()); this._registerToggleButtonListeners(button); }else{ button = new qx.ui.toolbar.Button( this.getLabel(), this.getIcon(), this ); } this.addTooltip(button); return button; }, registerCallback : function(callback, focusablePartId){ this.callbacks[focusablePartId] = callback; }, getCallbacks : function(){ return this.callbacks; }, removeCallback : function(focusablePartId){ if(this.callbacks[focusablePartId]){ delete this.callbacks[focusablePartId]; } }, /** * Special tricks using UserData to enable/disable listeners to avoid loops... * @param button {qx.ui.core.Widget} toolbar Checkbox or menu Checkbox button. */ _registerToggleButtonListeners : function(button){ button.addListener("changeChecked", function(event){ if(button.getUserData("disableListener")) return; this.setUserData("slc.command.toggleState", event.getData()); this.setUserData("slc.command.toggleStateSource", button); this.fireEvent("execute"); }, this); this.addListener("execute", function(event){ if(this.getUserData("slc;command.toggleStateSource") == button) return; button.setUserData("disableListener", true); button.setChecked(this.getUserData("slc.command.toggleState")); button.setUserData("disableListener", false); }, this); }, /** * Clones the command menu * @return {qx.ui.menu.Menu} */ getMenuClone : function(){ var menuClone = new qx.ui.menu.Menu(); menuClone.setMinWidth(100); var submenus = this.getMenu(); if(!submenus) return; for(var i=0;i