/** * A standard view container, referenced in the application by its unique id. * It is managed by the ViewsManager singleton that works as the "View" part of an MVC model. * @see org.argeo.ria.components.ViewsManager * @author Charles */ qx.Class.define("org.argeo.ria.components.ViewPane", { extend : qx.ui.container.Composite, implement : [org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusable], /** * @param viewId {String} Unique id of this viewPane * @param viewTitle {String} Readable Title of this viewPane * @param splitPaneData {Map} Additionnal data to be used by splitpanes implementations. */ construct : function(viewId, viewTitle, splitPaneData){ this.base(arguments); this.setViewId(viewId); this._defaultViewTitle = viewTitle; this.setViewTitle(viewTitle); if(splitPaneData){ this.setSplitPaneData(splitPaneData); } this.setFocusable(true); this.addListener("click", function(e){ this.fireDataEvent("changeFocus", this); }, this); this.createGui(); }, events : { "changeFocus" : "qx.event.type.Data", "changeSelection" : "qx.event.type.Event" }, properties : { /** * Unique id of the pane */ viewId : {init:""}, /** * Human-readable title for this view */ viewTitle : {init:"", event:"changeViewTitle"}, /** * Has its own scrollable content */ ownScrollable : {init: false, check:"Boolean"}, /** * Data concerning the split pane */ splitPaneData : {init : null, check:"Map"}, /** * Map of commands definition * @see org.argeo.ria.event.Command */ commands : {init : null, nullable:true, check:"Map"}, /** * The real business content. */ content : { init: null, nullable : true, check : "org.argeo.ria.components.IView", apply : "_applyContent" } }, /* ***************************************************************************** MEMBERS ***************************************************************************** */ members : { /** * Creates a standard GUI for the viewPane, including a container for an IView. */ createGui : function(){ this.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox()); this.header = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); this.header.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Dock()); this.loadImage = new qx.ui.basic.Image('resource/slc/ajax-loader.gif'); this.header.set({appearance:"app-header", height:34}); this.headerLabel = new qx.ui.basic.Label(this.getViewTitle()); this.header.add(this.headerLabel, {edge:"west"}); this.addListener("changeViewTitle", function(e){ var newTitle = e.getData(); if(newTitle != ""){ this.headerLabel.setContent(newTitle); if(e.getOldData() == ""){ this.header.add(this.headerLabel, {edge:"west"}); } }else{ this.header.remove(this.headerLabel); } }, this); this.add(this.header); this.setDecorator(new qx.ui.decoration.Single(1,"solid","#000")); /* // Open close button of splitPane, not very useful at the moment. if(this.getSplitPaneData()){ var data = this.getSplitPaneData(); var imgName = (data.orientation=="horizontal"?"go-left":"go-bottom"); var image = new qx.ui.basic.Image("resource/slc/"+imgName+".png"); image.addListener("click", function(e){ var image = e.getTarget(); var data = this.getSplitPaneData(); var functionDim = (data.orientation=="horizontal"?"Width":"Height"); var objectToResize = data.object || this; var crtDim = objectToResize["get"+functionDim](); var minimize = (data.orientation=="horizontal"?"go-right":"go-top"); var maximize = (data.orientation=="horizontal"?"go-left":"go-bottom"); if(crtDim > data.min){ objectToResize["set"+functionDim](data.min); image.setSource("resource/slc/"+minimize+".png"); this.origDimension = crtDim; }else{ if(this.origDimension){ objectToResize["set"+functionDim](this.origDimension); image.setSource("resource/slc/"+maximize+".png"); } } }, this); this.header.add(image,{edge:"east"}); } */ }, getViewSelection : function(){ if(this.getContent()){ return this.getContent().getViewSelection(); } return null; }, contentExists : function(iViewId){ return false; }, /** * Sets the content of this pane. * @param content {org.argeo.ria.components.IView} An IView implementation */ _applyContent : function(content){ if(content == null) return; var addScrollable = (content.addScroll?content.addScroll():false); if(addScrollable){ this.setOwnScrollable(true); this.scrollable = new qx.ui.container.Scroll(content); this.add(this.scrollable, {flex: 1}); }else{ this.guiContent = content; this.add(this.guiContent, {flex:1}); } content.getViewSelection().addListener("changeSelection", function(e){ this.fireEvent("changeSelection"); }, this); }, /** * Adds a graphical component too the header of the view pane. * It is added as "center" in the dock layout, and will override the view pane title label. * For example, you can add your own title, or add a switch, or buttons, etc. * @param component {qx.ui.core.Widget} The graphical component to add. */ addHeaderComponent : function(component){ this.header.setPadding(4); this.header.add(component, {edge:"center"}); component.setTextColor("#1a1a1a"); this.loadImage.setMargin(4); }, /** * Implementation of the ILoadStatusable interface. * @see org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusable * @param load {Boolean} The loading status */ setOnLoad : function(load){ if(load){ this.header.add(this.loadImage, {edge:"east"}); }else{ this.header.remove(this.loadImage); } }, /** * Removes and destroy the IView content of this viewPane. */ empty: function(){ if(this.getOwnScrollable() && this.scrollable){ this.remove(this.scrollable); }else if(this.guiContent){ this.remove(this.guiContent); } if(this.getCommands()){ org.argeo.ria.event.CommandsManager.getInstance().removeCommands(this.getCommands()); this.setCommands(null); } if(this.getContent()){ this.getContent().close(); } this.setViewTitle(this._defaultViewTitle); this.setContent(null); }, focus : function(){ if(this.hasFocus) return; this.setDecorator(new qx.ui.decoration.Single(1,"solid","#065fb2")); this.fireEvent("changeSelection"); this.hasFocus = true; }, blur : function(){ this.hasFocus = false; this.setDecorator(new qx.ui.decoration.Single(1,"solid","#000")); } } });