/** * Generic modal popup window. * It is layed out with a dock layout. When adding components to it, they are added as "center". * @author Charles du Jeu */ qx.Class.define("org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.SpecEditor", { extend : qx.ui.window.Window, properties : { /** * The Spec to edit */ batchEntrySpec : { check : "org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.BatchEntrySpec" } }, events : { /** * Triggered when the user clicks the "save" button. */ "save" : "qx.event.type.Event", /** * Triggered when any data is modified */ "modified" : "qx.event.type.Event" }, /** * Opens an editor with the given values. * @param batchEntrySpec {org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.BatchEntrySpec} The initial spec to edit */ construct : function(batchEntrySpec){ var editorLabel = "Edit Specs for "+batchEntrySpec.getLabel(); this.base(arguments, editorLabel); this.set({ batchEntrySpec : batchEntrySpec, showMaximize : false, showMinimize : false, width: Math.min(parseInt(qx.bom.Viewport.getWidth()*90/100), 400), height: parseInt(qx.bom.Viewport.getHeight()*60/100) }); this.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Dock()); this.setModal(true); this.center(); this._initFormObject(this.getBatchEntrySpec().getLabel()); this._addFormHeader(this.formObject, editorLabel); this.createFormFromSpec(); this.addContent(this.formObject.pane); this.addOkCancel(); this.addListener("save", function(e){ this.saveFormToSpec(); }, this); }, members : { /** * Builds the form from the BatchEntrySpec */ createFormFromSpec : function(){ var values = this.getBatchEntrySpec().getValues(); for(var key in values){ var valueObj = values[key]; var label = key; var hidden = valueObj.getHidden(); var disabled = valueObj.getFrozen(); var value = valueObj.getValue(); var type = valueObj.getSpecType(); var subType = valueObj.getSpecSubType(); if(type == "primitive" && !hidden){ this._addFormInputText(this.formObject, key, key, value, disabled, subType); } } }, /** * Gather data from the form */ saveFormToSpec : function(){ var values = this.getBatchEntrySpec().getValues(); for(var key in values){ var valueObj = values[key]; var hidden = valueObj.getHidden(); var disabled = valueObj.getFrozen(); if(valueObj.getSpecType() == "primitive"){ if(!hidden && !disabled){ valueObj.setValue(this.formObject.fields[key].getValue()); } } } }, /** * Display a component (panel) in the center of the popup * @param panel {qx.ui.core.Widget} A gui component (will be set at width 100%). */ addContent: function(panel){ this.add(new qx.ui.container.Scroll(panel), {edge:'center', width:'100%'}); }, /** * Automatically attach to the application root, then show. */ attachAndShow:function(){ org.argeo.ria.components.ViewsManager.getInstance().getApplicationRoot().add(this); this.show(); }, /** * Init a form part : creates a pane, a set of fields, etc. * @param label {String} A label * @return {Map} The form part. */ _initFormObject : function(label){ this.formObject = {}; this.formObject.hiddenFields = {}; this.formObject.freeFields = []; this.formObject.fields = {}; this.formObject.label = label; this.formObject.pane = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); return this.formObject; }, /** * Creates a simple label/input form entry. * @param formObject {Map} The form part * @param fieldName {String} Name * @param fieldLabel {String} Label of the field * @param defaultValue {String} The default value * @param choiceValues {Map} An map of values * @param disabled {Boolean} The field is not writable * @param subType {String} The type expected (string, integer, etc). */ _addFormInputText : function(formObject, fieldName, fieldLabel, defaultValue, disabled, subType, choiceValues){ var labelElement; if(choiceValues){ var fieldElement = new qx.ui.form.SelectBox(); for(var key in choiceValues){ fieldElement.add(new qx.ui.form.ListItem(choiceValues[key], null, key)); } fieldElement.addListener("changeSelected", function(e){this.fireEvent("modified")}, this); }else{ var fieldElement = new qx.ui.form.TextField(); if(subType == "integer"){ fieldElement.addListener("changeValue", function(e){ var isNum = !isNaN(e.getData() * 1); if(!isNum){ alert("Warning, this field only accepts Integers!"); } }, this); } fieldElement.addListener("input", function(e){this.fireEvent("modified")}, this); } if(defaultValue){ fieldElement.setValue(defaultValue); } if(fieldName && fieldLabel){ labelElement = new qx.ui.basic.Label(fieldLabel); formObject.fields[fieldName] = fieldElement; }else{ labelElement = new qx.ui.form.TextField(); formObject.freeFields.push({ labelEl:labelElement, valueEl:fieldElement }); } if(disabled) fieldElement.setEnabled(false); this._addFormEntry(formObject, labelElement, fieldElement); }, /** * Add an header * @param formObject {Map} The form part * @param content {Mixed} Content to add. * @param additionnalButton {Mixed} Any widget to add on the east. */ _addFormHeader : function(formObject, content, additionnalButton){ var header = new qx.ui.basic.Label(''+content+''); header.setRich(true); if(!additionnalButton){ header.setPaddingBottom(10); formObject.pane.add(header); }else{ var pane = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.Dock()); pane.setPaddingBottom(10); pane.setPaddingRight(10); pane.add(header, {edge:'center'}); pane.add(additionnalButton, {edge:'east'}); formObject.pane.add(pane); } }, /** * Adds a label/input like entry in the form. * @param formObject {Map} The form part * @param labelElement {Object} Either a label or an input * @param fieldElement {Object} Any form input. */ _addFormEntry : function(formObject, labelElement, fieldElement){ var entryPane = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); labelElement.setWidth(150); labelElement.setTextAlign("right"); entryPane.add(labelElement); entryPane.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label(':')); fieldElement.setWidth(150); entryPane.add(fieldElement); formObject.pane.add(entryPane); }, /** * Adds a close button bottom-center aligned to the popup */ addCloseButton : function(){ this.closeButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Close"); this.closeButton.addListener("execute", this._closeAndDestroy, this); this.add(this.closeButton, {edge:'south'}); }, /** * Adds two buttons bottom-center aligned (Ok and Cancel). * Ok button has no listener by default, Cancel will close and destroy the popup. */ addOkCancel : function(){ var buttonPane = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5, 'right')); buttonPane.setAlignX("center"); this.add(buttonPane, {edge:"south"}); this.okButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Save"); this.okButton.setEnabled(false); this.addListener("modified", function(e){ this.okButton.setEnabled(true); }, this); this.okButton.addListener("execute", function(e){ this.fireEvent("save"); this.okButton.setEnabled(false); }, this); this.cancelButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Close"); this.cancelButton.addListener("execute", this._closeAndDestroy, this); buttonPane.add(this.okButton); buttonPane.add(this.cancelButton); }, /** * Close this modal window and destroy it. */ _closeAndDestroy : function(){ this.hide(); this.destroy(); } } });