/** * Data model for an entry of the Batch list : original Spec, flow and module, and currently computed value. */ qx.Class.define("org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.BatchEntrySpec", { extend : org.argeo.slc.ria.execution.Spec, properties : { module :{}, flow : {}, originalSpec : {} }, construct : function(module, flow){ this.base(arguments); this.setModule(module); this.setFlow(flow); this.setOriginalSpec(flow.getExecutionSpec()); this.setName(flow.getExecutionSpec().getName()); this.fetchInstanceValues(); }, members : { getLabel : function(){ var label = this.getModule().getName(); label += "/" + this.getModule().getVersion(); label += "/" + this.getFlow().getName(); return label; }, /** * Fetch the Spec Values with the Flow Values to make the current instance value */ fetchInstanceValues : function(){ var specValues = this.getOriginalSpec().getValues(); var flow = this.getFlow(); var instanceValues = {}; for(var key in specValues){ var flowValue = flow.getValue( key, specValues[key].getSpecType(), specValues[key].getSpecSubType() ); var instValue = specValues[key].clone(); if(flowValue){ instValue.setValue(flowValue); } instanceValues[key] = instValue; } this.setValues(instanceValues); //this.debug(instanceValues); } } });