package org.argeo.slc.repo; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import javax.jcr.Binary; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.argeo.slc.CategorizedNameVersion; import org.argeo.slc.DefaultNameVersion; import org.argeo.slc.NameVersion; import org.argeo.slc.SlcException; import org.argeo.slc.aether.AetherUtils; import; import org.argeo.slc.SlcNames; import org.argeo.slc.SlcTypes; import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact; import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.DefaultArtifact; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; /** * Create or update JCR meta-data for an SLC Modular Distribution * * Currently, following types are managed:
  • * .jar: dependency * artifacts with csv index
  • @Deprecated : .pom: artifact (binaries) * that indexes a group, the .pom file contains a tag "dependencyManagement" * that list all modules
  • */ public class ModularDistributionIndexer implements NodeIndexer, SlcNames { private final static Log log = LogFactory .getLog(ModularDistributionIndexer.class); // Constants for csv indexing private final static String INDEX_FILE_NAME = "modularDistribution.csv"; private String separator = ","; // TODO remove this: binaries have been replaced by modular distribution // // Artifact indexing // private final static List BINARIES_ARTIFACTS_NAME; // static { // List tmpList = new ArrayList(); // tmpList.add(RepoConstants.BINARIES_ARTIFACT_ID); // // tmpList.add(RepoConstants.SOURCES_ARTIFACT_ID); // // tmpList.add(RepoConstants.SDK_ARTIFACT_ID); // BINARIES_ARTIFACTS_NAME = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpList); // } private Manifest manifest; public Boolean support(String path) { if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(path).equals("jar")) return true; // if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(path).equals("pom") // && BINARIES_ARTIFACTS_NAME.contains(FilenameUtils.getName(path) // .split("-")[0])) // return true; return false; } public void index(Node fileNode) { Binary fileBinary = null; try { String fileNodePath = fileNode.getPath(); if (!support(fileNodePath)) return; if (!fileNode.isNodeType(NodeType.NT_FILE)) return; Node contentNode = fileNode.getNode(Node.JCR_CONTENT); fileBinary = contentNode.getProperty(Property.JCR_DATA).getBinary(); MyModularDistribution currDist = null; if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileNode.getPath()).equals("jar")) currDist = listModulesFromCsvIndex(fileNode, fileBinary); // else if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileNode.getPath()).equals( // "pom")) // currDist = listModulesFromPomIndex(fileNode, fileBinary); if (fileNode.isNodeType(SlcTypes.SLC_MODULAR_DISTRIBUTION) || currDist == null || !currDist.nameVersions().hasNext()) return; // already indexed or no modules found else { fileNode.addMixin(SlcTypes.SLC_MODULAR_DISTRIBUTION); fileNode.addMixin(SlcTypes.SLC_CATEGORIZED_NAME_VERSION); if (currDist.getCategory() != null) fileNode.setProperty(SLC_CATEGORY, currDist.getCategory()); fileNode.setProperty(SLC_NAME, currDist.getName()); fileNode.setProperty(SLC_VERSION, currDist.getVersion()); indexDistribution(currDist, fileNode); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Indexed " + fileNode + " as modular distribution"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SlcException("Cannot list dependencies from " + fileNode, e); } } private void indexDistribution(ArgeoOsgiDistribution osgiDist, Node distNode) throws RepositoryException { distNode.addMixin(SlcTypes.SLC_MODULAR_DISTRIBUTION); distNode.addMixin(SlcTypes.SLC_CATEGORIZED_NAME_VERSION); distNode.setProperty(SlcNames.SLC_CATEGORY, osgiDist.getCategory()); distNode.setProperty(SlcNames.SLC_NAME, osgiDist.getName()); distNode.setProperty(SlcNames.SLC_VERSION, osgiDist.getVersion()); if (distNode.hasNode(SLC_MODULES)) distNode.getNode(SLC_MODULES).remove(); Node modules = distNode.addNode(SLC_MODULES, NodeType.NT_UNSTRUCTURED); for (Iterator it = osgiDist.nameVersions(); it .hasNext();) addModule(modules,; } // Helpers private Node addModule(Node modules, NameVersion nameVersion) throws RepositoryException { CategorizedNameVersion cnv = (CategorizedNameVersion) nameVersion; Node moduleCoord = null; moduleCoord = modules.addNode(cnv.getName(), SlcTypes.SLC_MODULE_COORDINATES); moduleCoord.setProperty(SlcNames.SLC_CATEGORY, cnv.getCategory()); moduleCoord.setProperty(SlcNames.SLC_NAME, cnv.getName()); moduleCoord.setProperty(SlcNames.SLC_VERSION, cnv.getVersion()); return moduleCoord; } private MyModularDistribution listModulesFromCsvIndex(Node fileNode, Binary fileBinary) { JarInputStream jarIn = null; BufferedReader reader = null; try { jarIn = new JarInputStream(fileBinary.getStream()); List modules = new ArrayList(); // meta data manifest = jarIn.getManifest(); if (manifest == null) { log.error(fileNode + " has no MANIFEST"); return null; } String category = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( RepoConstants.SLC_GROUP_ID); String name = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME); String version = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION); Artifact distribution = new DefaultArtifact(category, name, "jar", version); // Retrieve the index file JarEntry indexEntry; while ((indexEntry = jarIn.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { String entryName = indexEntry.getName(); if (entryName.equals(INDEX_FILE_NAME)) { break; } try { jarIn.closeEntry(); } catch (SecurityException se) { log.error("Invalid signature file digest " + "for Manifest main attributes: " + entryName + " while looking for an index in bundle " + name); } } if (indexEntry == null) return null; // Not a modular definition // Process the index reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(jarIn)); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, separator); st.nextToken(); // moduleName st.nextToken(); // moduleVersion String relativeUrl = st.nextToken(); Artifact currModule = AetherUtils.convertPathToArtifact( relativeUrl, null); modules.add(new MyCategorizedNameVersion(currModule .getGroupId(), currModule.getArtifactId(), currModule .getVersion())); } return new MyModularDistribution(distribution, modules); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SlcException("Cannot list artifacts", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(jarIn); IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } // private MyModularDistribution listModulesFromPomIndex(Node fileNode, // Binary fileBinary) { // InputStream input = null; // List modules = new // ArrayList(); // try { // input = fileBinary.getStream(); // // DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory // .newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); // Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(input); // // properties // Properties props = new Properties(); // // props.setProperty("project.version", // // pomArtifact.getBaseVersion()); // NodeList properties = doc.getElementsByTagName("properties"); // if (properties.getLength() > 0) { // NodeList propertiesElems = properties.item(0).getChildNodes(); // for (int i = 0; i < propertiesElems.getLength(); i++) { // if (propertiesElems.item(i) instanceof Element) { // Element property = (Element) propertiesElems.item(i); // props.put(property.getNodeName(), // property.getTextContent()); // } // } // } // // // full coordinates are under // NodeList dependencies = ((Element) doc.getElementsByTagName( // "dependencyManagement").item(0)) // .getElementsByTagName("dependency"); // for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.getLength(); i++) { // Element dependency = (Element) dependencies.item(i); // String groupId = dependency.getElementsByTagName("groupId") // .item(0).getTextContent().trim(); // String artifactId = dependency // .getElementsByTagName("artifactId").item(0) // .getTextContent().trim(); // String version = dependency.getElementsByTagName("version") // .item(0).getTextContent().trim(); // modules.add(new MyCategorizedNameVersion(groupId, artifactId, // version)); // } // // String groupId = doc.getElementsByTagName("groupId").item(0) // .getTextContent().trim(); // String artifactId = doc.getElementsByTagName("artifactId").item(0) // .getTextContent().trim(); // String version = doc.getElementsByTagName("version").item(0) // .getTextContent().trim(); // // Artifact currDist = new DefaultArtifact(groupId, artifactId, "pom", // version); // // return new MyModularDistribution(currDist, modules); // } catch (Exception e) { // throw new SlcException("Cannot process pom " + fileNode, e); // } finally { // IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); // } // } /** The created modular distribution */ private static class MyCategorizedNameVersion extends DefaultNameVersion implements CategorizedNameVersion { private final String category; public MyCategorizedNameVersion(String category, String name, String version) { super(name, version); this.category = category; } public String getCategory() { return category; } } /** * A consistent and versioned OSGi distribution, which can be built and * tested. */ private class MyModularDistribution extends ArtifactDistribution implements ArgeoOsgiDistribution { private List modules; public MyModularDistribution(Artifact artifact, List modules) { super(artifact); this.modules = modules; } public Iterator nameVersions() { return modules.iterator(); } // Modular distribution interface methods. Not yet used. public Distribution getModuleDistribution(String moduleName, String moduleVersion) { return null; } public Object getModulesDescriptor(String descriptorType) { return null; } } /** Separator used to parse the tabular file, default is "," */ public void setSeparator(String modulesUrlSeparator) { this.separator = modulesUrlSeparator; } }