package org.argeo.slc.ant; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.springframework.util.Log4jConfigurer; import; /** *

* Manager and initializer of the properties required by SLC Ant. *

* *

* All properties described here will get a value one way or another (see below * for details)/ Each property will be accessible via Ant or Spring properties. *

* *

* The property slc.rootFile is set based on the location of the SLC * root property file found in the directory structure of a called Ant file. The * default name of this file is (can be set by * {@link #setSlcRootFileName(String)}).
* This property provides the absolute path to the unique SLC root property file * which marks the root of an Ant SLC tree structure. *

* *

* The property slc.rootDir is inferred from slc.rootFile and * provides a convenient shortcut to the root directory of the Ant files * directory structure. *

* *

* A few directory and file related properties can be set in the SLC root * property file (if they are not explicitly set their default values will be * used): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
slc.confDirDirectory where to find the various configuration files of a given SLC * Ant deployment${slc.rootDir}/../conf
slc.workDirDirectory where data can be retrieved or generated: build outputs, test * inputs/outputs, test results, etc. The underlying directory structure is * specified by the specific SLC application.${slc.rootDir}/../work
slc.propertyFileNamesComma-separated list of the files names of the property files to load * from the conf directory. Having various files allows to separate between SLC * framework properties and properties specific to a given application built on * top of SLC. All will be available across Ant and
Note: Only the properties above can be set in the SLC root * properties file. All other properties should be defined in the registered * conf files. *

* *

* Any property can be defined in the conf files defined in the SLC root * properties file (see above). SLC expects some which will have defaults but * can be overriden there. By convention they should be defined in the * file, while application specific properties should be * defined in other conf files. This allows for a clean spearation between SLC * and the applications built on top of it: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
slc.applicationContextPath to the root Spring application context file used by SLC Ant.${slc.confDir}/applicationContext.xml
slc.defaultTestRunName of the {@link WritableTestRun} Spring bean that the * slc.test task will use by default. This can be overridden when * calling the task from Ant.defaultTestRun

*/ public class SlcAntConfig { // SLC ROOT PROPERTIES /** Property for the root file (SLC root property file). */ public final static String ROOT_FILE_PROPERTY = "slc.rootFile"; /** Property for the root dir (SLC root property file). */ public final static String ROOT_DIR_PROPERTY = "slc.rootDir"; /** Property for the conf dir (SLC root property file). */ public final static String CONF_DIR_PROPERTY = "slc.confDir"; /** Property for the work dir (SLC root property file). */ public final static String WORK_DIR_PROPERTY = "slc.workDir"; /** * Comma-separated list of property file names to load from the conf dir and * add to project user properties */ public final static String PROPERTY_FILE_NAMES_PROPERTY = "slc.propertyFileNames"; // SLC CONF PROPERTIES /** Path to the root Spring application context */ public static String APPLICATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "slc.applicationContext"; /** Name of the Spring bean used by default */ public static String DEFAULT_TEST_RUN_PROPERTY = "slc.defaultTestRun"; // SLC LOCAL PROPERTIES /** Property for the dir description (SLC local property file). */ public static String DIR_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY = "slc.dirDescription"; private String slcRootFileName = ""; private String slcLocalFileName = ""; /** * Retrieves or infers all properties and set them as project user * properties. All these properties will be set as project properties if * they had not been set as project properties before (like by * overriding through the standard Ant mechanisms). * * @param project * the Ant Project being run. * @return whether the project could be initialized for SLC usage (e.g. * presence of an SLC root file) */ public boolean initProject(Project project) { File projectBaseDir = project.getBaseDir(); File slcRootFile = findSlcRootFile(projectBaseDir); if (slcRootFile == null) { return false; } // pass the project properties through the System properties System.getProperties().putAll((Map) project.getUserProperties()); Properties all = prepareAllProperties(slcRootFile); for (Object o : all.keySet()) { String key = o.toString(); //System.out.println(key+"="+all.getProperty(key)); if (project.getUserProperty(key) == null) {// not already set project.setUserProperty(key, all.getProperty(key)); } } return true; } /** * Retrieves or infers all required properties. * * @param slcRootFile * the location of the SLC root file * * @return the prepared properties. Note that it also contains the System * and Ant properties which had previously been set. */ protected Properties prepareAllProperties(File slcRootFile) { try { final String fileUrlPrefix = ""; Properties all = new Properties(); all.putAll(System.getProperties()); all.put(ROOT_FILE_PROPERTY, slcRootFile.getCanonicalPath()); // Remove basedir property in order to avoid conflict with Maven if (all.containsKey("basedir")) all.remove("basedir"); Properties rootProps = loadFile(slcRootFile.getCanonicalPath()); final File confDir; final File workDir; // Root dir final File rootDir = slcRootFile.getParentFile(); all.setProperty(ROOT_DIR_PROPERTY, fileUrlPrefix + rootDir.getCanonicalPath()); // Conf dir if (all.getProperty(CONF_DIR_PROPERTY) == null) { confDir = new File(rootProps.getProperty(CONF_DIR_PROPERTY, rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/../conf")) .getCanonicalFile(); all.setProperty(CONF_DIR_PROPERTY, fileUrlPrefix + confDir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { confDir = new File(all.getProperty(CONF_DIR_PROPERTY)) .getCanonicalFile(); } // Work dir if (all.getProperty(WORK_DIR_PROPERTY) == null) { workDir = new File(rootProps.getProperty(WORK_DIR_PROPERTY, rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/../work")) .getCanonicalFile(); all.setProperty(WORK_DIR_PROPERTY, fileUrlPrefix + workDir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { workDir = new File(all.getProperty(WORK_DIR_PROPERTY)) .getCanonicalFile(); } // Properties from the conf dir files Properties properties = new Properties(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(rootProps.getProperty( PROPERTY_FILE_NAMES_PROPERTY, ""), ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String fileName = st.nextToken(); properties.putAll(loadFile(confDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fileName)); } for (Object o : properties.keySet()) { String key = o.toString(); if (all.getProperty(key) == null) {// not already set all.setProperty(key, properties.getProperty(key)); } } // Default application context if (all.getProperty(APPLICATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY) == null) { all.setProperty(APPLICATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY, confDir .getAbsolutePath() + "/applicationContext.xml"); } // Default test run if (all.getProperty(DEFAULT_TEST_RUN_PROPERTY) == null) { all.setProperty(DEFAULT_TEST_RUN_PROPERTY, "defaultTestRun"); } // Default log4j if (all.getProperty("log4j.configuration") == null) { System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", confDir .getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + ""); // TODO: fix dependency to log4j Log4jConfigurer.initLogging(confDir.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + ""); } return all; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SlcAntException("Unexpected exception while configuring", e); } } /** Loads the content of a file as Properties. */ private Properties loadFile(String path) { Properties p = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(path); p.load(in); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SlcAntException("Cannot read SLC root file", e); } return p; } /** * Looks for a file named {@link #getSlcLocalFileName()} in the directory, * loads it as properties file and return the value of the property * {@link #DIR_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY}. */ public String getDescriptionForDir(File dir) { String description = dir.getName(); File slcLocal = new File(dir.getPath() + File.separator + getSlcLocalFileName()); if (slcLocal.exists()) { Properties properties = loadFile(slcLocal.getAbsolutePath()); description = properties.getProperty( SlcAntConfig.DIR_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY, description); } return description; } /** * Recursively scans directories downwards until it find a file names as * defined by {@link #getSlcRootFileName()}. */ public File findSlcRootFile(File dir) { for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (!file.isDirectory() && file.getName().equals(getSlcRootFileName())) { return file; } } File parentDir = dir.getParentFile(); if (parentDir == null) { return null;// stop condition: not found } else { return findSlcRootFile(parentDir); } } /** * Gets the file name of the file marking the root directory, default being * */ public String getSlcRootFileName() { return slcRootFileName; } /** Sets the file name of the file marking the root directory. */ public void setSlcRootFileName(String slcRootFileName) { this.slcRootFileName = slcRootFileName; } /** * Gets the file name of the file containing directory specific properties, * default being */ public String getSlcLocalFileName() { return slcLocalFileName; } /** Sets the file name of the file containing directory specific properties. */ public void setSlcLocalFileName(String slcLocalFileName) { this.slcLocalFileName = slcLocalFileName; } }