package org.argeo.slc.ant; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.argeo.slc.core.structure.StructurePath; import org.argeo.slc.core.structure.StructureRegistry; /** Utilities to manipulate the structure registry in SLC Ant. */ public class AntRegistryUtil { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AntRegistryUtil.class); /** Reads a structure registry from an Ant file without executing it. */ public static StructureRegistry readRegistry(File antFile) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Reads registry for Ant file " + antFile); Project p = new Project(); p.setUserProperty("ant.file", antFile.getAbsolutePath()); p.setBaseDir(antFile.getParentFile()); p.init(); ProjectHelper helper = new SlcProjectHelper(); p.addReference("ant.projectHelper", helper); helper.parse(p, antFile); StructureRegistry registry = (StructureRegistry) p .getReference(SlcProjectHelper.REF_STRUCTURE_REGISTRY); registry.setMode(StructureRegistry.READ); p.executeTarget(p.getDefaultTarget()); return registry; } /** Executes only the active paths of the Ant file. */ public static void runActive(File antFile, List activePaths) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Runs the " + activePaths.size() + " provided active paths of Ant file " + antFile); Project p = new Project(); p.setUserProperty("ant.file", antFile.getAbsolutePath()); p.setBaseDir(antFile.getParentFile()); p.init(); ProjectHelper helper = new SlcProjectHelper(); p.addReference("ant.projectHelper", helper); helper.parse(p, antFile); StructureRegistry registry = (StructureRegistry) p .getReference(SlcProjectHelper.REF_STRUCTURE_REGISTRY); registry.setMode(StructureRegistry.ACTIVE); registry.setActivePaths(activePaths); p.executeTarget(p.getDefaultTarget()); } /** Executes all paths of the default target of the Ant file. */ public static void runAll(File antFile) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Runs all paths of Ant file " + antFile); Project p = new Project(); p.setUserProperty("ant.file", antFile.getAbsolutePath()); p.setBaseDir(antFile.getParentFile()); p.init(); ProjectHelper helper = new SlcProjectHelper(); p.addReference("ant.projectHelper", helper); helper.parse(p, antFile); p.executeTarget(p.getDefaultTarget()); } }