package org.argeo.jackrabbit; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.Repository; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.NamespaceHelper; import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.cnd.CndImporter; import org.argeo.ArgeoException; import org.argeo.jcr.ArgeoJcrConstants; import org.argeo.jcr.ArgeoNames; import org.argeo.jcr.ArgeoTypes; import org.argeo.jcr.JcrUtils; import; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.ExportedPackage; import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin; public class JackrabbitDataModel { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JackrabbitDataModel.class); private final static String DIGEST_ALGORITHM = "MD5"; final static String[] DEFAULT_CNDS = { "/org/argeo/jcr/argeo.cnd", "/org/argeo/cms/cms.cnd", "/org/argeo/jcr/docbook/docbook.cnd" }; // data model /** Node type definitions in CND format */ private List cndFiles = new ArrayList(); /** * Always import CNDs. Useful during development of new data models. In * production, explicit migration processes should be used. */ private Boolean forceCndImport = true; /** Namespaces to register: key is prefix, value namespace */ private Map namespaces = new HashMap(); private final BundleContext bc; public JackrabbitDataModel(BundleContext bc) { this.bc = bc; } /** * Import declared node type definitions and register namespaces. Tries to * update the node definitions if they have changed. In case of failures an * error will be logged but no exception will be thrown. */ public void prepareDataModel(Repository repository) { cndFiles = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_CNDS); if ((cndFiles == null || cndFiles.size() == 0) && (namespaces == null || namespaces.size() == 0)) return; Session session = null; try { session = repository.login(); // register namespaces if (namespaces.size() > 0) { NamespaceHelper namespaceHelper = new NamespaceHelper(session); namespaceHelper.registerNamespaces(namespaces); } // load CND files from classpath or as URL for (String resUrl : cndFiles) { processCndFile(session, resUrl); } } catch (Exception e) { JcrUtils.discardQuietly(session); throw new ArgeoException("Cannot import node type definitions " + cndFiles, e); } finally { JcrUtils.logoutQuietly(session); } } protected void processCndFile(Session session, String resUrl) { Reader reader = null; try { // check existing data model nodes new NamespaceHelper(session).registerNamespace(ArgeoNames.ARGEO, ArgeoNames.ARGEO_NAMESPACE); if (!session.itemExists(ArgeoJcrConstants.DATA_MODELS_BASE_PATH)) JcrUtils.mkdirs(session, ArgeoJcrConstants.DATA_MODELS_BASE_PATH); Node dataModels = session.getNode(ArgeoJcrConstants.DATA_MODELS_BASE_PATH); NodeIterator it = dataModels.getNodes(); Node dataModel = null; while (it.hasNext()) { Node node = it.nextNode(); if (node.getProperty(ArgeoNames.ARGEO_URI).getString().equals(resUrl)) { dataModel = node; break; } } Bundle bundle = findDataModelBundle(resUrl); byte[] cndContent = readCndContent(resUrl); String newDigest = DigestUtils.digest(DIGEST_ALGORITHM, cndContent); String currentVersion = null; if (dataModel != null) { currentVersion = dataModel.getProperty(ArgeoNames.ARGEO_DATA_MODEL_VERSION).getString(); if (dataModel.hasNode(Node.JCR_CONTENT)) { String oldDigest = JcrUtils.checksumFile(dataModel, DIGEST_ALGORITHM); if (oldDigest.equals(newDigest)) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Data model " + resUrl + " hasn't changed, keeping version " + currentVersion); return; } } } if (dataModel != null && !forceCndImport) { "Data model " + resUrl + " has changed since version " + currentVersion + (bundle != null ? ": version " + bundle.getVersion() + ", bundle " + bundle.getSymbolicName() : "")); return; } reader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(cndContent)); // actually imports the CND try { CndImporter.registerNodeTypes(reader, session, true); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot import data model " + resUrl, e); return; } if (dataModel != null && !dataModel.isNodeType(NodeType.NT_FILE)) { dataModel.remove(); dataModel = null; } // FIXME: what if argeo.cnd would not be the first called on // a new repo? argeo:dataModel would not be found String fileName = FilenameUtils.getName(resUrl); if (dataModel == null) { dataModel = dataModels.addNode(fileName, NodeType.NT_FILE); dataModel.addNode(Node.JCR_CONTENT, NodeType.NT_RESOURCE); dataModel.addMixin(ArgeoTypes.ARGEO_DATA_MODEL); dataModel.setProperty(ArgeoNames.ARGEO_URI, resUrl); } else { session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager().checkout(dataModel.getPath()); } if (bundle != null) dataModel.setProperty(ArgeoNames.ARGEO_DATA_MODEL_VERSION, bundle.getVersion().toString()); else dataModel.setProperty(ArgeoNames.ARGEO_DATA_MODEL_VERSION, "0.0.0"); JcrUtils.copyBytesAsFile(dataModel.getParent(), fileName, cndContent); JcrUtils.updateLastModified(dataModel);; session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager().checkin(dataModel.getPath()); if (currentVersion == null) "Data model " + resUrl + (bundle != null ? ", version " + bundle.getVersion() + ", bundle " + bundle.getSymbolicName() : "")); else "Data model " + resUrl + " updated from version " + currentVersion + (bundle != null ? ", version " + bundle.getVersion() + ", bundle " + bundle.getSymbolicName() : "")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArgeoException("Cannot process data model " + resUrl, e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } protected byte[] readCndContent(String resUrl) { BundleContext bundleContext = bc; InputStream in = null; try { boolean classpath; // normalize URL if (bundleContext != null && resUrl.startsWith("classpath:")) { resUrl = resUrl.substring("classpath:".length()); classpath = true; } else if (resUrl.indexOf(':') < 0) { if (!resUrl.startsWith("/")) { resUrl = "/" + resUrl; log.warn("Classpath should start with '/'"); } classpath = true; } else { classpath = false; } URL url = null; if (classpath) { // if (bundleContext != null) { Bundle currentBundle = bundleContext.getBundle(); url = currentBundle.getResource(resUrl); // } else { // resUrl = "classpath:" + resUrl; // url = null; // } } else if (!resUrl.startsWith("classpath:")) { url = new URL(resUrl); } if (url != null) { in = url.openStream(); // } else if (resourceLoader != null) { // Resource res = resourceLoader.getResource(resUrl); // in = res.getInputStream(); // url = res.getURL(); } else { throw new ArgeoException( "No " + resUrl + " in the classpath," + " make sure the containing" + " package is visible."); } return IOUtils.toByteArray(in); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArgeoException("Cannot read CND from " + resUrl, e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } /* * UTILITIES */ /** Find which OSGi bundle provided the data model resource */ protected Bundle findDataModelBundle(String resUrl) { BundleContext bundleContext = bc; if (bundleContext == null) return null; if (resUrl.startsWith("/")) resUrl = resUrl.substring(1); String pkg = resUrl.substring(0, resUrl.lastIndexOf('/')).replace('/', '.'); ServiceReference paSr = bundleContext.getServiceReference(PackageAdmin.class); PackageAdmin packageAdmin = (PackageAdmin) bundleContext.getService(paSr); // find exported package ExportedPackage exportedPackage = null; ExportedPackage[] exportedPackages = packageAdmin.getExportedPackages(pkg); if (exportedPackages == null) throw new ArgeoException("No exported package found for " + pkg); for (ExportedPackage ep : exportedPackages) { for (Bundle b : ep.getImportingBundles()) { if (b.getBundleId() == bundleContext.getBundle().getBundleId()) { exportedPackage = ep; break; } } } Bundle exportingBundle = null; if (exportedPackage != null) { exportingBundle = exportedPackage.getExportingBundle(); } else { // assume this is in the same bundle exportingBundle = bundleContext.getBundle(); // throw new ArgeoException("No OSGi exporting package found for " // + resUrl); } return exportingBundle; } }