/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Argeo GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.argeo.cms.ui.workbench.jcr; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Properties; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.version.VersionManager; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.argeo.eclipse.ui.EclipseUiException; import org.argeo.jcr.JcrUtils; import org.argeo.node.ArgeoNames; import org.argeo.node.ArgeoTypes; import org.argeo.node.NodeUtils; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceStore; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; /** * Persist preferences as key/value pairs under ~/argeo:preferences.
* TODO: better integrate JCR and Eclipse:
* - typing
* - use eclipse preferences
* - better integrate with ScopedPreferenceStore provided by RAP */ public class JcrPreferenceStore extends PreferenceStore implements ArgeoNames { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1854011367784598758L; private Session session; private BundleContext bundleContext; /** Retrieves the preference node */ protected Node getPreferenceNode() { try { if (session.hasPendingChanges()) session.save(); Node userHome = NodeUtils.getUserHome(session); if (userHome == null) throw new EclipseUiException("No user home for " + session.getUserID()); Node preferences; if (!userHome.hasNode(ARGEO_PREFERENCES)) { preferences = userHome.addNode(ARGEO_PREFERENCES); preferences.addMixin(ArgeoTypes.ARGEO_PREFERENCE_NODE); session.save(); } else preferences = userHome.getNode(ARGEO_PREFERENCES); String pluginPreferencesName = bundleContext.getBundle() .getSymbolicName(); Node pluginPreferences; if (!preferences.hasNode(pluginPreferencesName)) { VersionManager vm = session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager(); vm.checkout(preferences.getPath()); pluginPreferences = preferences.addNode(pluginPreferencesName); pluginPreferences.addMixin(ArgeoTypes.ARGEO_PREFERENCE_NODE); session.save(); vm.checkin(preferences.getPath()); } else pluginPreferences = preferences.getNode(pluginPreferencesName); return pluginPreferences; } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JcrUtils.discardQuietly(session); throw new EclipseUiException("Cannot retrieve preferences", e); } } @Override public void load() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; ByteArrayInputStream in = null; try { Properties props = new Properties(); PropertyIterator it = getPreferenceNode().getProperties(); while (it.hasNext()) { Property p = it.nextProperty(); if (!p.isMultiple() && !p.getDefinition().isProtected()) { props.setProperty(p.getName(), p.getValue().getString()); } } out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); props.store(out, ""); in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); load(in); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new EclipseUiException("Cannot load preferences", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } @Override public void save() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; ByteArrayInputStream in = null; Node pluginPreferences = null; try { out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); save(out, ""); in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(in); pluginPreferences = getPreferenceNode(); VersionManager vm = pluginPreferences.getSession().getWorkspace() .getVersionManager(); vm.checkout(pluginPreferences.getPath()); for (Object key : props.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); String value = props.getProperty(name); pluginPreferences.setProperty(name, value); } JcrUtils.updateLastModified(pluginPreferences); pluginPreferences.getSession().save(); vm.checkin(pluginPreferences.getPath()); } catch (Exception e) { JcrUtils.discardUnderlyingSessionQuietly(pluginPreferences); throw new EclipseUiException("Cannot save preferences", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } public void init() { try { load(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EclipseUiException("Cannot initialize preference store", e); } } public void setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; } public void setBundleContext(BundleContext bundleContext) { this.bundleContext = bundleContext; } }