package org.argeo.cms.jshell; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.UUID; import org.argeo.api.cms.CmsLog; import org.argeo.internal.cms.jshell.osgi.OsgiExecutionControlProvider; import jdk.jshell.tool.JavaShellToolBuilder; class LocalJShellSession implements Runnable { private final static CmsLog log = CmsLog.getLog(LocalJShellSession.class); private UUID uuid; private Path sessionDir; private String fromBundle = "org.argeo.cms.jshell"; private Path stdioPath; private Path stderrPath; private Path cmdioPath; private Thread replThread; LocalJShellSession(Path sessionDir) { this.sessionDir = sessionDir; this.uuid = UUID.fromString(sessionDir.getFileName().toString()); stdioPath = sessionDir.resolve(JShellClient.STDIO); replThread = new Thread(this, "JShell " + sessionDir); replThread.start(); } public void run() { log.debug(() -> "Started JShell session " + sessionDir); try (SocketPipeMirror std = new SocketPipeMirror()) { // prepare jshell tool builder JavaShellToolBuilder builder = JavaShellToolBuilder.builder();, null); builder.interactiveTerminal(true); builder.out(new PrintStream(std.getOutputStream())); // UnixDomainSocketAddress ioSocketAddress = JSchellClient.ioSocketAddress(); // Files.deleteIfExists(ioSocketAddress.getPath()); UnixDomainSocketAddress stdSocketAddress = UnixDomainSocketAddress.of(stdioPath); try (ServerSocketChannel stdServerChannel = { stdServerChannel.bind(stdSocketAddress); try (SocketChannel channel = stdServerChannel.accept()) {; String frameworkLocation = System.getProperty("osgi.framework"); StringJoiner classpath = new StringJoiner(File.pathSeparator); classpath.add(Paths.get(URI.create(frameworkLocation)).toAbsolutePath().toString()); ClassLoader cmsJShellBundleCL = OsgiExecutionControlProvider.class.getClassLoader(); ClassLoader currentContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { // we need our own class loader so that Java service loader // finds our ExecutionControlProvider implementation Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(cmsJShellBundleCL); // // START JSHELL // int exitCode = builder.start("--execution", "osgi:bundle(" + fromBundle + ")", "--class-path", classpath.toString()); // log.debug("JShell " + sessionDir + " completed with exit code " + exitCode); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentContextClassLoader); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("JShell " + sessionDir + " failed", e); } finally { cleanUp(); } } void cleanUp() { try { if (Files.exists(stdioPath)) Files.delete(stdioPath); if (Files.exists(sessionDir)) Files.delete(sessionDir); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Cannot clean up JShell " + sessionDir, e); } } // void addChild(Path p) throws IOException { // if (replThread != null) // throw new IllegalStateException("JShell " + sessionDir + " is already started"); // // if (STDIO.equals(p.getFileName().toString())) { // stdioPath = p; // } else if (STDERR.equals(p.getFileName().toString())) { // stderrPath = p; // } else if (CMDIO.equals(p.getFileName().toString())) { // cmdioPath = p; // } else { // log.warn("Unkown file name " + p.getFileName() + " in " + sessionDir); // } // // // check that all paths are available // // if (stdioPath != null && stderrPath != null && cmdioPath != null) { // if (stdioPath != null) { // replThread = new Thread(this, "JShell " + sessionDir); // replThread.start(); // } // } }