Upload of attachments to a test result This allows to attach ANY Spring resource (for example the one created above but not only, since it can also be classpath: or osgibundle: Resources or ANY file on the file system where the agent is running (e.g. Mx *.mxres files on a server...)) In order to use it: [[1]] First reference an attachment uploader service via OSGi (it is provided by the standard agent): +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ [[1]] Then use an UploadAttachment task: +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ You have to specify an Attachment object with at least a 'name', you can also specify a 'contentType', but the server will recognize common extension of the name. You have to specify a (Spring) Resource, for example the one that you created before (the name of the attachment doesn't have to be the name of the file). Just doing this will already upload a file to the server, but if you want to access it you need to bind it to some object, typically a TreeTestResult. You can provide a list of AttachmentEnabled objects (only TreeTestResult implements it so far). You could use directly Spring Resource URL, e.g.: +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ You can also upload and attach many attachments in one shot. In that case provide a Map with the keys being Attachment objects and the values Resource objects. E.g.: +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ Retrieving the resources from this bean: +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ [[1]] You can access the attachments from the Web UI by selecting a result in the list in the results perspective. You will see that a new button 'Attachment' in the toolbar get activated (if there are any attachments).