/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0. * * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary * Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the * Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, * version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at * https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 */ package com.sun.mail.mbox; import java.io.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Date; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import javax.activation.*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import javax.mail.event.MessageChangedEvent; import com.sun.mail.util.LineInputStream; /** * This class represents an RFC822 style email message that resides in a file. * * @author Bill Shannon */ public class MboxMessage extends MimeMessage { boolean writable = false; // original msg flags, used by MboxFolder to detect modification Flags origFlags; /* * A UNIX From line looks like: * From address Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY */ String unix_from; InternetAddress unix_from_user; Date rcvDate; int lineCount = -1; private static OutputStream nullOutputStream = new OutputStream() { public void write(int b) { } public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) { } }; /** * Construct an MboxMessage from the InputStream. */ public MboxMessage(Session session, InputStream is) throws MessagingException, IOException { super(session); BufferedInputStream bis; if (is instanceof BufferedInputStream) bis = (BufferedInputStream)is; else bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); LineInputStream dis = new LineInputStream(bis); bis.mark(1024); String line = dis.readLine(); if (line != null && line.startsWith("From ")) this.unix_from = line; else bis.reset(); parse(bis); saved = true; } /** * Construct an MboxMessage using the given InternetHeaders object * and content from an InputStream. */ public MboxMessage(MboxFolder folder, InternetHeaders hdrs, InputStream is, int msgno, String unix_from, boolean writable) throws MessagingException { super(folder, hdrs, null, msgno); setFlagsFromHeaders(); origFlags = getFlags(); this.unix_from = unix_from; this.writable = writable; this.contentStream = is; } /** * Returns the "From" attribute. The "From" attribute contains * the identity of the person(s) who wished this message to * be sent.

* * If our superclass doesn't have a value, we return the address * from the UNIX From line. * * @return array of Address objects * @exception MessagingException */ public Address[] getFrom() throws MessagingException { Address[] ret = super.getFrom(); if (ret == null) { InternetAddress ia = getUnixFrom(); if (ia != null) ret = new InternetAddress[] { ia }; } return ret; } /** * Returns the address from the UNIX "From" line. * * @return UNIX From address * @exception MessagingException */ public synchronized InternetAddress getUnixFrom() throws MessagingException { if (unix_from_user == null && unix_from != null) { int i; // find the space after the address, before the date i = unix_from.indexOf(' ', 5); if (i > 5) { try { unix_from_user = new InternetAddress(unix_from.substring(5, i)); } catch (AddressException e) { // ignore it } } } return unix_from_user != null ? (InternetAddress)unix_from_user.clone() : null; } private String getUnixFromLine() { if (unix_from != null) return unix_from; String from = "unknown"; try { Address[] froma = getFrom(); if (froma != null && froma.length > 0 && froma[0] instanceof InternetAddress) from = ((InternetAddress)froma[0]).getAddress(); } catch (MessagingException ex) { } Date d = null; try { d = getSentDate(); } catch (MessagingException ex) { // ignore } if (d == null) d = new Date(); // From shannon Mon Jun 10 12:06:52 2002 SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE LLL dd HH:mm:ss yyyy"); return "From " + from + " " + fmt.format(d); } /** * Get the date this message was received, from the UNIX From line. * * @return the date this message was received * @exception MessagingException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // for Date constructor public Date getReceivedDate() throws MessagingException { if (rcvDate == null && unix_from != null) { int i; // find the space after the address, before the date i = unix_from.indexOf(' ', 5); if (i > 5) { try { rcvDate = new Date(unix_from.substring(i)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // ignore it } } } return rcvDate == null ? null : new Date(rcvDate.getTime()); } /** * Return the number of lines for the content of this message. * Return -1 if this number cannot be determined.

* * Note that this number may not be an exact measure of the * content length and may or may not account for any transfer * encoding of the content.

* * This implementation returns -1. * * @return number of lines in the content. * @exception MessagingException */ public int getLineCount() throws MessagingException { if (lineCount < 0 && isMimeType("text/plain")) { LineCounter lc = null; // writeTo will set the SEEN flag, remember the original state boolean seen = isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); try { lc = new LineCounter(nullOutputStream); getDataHandler().writeTo(lc); lineCount = lc.getLineCount(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore it, can't happen } finally { try { if (lc != null) lc.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // can't happen } } if (!seen) setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, false); } return lineCount; } /** * Set the specified flags on this message to the specified value. * * @param flags the flags to be set * @param set the value to be set */ public void setFlags(Flags newFlags, boolean set) throws MessagingException { Flags oldFlags = (Flags)flags.clone(); super.setFlags(newFlags, set); if (!flags.equals(oldFlags)) { setHeadersFromFlags(this); if (folder != null) ((MboxFolder)folder).notifyMessageChangedListeners( MessageChangedEvent.FLAGS_CHANGED, this); } } /** * Return the content type, mapping from SunV3 types to MIME types * as necessary. */ public String getContentType() throws MessagingException { String ct = super.getContentType(); if (ct.indexOf('/') < 0) ct = SunV3BodyPart.MimeV3Map.toMime(ct); return ct; } /** * Produce the raw bytes of the content. This method is used during * parsing, to create a DataHandler object for the content. Subclasses * that can provide a separate input stream for just the message * content might want to override this method.

* * This implementation just returns a ByteArrayInputStream constructed * out of the content byte array. * * @see #content */ protected InputStream getContentStream() throws MessagingException { if (folder != null) ((MboxFolder)folder).checkOpen(); if (isExpunged()) throw new MessageRemovedException("mbox message expunged"); if (!isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); return super.getContentStream(); } /** * Return a DataHandler for this Message's content. * If this is a SunV3 multipart message, handle it specially. * * @exception MessagingException */ public synchronized DataHandler getDataHandler() throws MessagingException { if (dh == null) { // XXX - Following is a kludge to avoid having to register // the "multipart/x-sun-attachment" data type with the JAF. String ct = getContentType(); if (ct.equalsIgnoreCase("multipart/x-sun-attachment")) dh = new DataHandler( new SunV3Multipart(new MimePartDataSource(this)), ct); else return super.getDataHandler(); // will set "dh" } return dh; } // here only to allow package private access from MboxFolder protected void setMessageNumber(int msgno) { super.setMessageNumber(msgno); } // here to synchronize access to expunged field public synchronized boolean isExpunged() { return super.isExpunged(); } // here to synchronize and to allow access from MboxFolder protected synchronized void setExpunged(boolean expunged) { super.setExpunged(expunged); } // XXX - We assume that only body parts that are part of a SunV3 // multipart will use the SunV3 headers (X-Sun-Content-Length, // X-Sun-Content-Lines, X-Sun-Data-Type, X-Sun-Encoding-Info, // X-Sun-Data-Description, X-Sun-Data-Name) so we don't handle // them here. /** * Set the flags for this message based on the Status, * X-Status, and X-Dt-Delete-Time headers. * * SIMS 2.0: * "X-Status: DFAT", deleted, flagged, answered, draft. * Unset flags represented as "$". * User flags not supported. * * University of Washington IMAP server: * "X-Status: DFAT", deleted, flagged, answered, draft. * Unset flags not present. * "X-Keywords: userflag1 userflag2" */ private synchronized void setFlagsFromHeaders() { flags = new Flags(Flags.Flag.RECENT); try { String s = getHeader("Status", null); if (s != null) { if (s.indexOf('R') >= 0) flags.add(Flags.Flag.SEEN); if (s.indexOf('O') >= 0) flags.remove(Flags.Flag.RECENT); } s = getHeader("X-Dt-Delete-Time", null); // set by dtmail if (s != null) flags.add(Flags.Flag.DELETED); s = getHeader("X-Status", null); // set by IMAP server if (s != null) { if (s.indexOf('D') >= 0) flags.add(Flags.Flag.DELETED); if (s.indexOf('F') >= 0) flags.add(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED); if (s.indexOf('A') >= 0) flags.add(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED); if (s.indexOf('T') >= 0) flags.add(Flags.Flag.DRAFT); } s = getHeader("X-Keywords", null); // set by IMAP server if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) flags.add(st.nextToken()); } } catch (MessagingException e) { // ignore it } } /** * Set the various header fields that represent the message flags. */ static void setHeadersFromFlags(MimeMessage msg) { try { Flags flags = msg.getFlags(); StringBuilder status = new StringBuilder(); if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) status.append('R'); if (!flags.contains(Flags.Flag.RECENT)) status.append('O'); if (status.length() > 0) msg.setHeader("Status", status.toString()); else msg.removeHeader("Status"); boolean sims = false; String s = msg.getHeader("X-Status", null); // is it a SIMS 2.0 format X-Status header? sims = s != null && s.length() == 4 && s.indexOf('$') >= 0; status.setLength(0); if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.DELETED)) status.append('D'); else if (sims) status.append('$'); if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED)) status.append('F'); else if (sims) status.append('$'); if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED)) status.append('A'); else if (sims) status.append('$'); if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.DRAFT)) status.append('T'); else if (sims) status.append('$'); if (status.length() > 0) msg.setHeader("X-Status", status.toString()); else msg.removeHeader("X-Status"); String[] userFlags = flags.getUserFlags(); if (userFlags.length > 0) { status.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < userFlags.length; i++) status.append(userFlags[i]).append(' '); status.setLength(status.length() - 1); // smash trailing space msg.setHeader("X-Keywords", status.toString()); } if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.DELETED)) { s = msg.getHeader("X-Dt-Delete-Time", null); if (s == null) // XXX - should be time msg.setHeader("X-Dt-Delete-Time", "1"); } } catch (MessagingException e) { // ignore it } } protected void updateHeaders() throws MessagingException { super.updateHeaders(); setHeadersFromFlags(this); } /** * Save any changes made to this message. */ public void saveChanges() throws MessagingException { if (folder != null) ((MboxFolder)folder).checkOpen(); if (isExpunged()) throw new MessageRemovedException("mbox message expunged"); if (!writable) throw new MessagingException("Message is read-only"); super.saveChanges(); try { /* * Count the size of the body, in order to set the Content-Length * header. (Should we only do this to update an existing * Content-Length header?) * XXX - We could cache the content bytes here, for use later * in writeTo. */ ContentLengthCounter cos = new ContentLengthCounter(); OutputStream os = new NewlineOutputStream(cos); super.writeTo(os); os.flush(); setHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(cos.getSize())); // setContentSize((int)cos.getSize()); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MessagingException("unexpected exception " + e); } } /** * Expose modified flag to MboxFolder. */ boolean isModified() { return modified; } /** * Put out a byte stream suitable for saving to a file. * XXX - ultimately implement "ignore headers" here? */ public void writeToFile(OutputStream os) throws IOException { try { if (getHeader("Content-Length") == null) { /* * Count the size of the body, in order to set the * Content-Length header. */ ContentLengthCounter cos = new ContentLengthCounter(); OutputStream oos = new NewlineOutputStream(cos); super.writeTo(oos, null); oos.flush(); setHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(cos.getSize())); // setContentSize((int)cos.getSize()); } os = new NewlineOutputStream(os, true); PrintStream pos = new PrintStream(os, false, "iso-8859-1"); pos.println(getUnixFromLine()); super.writeTo(pos, null); pos.flush(); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new IOException("unexpected exception " + e); } } public void writeTo(OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList) throws IOException, MessagingException { // set the SEEN flag now, which will normally be set by // getContentStream, so it will show up in our headers if (!isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); super.writeTo(os, ignoreList); } /** * Interpose on superclass method to make sure folder is still open * and message hasn't been expunged. */ public String[] getHeader(String name) throws MessagingException { if (folder != null) ((MboxFolder)folder).checkOpen(); if (isExpunged()) throw new MessageRemovedException("mbox message expunged"); return super.getHeader(name); } /** * Interpose on superclass method to make sure folder is still open * and message hasn't been expunged. */ public String getHeader(String name, String delimiter) throws MessagingException { if (folder != null) ((MboxFolder)folder).checkOpen(); if (isExpunged()) throw new MessageRemovedException("mbox message expunged"); return super.getHeader(name, delimiter); } }