]> git.argeo.org Git - gpl/argeo-jcr.git/blob - swt/org.argeo.cms.jcr.ui/bnd.bnd
Move Devops from Argeo JCR to SLC
[gpl/argeo-jcr.git] / swt / org.argeo.cms.jcr.ui / bnd.bnd
1 Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
3 Import-Package: org.eclipse.swt,\
4 org.eclipse.jface.window,\
5 org.eclipse.core.commands,\
6 javax.jcr.security,\
7 org.eclipse.rap.fileupload;version="[2.1,4)",\
8 org.eclipse.rap.rwt;version="[2.1,4)",\
9 org.eclipse.rap.rwt.application;version="[2.1,4)",\
10 org.eclipse.rap.rwt.client;version="[2.1,4)",\
11 org.eclipse.rap.rwt.client.service;version="[2.1,4)",\
12 org.eclipse.rap.rwt.service;version="[2.1,4)",\
13 org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets;version="[2.1,4)",\
14 org.osgi.*;version=0.0.0,\
15 javax.servlet.*;version="[3,5)",\
16 *
18 ## TODO: in order to enable single sourcing, we have introduced dummy RAP packages
19 # in the RCP specific bundle org.argeo.eclipse.ui.rap.
20 # this was working with RAP 2.x but since we upgrade Rap to 3.1.x,
21 # there is a version range issue cause org.argeo.eclipse.ui.rap bundle is still in 2.x
22 # We enable large RAP version range as a workaround that must be fixed