]> git.argeo.org Git - gpl/argeo-slc.git/blob - org.argeo.slc.webapp/src/main/webapp/argeo-ria-src/class/org/argeo/ria/components/TabbedViewPane.js
"Confirm" mode in Modal
[gpl/argeo-slc.git] / org.argeo.slc.webapp / src / main / webapp / argeo-ria-src / class / org / argeo / ria / components / TabbedViewPane.js
1 qx.Class.define("org.argeo.ria.components.TabbedViewPane",
2 {
3 extend : qx.ui.container.Composite,
4 implement : [org.argeo.ria.components.ILoadStatusable],
6 /**
7 * @param viewId {String} Unique id of this viewPane
8 * @param viewTitle {String} Readable Title of this viewPane
9 * @param splitPaneData {Map} Additionnal data to be used by splitpanes implementations.
10 */
11 construct : function(viewId, viewTitle){
12 this.base(arguments);
13 this.setViewId(viewId);
14 this._defaultViewTitle = viewTitle;
15 this.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Canvas());
16 this.blurredDecorator = new qx.ui.decoration.Uniform(1, "solid", "#000");
17 this.blurredDecorator.setBackgroundImage("decoration/app-header.png");
18 this.blurredDecorator.setBackgroundRepeat("scale");
19 this.setDecorator(this.blurredDecorator);
21 this.focusedDecorator = new qx.ui.decoration.Uniform(1, "solid", "#065fb2");
22 this.focusedDecorator.setBackgroundImage("decoration/app-header.png");
23 this.focusedDecorator.setBackgroundRepeat("scale");
25 this.tabView = new qx.ui.tabview.TabView();
26 this.tabView.setAppearance("widget");
27 // Empty mode
28 this.add(this.tabView, {top: 7, width:"100%", bottom:0});
29 this.tabView.setBackgroundColor("#fff");
30 this.tabView.setMarginTop(27);
32 this.tabView.addListener("changeSelected", function(){
33 this.fireEvent("changeSelection");
34 }, this);
37 this.setFocusable(true);
38 this.addListener("click", function(e){
39 this.fireDataEvent("changeFocus", this);
40 }, this);
42 this.pageIds = {};
43 },
45 properties : {
46 /**
47 * Unique id of the pane
48 */
49 viewId : {init:""},
50 /**
51 * Human-readable title for this view
52 */
53 viewTitle : {init:"", event:"changeViewTitle"},
54 /**
55 * Has its own scrollable content
56 */
57 ownScrollable : {init: false, check:"Boolean"},
58 /**
59 * Map of commands definition
60 * @see org.argeo.ria.event.Command
61 */
62 commands : {init : null, nullable:true, check:"Map"}
64 },
66 members : {
67 contentExists : function(contentId){
68 if(this.pageIds[contentId]){
69 this.tabView.setSelected(this.pageIds[contentId]);
70 return this.pageIds[contentId].getUserData("argeoria.iview");
71 }
72 },
73 setContent : function(content){
74 if(!this.tabView.getChildren().length){
75 this.tabView.setBackgroundColor("transparent");
76 this.tabView.setMarginTop(0);
77 }
78 var contentId = content.getInstanceId();
79 var page = new qx.ui.tabview.Page(content.getInstanceLabel());
80 this.pageIds[contentId] = page;
81 page.setPadding(0);
82 page.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Canvas());
83 page.add(content, {width:"100%", top:0, bottom:0});
84 this.tabView.add(page);
85 page.setUserData("argeoria.iview", content);
86 content.getViewSelection().addListener("changeSelection", function(e){
87 this.fireEvent("changeSelection");
88 }, this);
89 this.tabView.setSelected(page);
90 },
91 getContent : function(){
92 if(this._getCrtPage()){
93 return this._getCrtPage().getUserData("argeoria.iview");
94 }
95 return null;
96 },
97 getViewSelection : function(){
98 if(!this.getContent()) return null;
99 return this.getContent().getViewSelection();
100 },
101 _getCrtPage : function(){
102 return this.tabView.getSelected();
103 },
104 closeCurrent : function(){
105 var crtPage = this._getCrtPage();
106 if(!crtPage) return;
107 var iView = crtPage.getUserData("argeoria.iview");
108 var iViewInstance = iView.getInstanceId();
109 iView.close();
110 this.tabView.remove(crtPage);
111 delete(this.pageIds[iViewInstance]);
112 if(!this.tabView.getChildren().length){ // No more tabs : remove commands!
113 if(this.getCommands()){
114 org.argeo.ria.event.CommandsManager.getInstance().removeCommands(this.getCommands(), this.getViewId());
115 this.setCommands(null);
116 }
117 this.tabView.setBackgroundColor("#fff");
118 this.tabView.setMarginTop(27);
119 }
120 },
121 empty : function(){
122 var crtPage = this._getCrtPage();
123 while(crtPage){
124 this.closeCurrent();
125 crtPage = this._getCrtPage();
126 }
127 },
128 setOnLoad : function(load){
130 },
131 focus : function(){
132 if(this.hasFocus) return;
133 this.fireEvent("changeSelection");
134 this.setDecorator(this.focusedDecorator);
135 this.hasFocus = true;
136 },
137 blur : function(){
138 this.hasFocus = false;
139 this.setDecorator(this.blurredDecorator);
140 }
141 }
142 });