]> git.argeo.org Git - gpl/argeo-slc.git/blob - org.argeo.slc.webapp/src/main/webapp/argeo-ria-src/class/org/argeo/ria/components/Modal.js
"Confirm" mode in Modal
[gpl/argeo-slc.git] / org.argeo.slc.webapp / src / main / webapp / argeo-ria-src / class / org / argeo / ria / components / Modal.js
1 /**
2 * Generic modal popup window.
3 * It is layed out with a dock layout. When adding components to it, they are added as "center".
4 * @author Charles du Jeu
5 */
6 qx.Class.define("org.argeo.ria.components.Modal",
7 {
8 extend : qx.ui.window.Window,
10 events : {
11 "ok" : "qx.event.type.Event"
12 },
13 /**
14 *
15 * @param caption {String} Title of the window
16 * @param icon {String} Icon of the window
17 * @param text {String} Default content of the window.
18 */
19 construct : function(caption, icon, text){
20 this.base(arguments, caption, icon);
21 this.set({
22 showMaximize : false,
23 showMinimize : false,
24 width: 200,
25 height: 150
26 });
27 this.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Dock());
28 this.setModal(true);
29 this.center();
30 if(text){
31 this.addLabel(text);
32 }
33 },
35 members : {
36 /**
37 * Display text inside the popup
38 * @param text {String} A string content for the popup
39 */
40 addLabel:function(text){
41 var label = new qx.ui.basic.Label(text);
42 label.setRich(true);
43 label.setTextAlign("center");
44 this.add(label, {edge:'center', width:'100%'});
45 this.addCloseButton();
46 },
47 addConfirm : function(text){
48 var label = new qx.ui.basic.Label(text);
49 label.setRich(true);
50 label.setTextAlign("center");
51 this.add(label, {edge:'center', width:'100%'});
52 this.addOkCancel();
53 },
54 /**
55 * Display a component (panel) in the center of the popup
56 * @param panel {qx.ui.core.Widget} A gui component (will be set at width 100%).
57 */
58 addContent: function(panel){
59 this.add(panel, {edge:'center', width:'100%'});
60 this.addCloseButton();
61 },
62 /**
63 * Automatically attach to the application root, then show.
64 */
65 attachAndShow:function(){
66 org.argeo.ria.components.ViewsManager.getInstance().getApplicationRoot().add(this);
67 this.show();
68 },
69 /**
70 * Adds a close button bottom-center aligned to the popup
71 */
72 addCloseButton : function(){
73 this.closeButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Close");
74 this.closeButton.addListener("execute", this._closeAndDestroy, this);
75 this.add(this.closeButton, {edge:'south'});
76 },
77 /**
78 * Adds two buttons bottom-center aligned (Ok and Cancel).
79 * Ok button has no listener by default, Cancel will close and destroy the popup.
80 */
81 addOkCancel : function(){
82 var buttonPane = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5, 'right'));
83 buttonPane.setAlignX("center");
84 this.add(buttonPane, {edge:"south"});
85 this.okButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Ok");
86 this.okButton.addListener("execute", function(e){
87 this.fireEvent("ok");
88 this._closeAndDestroy();
89 }, this);
90 this.cancelButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Cancel");
91 this.cancelButton.addListener("execute", this._closeAndDestroy, this);
92 buttonPane.add(this.okButton);
93 buttonPane.add(this.cancelButton);
94 },
95 /**
96 * Adds a prompt form to the popup : a question, followed by a text input.
97 * @param questionString {String} The question to ask to the user
98 * @param validationCallback {Function} Callback to apply : takes the text input value as unique argument.
99 * @param callbackContext {Object} Context for the callback, optional.
100 */
101 makePromptForm:function(questionString, validationCallback, callbackContext){
102 this.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label(questionString), {edge:'north'});
103 var textField = new qx.ui.form.TextField();
104 textField.setMarginTop(20);
105 this.add(textField, {edge:'center'});
106 this.addOkCancel();
107 if(callbackContext){
108 validationCallback = qx.lang.Function.bind(validationCallback, callbackContext);
109 }
110 this.okButton.addListener("execute", function(e){
111 var valid = validationCallback(textField.getValue());
112 if(valid) this._closeAndDestroy();
113 }, this);
114 },
115 /**
116 * Close this modal window and destroy it.
117 */
118 _closeAndDestroy : function(){
119 this.hide();
120 this.destroy();
121 }
122 }
123 });