]> git.argeo.org Git - gpl/argeo-slc.git/blob - dep/org.argeo.slc.dep.minimal/pom.xml
Adapt to the introduction of legacy in Argeo TP and Commons.
[gpl/argeo-slc.git] / dep / org.argeo.slc.dep.minimal / pom.xml
1 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
2 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
3 <parent>
4 <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId>
5 <artifactId>dep</artifactId>
6 <version>2.1.17-SNAPSHOT</version>
7 <relativePath>..</relativePath>
8 </parent>
9 <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.dep.minimal</artifactId>
10 <name>SLC Agent</name>
11 <build>
12 <plugins>
13 <plugin>
14 <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId>
15 <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId>
16 <configuration>
17 <instructions>
18 <SLC-ModularDistribution>default</SLC-ModularDistribution>
19 </instructions>
20 </configuration>
21 </plugin>
22 <plugin>
23 <groupId>org.argeo.maven.plugins</groupId>
24 <artifactId>argeo-osgi-plugin</artifactId>
25 <executions>
26 <execution>
27 <id>generate-descriptors</id>
28 <goals>
29 <goal>descriptors</goal>
30 </goals>
31 <phase>generate-resources</phase>
32 </execution>
33 </executions>
34 </plugin>
35 <!-- <plugin> -->
36 <!-- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> -->
37 <!-- <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId> -->
38 <!-- <executions> -->
39 <!-- <execution> -->
40 <!-- <id>copy-dependencies</id> -->
41 <!-- <phase>package</phase> -->
42 <!-- <goals> -->
43 <!-- <goal>copy-dependencies</goal> -->
44 <!-- </goals> -->
45 <!-- </execution> -->
46 <!-- </executions> -->
47 <!-- </plugin> -->
48 </plugins>
49 </build>
50 <dependencies>
51 <!-- Parent dependencies -->
52 <dependency>
53 <groupId>org.argeo.commons</groupId>
54 <artifactId>org.argeo.dep.cms.node</artifactId>
55 <version>${version.argeo-commons}</version>
56 </dependency>
58 <!-- Absolutely minimal SLC Agent -->
59 <dependency>
60 <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId>
61 <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.api</artifactId>
62 <version>2.1.17-SNAPSHOT</version>
63 </dependency>
64 <dependency>
65 <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId>
66 <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.core</artifactId>
67 <version>2.1.17-SNAPSHOT</version>
68 </dependency>
69 <dependency>
70 <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId>
71 <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.agent</artifactId>
72 <version>2.1.17-SNAPSHOT</version>
73 </dependency>
75 <!-- CLI Agent -->
76 <!-- <dependency> -->
77 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId> -->
78 <!-- <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.launcher</artifactId> -->
79 <!-- <version>1.1.12-SNAPSHOT</version> -->
80 <!-- </dependency> -->
81 <!-- <dependency> -->
82 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId> -->
83 <!-- <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.agent.cli</artifactId> -->
84 <!-- <version>2.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version> -->
85 <!-- </dependency> -->
87 <!-- JCR Agent -->
88 <dependency>
89 <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId>
90 <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.agent.jcr</artifactId>
91 <version>2.1.17-SNAPSHOT</version>
92 </dependency>
93 <!-- <dependency> -->
94 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.slc</groupId> -->
95 <!-- <artifactId>org.argeo.slc.node.jackrabbit</artifactId> -->
96 <!-- <version>2.1.5-SNAPSHOT</version> -->
97 <!-- </dependency> -->
100 <!-- Base Spring dependency -->
101 <!-- <dependency> -->
102 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
103 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.beans</artifactId> -->
104 <!-- </dependency> -->
105 <!-- <dependency> -->
106 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
107 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.core</artifactId> -->
108 <!-- </dependency> -->
109 <!-- <dependency> -->
110 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.javax</groupId> -->
111 <!-- <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> -->
112 <!-- </dependency> -->
113 <!-- <dependency> -->
114 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.gemini</groupId> -->
115 <!-- <artifactId>org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.core</artifactId> -->
116 <!-- </dependency> -->
117 <!-- <dependency> -->
118 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.gemini</groupId> -->
119 <!-- <artifactId>org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender</artifactId> -->
120 <!-- </dependency> -->
121 <!-- <dependency> -->
122 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.gemini</groupId> -->
123 <!-- <artifactId>org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.io</artifactId> -->
124 <!-- </dependency> -->
125 <!-- <dependency> -->
126 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.misc</groupId> -->
127 <!-- <artifactId>org.aspectj.weaver</artifactId> -->
128 <!-- </dependency> -->
129 <!-- <dependency> -->
130 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.misc</groupId> -->
131 <!-- <artifactId>org.aopalliance</artifactId> -->
132 <!-- </dependency> -->
133 <!-- <dependency> -->
134 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
135 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.aop</artifactId> -->
136 <!-- </dependency> -->
137 <!-- <dependency> -->
138 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
139 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.context</artifactId> -->
140 <!-- </dependency> -->
141 <!-- <dependency> -->
142 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
143 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.expression</artifactId> -->
144 <!-- </dependency> -->
145 <!-- <dependency> -->
146 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
147 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.instrument</artifactId> -->
148 <!-- </dependency> -->
150 <!-- Spring -->
151 <!-- <dependency> -->
152 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
153 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.aspects</artifactId> -->
154 <!-- </dependency> -->
155 <!-- <dependency> -->
156 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
157 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.context.support</artifactId> -->
158 <!-- </dependency> -->
159 <!-- <dependency> -->
160 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
161 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.jdbc</artifactId> -->
162 <!-- </dependency> -->
163 <!-- <dependency> -->
164 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
165 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.tx</artifactId> -->
166 <!-- </dependency> -->
167 <!-- <dependency> -->
168 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
169 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.web</artifactId> -->
170 <!-- </dependency> -->
171 <!-- <dependency> -->
172 <!-- <groupId>org.argeo.tp.spring</groupId> -->
173 <!-- <artifactId>org.springframework.web.servlet</artifactId> -->
174 <!-- </dependency> -->
176 </dependencies>
177 <profiles>
178 <profile>
179 <id>rpmbuild</id>
180 <build>
181 <plugins>
182 <plugin>
183 <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
184 <executions>
185 <execution>
186 <id>prepare-source</id>
187 <phase>package</phase>
188 <goals>
189 <goal>single</goal>
190 </goals>
191 <configuration>
192 <descriptorRefs>
193 <descriptorRef>a2-source</descriptorRef>
194 </descriptorRefs>
195 </configuration>
196 </execution>
197 </executions>
198 </plugin>
199 <!-- <plugin> -->
200 <!-- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> -->
201 <!-- <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId> -->
202 <!-- <executions> -->
203 <!-- <execution> -->
204 <!-- <id>copy-argeo</id> -->
205 <!-- <phase>package</phase> -->
206 <!-- <goals> -->
207 <!-- <goal>copy-dependencies</goal> -->
208 <!-- </goals> -->
209 <!-- <configuration> -->
210 <!-- <includeTypes>jar</includeTypes> -->
211 <!-- <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}/lib-argeo</outputDirectory> -->
212 <!-- <includeGroupIds>org.argeo.slc</includeGroupIds> -->
213 <!-- <excludeTransitive>true</excludeTransitive> -->
214 <!-- <excludeArtifactIds>org.argeo.dep.cms.node</excludeArtifactIds> -->
215 <!-- <includeTypes>jar</includeTypes> -->
216 <!-- <includeScope>runtime</includeScope> -->
217 <!-- <useRepositoryLayout>true</useRepositoryLayout> -->
218 <!-- </configuration> -->
219 <!-- </execution> -->
220 <!-- </executions> -->
221 <!-- </plugin> -->
222 <plugin>
223 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
224 <artifactId>rpm-maven-plugin</artifactId>
225 <executions>
226 <execution>
227 <id>rpm-argeo</id>
228 <phase>package</phase>
229 <goals>
230 <goal>rpm</goal>
231 </goals>
232 <configuration>
233 <name>slc-agent</name>
234 <mappings>
235 <mapping>
236 <directory>/usr/share/osgi</directory>
237 <username>root</username>
238 <groupname>root</groupname>
239 <filemode>644</filemode>
240 <directoryIncluded>true</directoryIncluded>
241 <sources>
242 <source>
243 <location>${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-a2-source</location>
244 <includes>
245 <include>**/*.jar</include>
246 </includes>
247 </source>
248 </sources>
249 </mapping>
250 <!-- <mapping> -->
251 <!-- <directory>/usr/share/osgi/org/argeo/slc/${project.artifactId}/${project.version}</directory> -->
252 <!-- <username>root</username> -->
253 <!-- <groupname>root</groupname> -->
254 <!-- <directoryIncluded>false</directoryIncluded> -->
255 <!-- <artifact /> -->
256 <!-- </mapping> -->
257 </mappings>
258 <requires>
259 <require>argeo-cms-node</require>
260 </requires>
261 </configuration>
262 </execution>
263 </executions>
264 </plugin>
265 </plugins>
266 </build>
267 </profile>
268 </profiles>
269 </project>